"One, two, three, four... a total of ten components."

   Lin Beichen took out all the components of the [Immortal King Set].

   are item protection, shoulder armor, bright light armor, belly armor, front and rear crotch armor, golden dragon buckle belt, arm guard, leg armor, knee armor, cloud-head long-legged boots.

   is very complete.

   Together with the glove and helmet that Lin Beichen got before, there are 13 pieces in total.

   "I got rich."

   Lin Beichen's saliva is almost flowing down.

   Before relying on [Immortal Helm] and [Immortal Fist], Lin Beichen could kill even low-level gods.

   can see the power of this suit.

   If the [Immortal King Set] is collected, wouldn’t it be possible to fight high-level gods?

   Even if you are lucky, the time and place are right and you may break your wrists with the Lord God.

   turned his head and glanced at Jian Xue Wuming who was still'cutting the cake' on the stone wall, and Lin Beichen calmly began to refine the [Immortal King Set].

  Because he already had a helmet and glove refining in his body, the other armor kits instantly sensed the breath of a ‘companion’, swish and flew, and actively covered Lin Beichen’s body.

   "Tianma...Bah, it's the golden saint of the Great Wilderness seat, come on."

   Lin Beichen yelled in two places.

   Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding.

   The armor automatically covers the body and fits the body.

  The weight is increasing.

   Soon, Lin Beichen's whole body was covered in the pale golden heavy armor.

   "Ahem... I feel sealed."

   Lin Beichen runs his supernatural power.

   He has a great desolate position in his body, and the armor does not reject him.

  , coupled with the previous inspection of refining other armor parts, thoroughly refining the [Immortal King Set], for Lin Beichen, it is already a matter of familiarity.

   About an hour later.

   Refining is completed.

   Armor is finally no longer too burdensome.

   but it brought him huge resistance and boosting power.

   "If Pan Duoqing is still alive, his [Sunset Armor] can only tickle me..."

   "Huo Xie shot with all his strength, I'm afraid that even a white mark can't be left on this immortal king suit."

   "Moreover, the increase in divine power and strength... has reached about twenty times."

   "If you are proficient, the rate of increase may increase."

   "Even the main god..."

   Lin Beichen thought that in the end, he still didn't dare to commit adultery anymore.

Think about the scenes of the Lord of the Sun, the God of the Sun, the God of Guozhu and others fighting like the end of the world in the Howling Abyss that day. Lin Beichen felt that if he really met the Lord God, with his current power, it would probably be Unable to fully display the true power of the [Immortal King Set], you have to be killed in the armor by a living earthquake.

   So I still can’t get too floating.

   "However, even so, the power of this armor can be said to be against the sky."

   Lin Beichen couldn't be more satisfied.

   This time I stole the secret arsenal of the father of the gods with the dog goddess, nothing else, but just getting this set of armor is already a gain at the level of heaven.


   Lin Beichen suddenly exclaimed.

   With the refining and adaptation of the armor, some mysterious ‘knowledge’ also appeared in my mind.

   is about some usage methods of [Immortal King Set].

   Lin Beichen closed his eyes and meditated, gradually realizing.

   Suddenly, his heart moved.

The light gold armor on   , thirteen parts separated and flew, and then automatically assembled in the air.


   Thirteen armor parts are spliced ​​together to form a tall and burly ‘person’.

   Lin Beichen's faith moves again.

   This ‘person’ started to move.

   punches, kicks, spins, speeds, retreats, jumps.

high speed.

   The power is great.

   "Not only armor, but also a weapon."

   Lin Beichen praised it.

   At a critical moment, this [Immortal King Set] can become a second self, like a clone.

   just want to control the armor to accomplish some things, but the distance can't be too far.

   He thought in his heart, his mind moved again.

   Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding.

   The suit armor automatically decomposed, turned into thirteen dark golden light spots, and landed on him.

   It’s a little bit like the special effects scene when the Saints called the armor when they watched "Saint Seiya" in childhood.

   "Can resist, fight, and pretend."

   Lin Beichen was extremely satisfied with this armor.

and many more?

   pretend to be forced?

The word    is used on armor, which seems inappropriate.

   After all, it is pretending to be...

Lin Beichen concealed [The Immortal King Suit], thought for a moment, and collected all the worn-out women’s Tsing Yi, Hong Huangyin, and other items on the cabinet, such as the clothes, leather armor, broken knives, bowstrings and so on. Cloud Disk].

   The so-called thief does not go empty.

   All the things of the father of the gods must be taken away.

   He turned around and saw that Jian Xue Wuming was still'cutting the cake'.

   The huge stone wall of Godhead has been cut by her to the point that there is less than one-twentieth left.

   The key point is that while cutting, she twisted her waist excitedly and hummed a little tune: she used to blend the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys into the jelly,

   How about the old words? I am the invincible in this world, and the duckweed in the chaotic world bears with the deceased to become bones, lost and dare not forget to report to the sect, even if no one knows me...

   Lin Beichen took out a Cuiguo and snapped it up.

   Don't tell me, although the dog goddess is unreliable, she still looks good.

   Especially this hip, folded waist, this shoulder, this neck...


   It’s so beautiful when you look closely.

   has a flavor that other fish can hardly match.

   After a stick of incense.

  Goddess finally finished cutting the "cake".

   There was a gleam in her hand, and the white dagger and pot-bellied wine jar disappeared.

   I don’t know where I hid it.

   These two things are absolutely extraordinary.

   Even the godhead stone wall of the father of the gods can be cut and stored.

   "It's over?"

   Lin Beichen smiled and said: "The gods of stone walls are all installed in the wine jar, are you going to use it to make wine?"

   Jianxue Wuming suddenly said vigilantly: "How do you know? But even if it's brewed then, you won't have your share."

   Lin Beichen: "..."

   directly speechless.

Seeing Lin Beichen's ugly expression, Jian Xuewuming hesitated a bit, with a tangled look like a thousand turns, and finally stretched out a delicate and beautiful jade finger, and said: "Well, I take a step back, at most One cup, just one cup, don't be too greedy."

   Lin Beichen brought the Cuiguo that she was going to want her to her mouth, and said: "When you are done, hurry up. We will not have a short time to avoid being discovered by the gods of the Great Desolate Race."

  The two left the secret arsenal.

   Jianxue Wuming used the black key to close the gate of the arsenal again.

   The two followed the spiral staircase all the way down.

   finally came to the black hall on the first floor of the Pantheon.

   Lin Beichen also got his other two rewards as he wished——

   A swordsmanship called 【Wuhui Jianshi】.

   A storage bag containing the rewards of the sacred stone.

   The dog goddess turned into a white mist again, and retracted into the key invisibly, and told Lin Beichen to return the key to [Zhanzhezhe] Xiao Yu after leaving the Pantheon.

   After everything was in order, Lin Beichen left the Pantheon.

   However, at the moment when the palace door behind him slowly closed, Lin Beichen felt vaguely that he had forgotten something.


It's too late again... despise the author.

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