Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1318: Be my dog

Lin Beichen did not choose to chase.

   The crazier, the more sober.

   The top priority is to destroy the [Eight Wilderness Dragon Swallowing Bird Matrix] to prevent the mainland from being refined.

   He swooped down, turning into a stream of light.

   Hunting and hunting Gang The wind blows his black hair, like a black flame dancing in the wind.

   The ten-finger seal of both hands opened and closed quickly, and the volley squeezed out the sword seal of the eighth sword. The chaotic air of Guiyuan turned to promote the supremacy of kendo. The endless translucent lightsaber was condensed by Lin Beichen's side.

   The point of the sword is down.

   Thousands of translucent lightsabers aimed at the light group force field on the central nine-story altar below.

"go with."

   Following Lin Beichen raised his hand and pushed.


   Sword Qi whistled through the air, and shot out, like endless lightning, shooting all over the sky towards the nine-story altar on the top of the holy mountain.

   The sword blade swept across the void, and the space barrier was torn apart into hair-like white marks and cracks.

  【Sword Eight·Wan Jiansheng】.

   The seventeen strokes of the sword spurred by the Guiyuan Chaos Qi are unparalleled in power.

   Lin Beichen is bound to win.

   But seeing the rain of lightsaber is about to completely hit the nine-story altar, at this moment, the sudden change occurred.

   An ugly young man with long indigo blue hair appeared like a ghost.

   He was stagnant in the void, with a smile on his face, looking up at the endless sword rain, without fear.

   Lin Beichen noticed that he was holding a person in his hand.

   is the gray-haired and black-clothed old man who ran away before.

This powerful man from the outside world was pinched by an ugly young man with long indigo blue hair as if he was holding a green onion. His face was full of fear, but he did not dare to struggle. His rolling eyes were filled with extreme fear and The color of begging for mercy.

   Sword rain spread across the sky indiscriminately covering the attack.

   The ugly young man with long indigo blue hair unhurriedly raised his right hand, palm outwards, his five fingers folded together, and a slight grasp.

   A power that does not belong to this world suddenly blooms.


  Air machine radiation.

   Lin Beichen's pupils shrank suddenly.

   A terrible picture appeared.

I saw the Guiyuan Chaos Qijian rain all over the sky, instantly as if it had encountered a thin needle of a powerful magnet. It was pulled by this force and changed its trajectory. Chichichi instantly gathered ten meters in front of his palm, and was finally pinched into a single piece. A faint, colorless energy with a diameter of three meters.

   Ten thousand swordsman's tricks were easily defeated by the ugly young man in such an incredible way.

   "It's really surprising."

   A faint chuckle appeared at the corner of the ugly young man's mouth.   Before the words fell, he shook his palm abruptly.

   This group of Guiyuan Chaos Qi was instantly compressed and turned into a bright energy ball the size of a litchi. It fell into his palm and revolved round and round before being swallowed directly by him.

   Lin Beichen had a warning sign in his heart.

   Terrible means.

   This is also an outsider.

   And the status and status are definitely higher than that of Guitong and Qingxue.

   riding a horse.

   Is this stabbing an outsider's nest?

   Lin Beichen urged the power body to the peak, observed it intently, did not rush to attack, secretly measured the strength of this person's cultivation base.

   If it doesn’t work...

   Then you can only use the desperate hole card to open [Netherworld Despair] and do it head-on.

   He didn't turn on [Reincarnation of Despair] before, because he was worried that after pulling his opponent into the small space, he would not care about the outside. If there are more outsiders who take the opportunity to besiege the main priest of Qin, it will be difficult to care about.

   Moreover, this nirvana at the bottom of the press box consumes a lot of energy, so it cannot be used until the critical moment.

   But now the situation has changed.

   The ugly and ugly young man with long indigo blue hair and cheeks put Lin Beichen's tremendous pressure on him far beyond Guitong and Qingxue, and he couldn't help his heart beating. If he didn't open it, he might not be able to win.

   The wind howled.

   The priest Qin came to Lin Beichen's side and stood shoulder to shoulder with him.

   Most of her injuries have been healed.

   "You surprised my son."

The ugly young man stared at Lin Beichen, as if examining an object, and sighed: "This kind of abandoned and desolate area can actually give birth to an interesting little guy like you. Tsk tsk tsk, it can be seen that there are no wonders in the ,What is your name?"

"What's your name?"

   Lin Beichen asked coldly.


The ugly young man smiled with a sense of superiority: "I am an existence beyond your world, a higher being that you cannot understand and cannot reach. You don’t need and don’t deserve to know my name. You just need to know that you are very Fortunately, I fell in love with you."

  ? ? ?

   Gay guys go away.

Lin Beichen vigilantly said: "I have no interest in men. Especially if you are a greasy man like you, but if you leave immediately and let me ruin the formation of the refining continent, I can barely consider it. Have a meal with you, watch a movie or something..."

   What is a knife on the thigh?

  I, Lin Beichen, for the sake of the creatures on the mainland, are directly preparing to betray the humiliation and the snake. May I ask who in this world is greater than me?

   There was a flash of light in the beautiful eyes of the Master Qin.

   opposite. The ugly young man frowned slightly, completely ignorant of this madness, and sneered: "You, a lowly creature, are not qualified to sit at the banquet with me and kneel down and beg for mercy. I can take you for mercy. my dog."

   Lin Beichen understood what the other party meant.

   "You're thinking about peaches...Fuck, ugly stuff."

   He became angry and **** off.

   The priest Qin's eyes narrowed slightly like a crescent moon, and a fleeting smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

   "I don't know how to promote."

The ugly young man sneered lightly: "You don’t know how big the outside world is, you don’t know how big the outside world is. Don’t think that you can challenge the higher creatures by defeating my two first-tier such a lowly servant, beside me. There are so many..."

   said, he held the green clam's palm and suddenly exerted force.

   "The son is forgiving..."

   Qingwa realized something and begged for mercy.

   However, his screams were not over yet, and he heard a bang, his head was directly pinched and exploded, and the red and white liquid shot out and spilled downward.

   The ugly young man just threw it away.

   The headless corpse of the green clam was thrown into the force field of the nine-story altar light group on the top of the holy mountain, and was quickly swallowed, turning into a part of the energy of the formation...

   "The **** that has crippled my hands is no longer useful, and I lost my face when I escaped, so it's okay to make a contribution to this son in the end."

  The ugly young man has a tendency to talk stubbornly, and shakes his hand as he talks, as if it would be cheaper to kill him.

   He raised his head to look at Lin Beichen and Master Qin, grinned, showing black and yellow teeth, and said: "Since you don't want to be my dog, then go make fertilizer."

   He raised his hand and grabbed it in the air.

   Pei Ran Mo Yu's power gushes out.

   Lin Beichen and Lord Qin both felt that a horrible suction force was coming to face each other for a moment, and it was impossible to resist. This terrible force teared the two to the palms of the ugly young man.

   "Fuck, do you want to attract stars?"

   Lin Beichen was shocked and angry.

   His hairstyle was suddenly sucked up.

   The whole body of the Lord Qin was also a masterpiece of silver light, and he tried his best to resist.

  The distance is constantly being drawn closer.

   The ugly young man’s palm contains terrifying power. Under the traction of Qi, Lin and Qin’s energies are disturbed, and they cannot resist...


   Lin Beichen flashed red letters on his forehead.

   "Sister step back, let me come."

  He pushed his backhand on the main priest Qin's body and sent it out. Holding a silver sword, he gave up resistance, turned into a silver streamer, and actively swooped down to kill the ugly young man.


And more

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