
   Lin Beichen looked around, but did not find the dark red portal appeared.


   Is the battle not over yet?

   shouldn't be.

   When looking east and west, a dark red light appeared in the sky.

   The Lord of Lan, who hadn't seen him for a long time, appeared in the void with his feet on his feet.

   Lin Beichen suddenly became alert.

   This girl doesn't look like a good person.

Just now, the major gods were fighting for life and death, and they didn't see this rotating'consultant' come out to persuade him-as the current master **** who is rightly in charge of the highest power of the wild gods, it is impossible to know what happened here, right? .

   However, even if he is prejudiced, Lin Beichen has to admit that the Lord Lan is a beauty.

   Autumn water is the **** jade and bone.

  Furong is the soul and ice is the soul.

   has a long body, graceful lines and beautiful hair.

  The golden hairpin shows nobleness without any trace.

  I wore a black gown, which was cut decently, as if it was attached to the body, and the charm of the Lanzhu God, which was even more set off, was amazing.

   There is a trace of sweetness in her dignified and delicate features, a trace of tenderness in the solemnity, the liveliness of a young woman, and the elegance of a young woman seems to be concentrated on the same person.

  Different breath and temperament are always changing the same.

   This is a strange and charming goddess.

   Especially its status, if it can be conquered, it will make men feel more fulfilled.

   Lin Beichen saluted and said: "I have seen Mianxia."

  Land Lord God's eyes swept Lin Beichen's eyes, nodded slightly, and looked at the devastated wailing abyss, and sighed.

   didn't know whether he was sighing, howling, and the abyss was destroyed, or sighing something else.

   She stroked her long sleeves gently.

  The soft, dark red light shines into the sky.

   Wherever he went, the Howling Abyss seemed to be a swift turn back in time. It returned to normal within a few tens of seconds. It was transformed from the basin into a line of canyons and abysses. Pieces of giant ice rocks floated up and re-formed the ancient bridge.


   Lin Beichen gave a big like in his heart.

   This is the resurrected ginseng fruit tree of Goddess of Mercy.

   Is it possible that Lan Zhu Shen is good at treatment?

Thinking in my heart, I listened to the Lord God Lan, “Congratulations, Jian Xiaoyao, you are the champion of the God’s Choice Contest. According to the rules of the contest, you will get a God’s combat skill, a reward of ten thousand sacred stones, and free choice to join. The power of any Protoss, but since you are already the family of the Lord of Sword, if you want to join other Protoss, you must first abandon the Lord of Sword..."

Speaking of this, there was a meaningful look on the face of Lord Lan, and he added directly, saying: "This seat admires you very much. If you want, you can directly join the Great Desolate Protoss. This seat allows you to be a temple. The first general."

   This sentence was clearly and clearly transmitted to the ears of countless people through the superconducting crystal projection screen.

   Many people were crazy about it, and instantly fell into manic envy, jealousy and hatred.

   How lucky is it to be favored by the first goddess of the gods, Lanzhu Shen?

   Jian Xiaoyao will definitely agree without hesitation?



   "You're done, you will be prying the corner."

   "Pry and pry."

   "From what I know about you, when you just said this, you were actually a little nervous."

   "Cut, impossible. If it weren't for this dog man to participate in the competition, I wouldn't crack and accept him as a family member. This is delaying my cultivation path. Now he has to roll, it would be better."

   "You are insincere, when you say this, can you not tear your skirt with your hands, you can see that your big white legs are exposed."

   "Hee hee, give you a touch?"

   "Don't be poor, hurry up and prepare our follow-up plan, and send the key to Jian Xiaoyao."

   "Hehe, don't worry, I have arranged it."



   With countless gazes across the projection screen, Lin Beichen said without hesitation: "I still choose the Lord of the Sword Protoss, it's good."

   Isn't this nonsense.

   I am just a stowaway.

   What if I abandon the dog goddess Jianxue Wuming, this guy directly reports that I am a black household?

   And she has been embarrassed and deeply bound, and it is too late to cut.

   Alas, I had to walk all the way to dark.

   Lin Beichen's heart is full of slander and complaints.

   His answer caused countless people across the projection screen to fall through their glasses.

   also made the Lord Lan stunned slightly, and there was a slight strange color in his wonderful eyes.

"you sure?"

   She spoke for the second time rarely, and said: "You have to think clearly, the meaning of this decision to you may be beyond your imagination."

   Lin Beichen turned around and said: "Compared with the selection of the Protoss, I am more interested in the position of God.

  The winner of the contest can enter the Pantheon and choose a **** position of your choice.

   Young Master Lin is now a dual **** of sword immortal and desolate god.

   If you get another **** position, it will be the three **** position.

  According to the previous bad idea of ​​the dog goddess Jianxue Wuming, obtaining the five great gods is of great significance for finally advancing the [Five Qi Chao Yuan Jue] to the stage of Consummation.

   So when you have a chance, give it a try.

  Lord Lan, watching Lin Beichen's full three breaths, nodded slowly, and said, "Very well, I hope you don't regret your choice today."

   Have you seen it, goddess of dog.

   I rejected the Lord God for you.

   You will treat me better from now on.

   Lin Beichen secretly said in his heart.

  Lord Lan's expression resumed as usual, saying: "One of the rewards for the champion of the competition is indeed a god-given position. You can enter the [Pantheon] to choose your own choice. If you have fate, you can get a god-position that suits you."

   The palm of the hand stretched out.

   An ink-colored arrow-shaped token appeared in front of Lin Beichen.

   "This is a token to enter the Pantheon."

  Land Lord God said: "Your combat skills and spiritual knowledge rewards have all been placed in the Pantheon. Go away."

   After finishing speaking, there was a glimmer of light.

  Land Lord God left directly and disappeared in the same place.

   At the same time, a dark red teleportation door appeared above the Howling Abyss.


   Is this the end?

   Lin Beichen has a sense of unfulfilled meaning.

  , anyhow, is also the champion of the God’s Choice Contest. He has become a man who focuses his eyes on the gods. There is no award ceremony, or a few white and beautiful long-legged goddesses to present flowers or something?

   is really perfunctory.

   Lin Beichen stepped into the dark red portal.

   The next moment, time and space change.

  He came to the central temple area of ​​the Great Desolate God City.

   In front of him is the towering Pantheon.

   The square and square architectural style is like a cube, horizontally between the sky and the earth, connected with the black dome on the top, and connected with the city of God on the bottom. It is more appropriate than a hall, but a tower.

   The black rock outside the hall has strange textures, like a screenshot of a distant starry sky, with dark red swirling around it, during which you can faintly see the light filaments of different attribute forces such as lightning, flame, wind, water, light and darkness.

   "But the new champion Jian Xiaoyao?"

   A clear and gentle voice came.

   When Lin Beichen looked at it, he saw a tall and thin young **** general with ten Great Desolate Race **** warriors waiting outside the Pantheon, arching his hands slightly and saluting himself.

  He doesn't know this **** general.

   If Qianlong was there, he would scream in shock.


About ten minutes early... Gan

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