Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1335: The most unforgiving

That is a straw sandal.

  The skill of editing is average, it has been worn out, there is no strangeness, it looks tattered, I am afraid that it is thrown on the side of the road and even the beggar who can't eat will not pick it up.

   But the moment he saw the shoes, Wei Mingchen's face changed color.

   "You... how could it be in your hands?"

   He trembled.


   Lin Beichen directly tore the straw sandals to pieces.

   Immediately he took out an animal leather boot, sackcloth, tattered animal leather armor, a fur coat, and a fishing rod, without saying a word, all were torn apart and destroyed.

   Wei Mingchen's body gradually recovered, and he roared: "Stop, stop, stop."

   There was heartache and panic in his voice.

   "These are the treasures you cherish?"

Lin Beichen sneered and said: "It's like I cherish and protect those people. If you think of life as these tatters, I guess they must have a special meaning to you, so they will be kept in the most hidden arsenal. In."

   Wei Mingchen hissed: "You broke my arsenal? How did you find it, unless..."

   He subconsciously looked to the side of Jian Xue Wuming.

   The dog goddess is healing, and Wei Mingchen’s eyes are paired, and he is immediately delighted: "Yes, you guessed it, I took this smelly brother, haha."

   Wei Mingchen hated: "You shouldn't have kept you alive that day."

   "Cut, you couldn't kill me at that time."

   The dog goddess has a hard mouth.

   Wei Mingchen turned his head and looked at Lin Beichen, his eyes flashed with Li Neilun's light, and said: "You...what else did you get?"

Lin Beichen said, "Guess? Of course it's all. Haha, if you say that these are the things that you regard as your life just now, then is this green dress embroidered with flying birds, something more precious than your life? ?"

   He took out the ordinary green skirt with a sense of age, and wanted to tear it apart.

"no, do not want…"

Wei Mingchen yelled, with a nervous look on his face, and said: "Don't tear it, I...whatever you want, I can promise you, I kneel to you, beg you for mercy, you insult me...please ."

   He got up, knelt on the ground, slammed his head, begged, and there was no longer a posture that a dead pig would not be afraid of boiling water before the slightest moment.

   That is his wife's dress.

   A long time ago, the green skirt his wife wore when giving birth was of commemorative significance. Because several places were worn out, he took it to the town when he went out fishing to make repairs, and he planned to take it back when he got the catch...

  Who knows that good luck makes people, he was swallowed by a giant fish and came into this world. This dress is his last thought of his wife.

He also knows that after so many years, his wife must have died, even his son is dead. This skirt is in his heart like a dead wife. Every time he sees this skirt, Wei Mingchen will think of it. The figure of the wife emerged, stroking it, as if stroking the skin of his wife, the skirt smelled like a wife.

   He thought that the Pantheon was broken and his arsenal was absolutely safe and there would be no accidents, so he waited until the matter was here to look for it.

  His plan is very simple. Take the skirt and the old objects, return to the world beyond the sky, to find his descendants...

   Even if the wife and son are dead, the son's son and grandson's grandson may still be found, leaving a trace of blood in the world.

   He worked hard to plan and improve his blood, not for returning home, but for the hope that after returning home, he can support his descendants without being a pariah. It is also some compensation for the suffering and suffering of his wife who married him back then...

  Only when one's own blood has been promoted and gained a position of power, can one's descendants become nobles.

   It’s just that everything has gone for nothing now.

   But even if he is dead, he doesn't want to see the green skirt being ruthlessly torn and damaged, it is more uncomfortable than killing him.

   This skirt is already his spiritual sustenance.

   Lin Beichen didn't tear up the skirt, but asked: "You also come from the outside world, right?"

   Wei Mingchen admitted again and again.

   took out the animal skin map and said, "If I didn't guess wrong, the place painted on this map is your hometown in Tianwai."

   Wei Mingchen's expression changed drastically.

Lin Beichen gritted his teeth and said one by one: "Many years have passed. Maybe your relatives and friends are dead, but you also have descendants, and your relatives and friends also have descendants. You killed the person I want to protect. I took this map to look for and kill all of your descendants. Are you okay?"

"no, do not want…"

   Wei Mingchen is terrified, and his soul is flying out of the sky.

   He broke down.

   originally drew this picture because he was worried that his memory would be biased over the long years, so he drew the landform of his hometown. Even if he forgot the way home later, he can still follow this picture to find it.

   Nei thought that now it has become a deadly handle.

   "Go ahead, what do you want me to do?"

  The famous ministers of Wei, like a total defeat, knelt in front of Lin Beichen with their foreheads to the ground, begging: "As long as you let my descendants go, don't tear up the relics of my dead wife..."

   "What is this bamboo sign and what is the significance?"

   Lin Beichen asked, taking out the bamboo card he got out of the arsenal.

"This is... Feijianzong's Tweet card. Holders of this token can enter the Feijianzong practice as long as they are of the right age and have the same qualifications..." Wei Mingchen poured beans in a bamboo tube, dare not conceal the slightest, said: "I got this accidentally. I was going to leave it to my son. Who knows..."

   Everything will come to nothing in the end.

   Lin Beichen did not intend to continue to question.

   This information is sufficient.

   "Unexpectedly, you, a demon who exterminates humanity, would also miss your family."

   He couldn't help but mock.

   Mingchen Wei couldn't help but defended: "In my eyes, the creatures in this world are just low-level beings, just like ants... If you have a chance to enter the wild world, it will be so sooner or later."

"I will never."

   Lin Beichen said, with a stab, he tore the green skirt to pieces.


   Wei Mingchen was startled, roared fiercely, rushed up and punched.

   Lin Beichen kicked him with one foot, stepped on him, and then ran the sacred fire, directly burning the broken skirt.

   "I will burn it for you and accompany you on the road."

   There was a burst of energy under his feet.

   Wei Mingchen's body was shattered and turned into blood mist and powder.

"Lin Beichen, I have confessed and cooperated with you. You are so unbelievable, ah, ah, I curse you, curse you, I will curse you forever..." The furious Wei Mingchen turned into a vain Shadow, roaring ferociously in the air, spreading its teeth and dancing claws like evil spirits.

   "Your curse is like the most beautiful blessing to me."

   Lin Beichen has no fear, and coldly said: "If you only need to repent, I will forgive you, then the thousands of creatures in the host Zhenzhou Continent will blame me."

He held the map of animal skins and said in a cold voice: "I will find your descendants according to this map, and hope they don't give me a chance, otherwise, I will let you cut off your children and grandchildren, and your blood will completely disappear from this world. "

   Wei Mingchen's spirit struggled bitterly, wailed, and then knelt down again begging for mercy, almost completely collapsed.

   Lin Beichen's face was cold and unmoved.

   A ball of sacred fire burned, enveloping Wei Mingchen's soul, and refined it inch by inch.

   "Ah, uh..."

   In the wail and struggle like a grieving ghost, Wei Mingchen's spirit turned into fly ash, completely dissipated in the world, and his body and spirit were destroyed.

   This catastrophe finally came to an end in this way.

   Lin Beichen put away everything, and felt nameless sadness in his heart.

   He got a big chance and lived to the end.

   But this is not what he wanted.

  He walked out of the energy field together with the priest Qin, Jian Xue Wuming.

   As soon as I walked out, I found a strange and strange image, completely different from the host Jinshu that I imagined at this time.


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This weekend, but the knife will continue to update.

The next plot is bound to be a wild world, and the knife will also be set up to ensure that the writing is more exciting, reasonable and clear than before. Let's wait and see.

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