Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1350: Guest house

"What else, Lao Yu, finish it in one breath."

   Lin Beichen's psychological quality is quite strong.

   Anyway, he has a mobile phone, he can open the plug-in at any time, bloodline or something, to him, may not be important at all.

Yu Wuque sighed and said, "In the human race today, there are too few or no combat skills that can be cultivated by the blood of the sacred emperor. The inheritance has been cut off, and the stronger the physique, the more resources are needed for promotion. ,and so…"

"I understand."

   Lin Beichen immediately GET the meaning of Laoyu.

   is very simple, like a car, regular bloodline plus 92 fuel, it climbs fast, saves fuel, and is cheap to maintain. You can find a 4S shop in a small county, highlighting a high quality and low price.

   And this so-called sacred emperor’s bloodline is like a super sports car, with 98 gasoline, repair and maintenance is a sky-high price, the key 4S shops are very few or even non-existent. Once a problem occurs, it cannot be repaired at all, and the price is too poor.

   And now, he himself is in this situation.

   The head of the six sects looked at Lin Beichen with regrets and regrets in his eyes, but he did not invite him. Obviously, he did not want him to join his sect, and there was some vague repulsion.

   The world is so realistic.

"Wow ha ha ha ha."

  While thinking about life, Jian Xue Wuming suddenly laughed and said: "Brother smelly, what did you just say, do you support me?"

   Lin Beichen: "..."

   This dog goddess, revenge is not overnight, and it is too irrelevant to make up the knife.

   "What else do you say if you eat a bowl of broth, I have a bowl to lick? Now you don't even have a bowl. How can I lick it? Where else?"

   The dog goddess is really gloating and has a strong vengeance.

   Lin Beichen snorted coldly and said: "If you really want to lick, then I still have a way..."

   After a pause, he said again: "Well, everyone, since the bloodline has been tested, next, should we choose the martial art?"

   His mentality is very strong and he is not discouraged at all.

  What is this?

   I want to grow up quietly, and then in the near future, I will amaze the world.

   Entering the ‘cake split’ link, the heads of the six martial arts groups became excited, refreshed, and began to discuss and compete.

   The scene was a little out of control.

   I almost fought a few times.

   In the end, none of them could persuade anyone, and refused to accept it, and handed over the choice to Lin Beichen and others.

   "Old man, I will go to Shenshui Palace."

  Wang Zhong was the first to make a choice, saying: "The Oriental Palace Lord looks like a hero in the world, and he will do more in the future. It is my honor to be able to follow the Oriental Palace Lord."

   The dog slapped it with shameless ass.

   A smile appeared on Dongfang Ding's face.

   But what he hopes more is two people in the bloodline of breaking the limit. Unfortunately, after some fighting, whether it is Xiao Binggan or the girl with dragon tattoos, they clearly refused.

   In the end, Dongfang Ding had no choice but to accept Wang Zhong.

   Wang Zhong looked like a dog minion and was very happy, chasing after Dongfang Ding and flattered him.

   "Master, take care, I am going to practice, and when I am successful in my cultivation and become a big man, I will come back and continue to serve you."

   Wang Zhong is very sleek, it can also be said to be shameless, both sides please.

   Lin Beichen's mood is very calm.

   He felt that Shenshui Palace was not a good choice.

  Because Dongfang Ding is not a good thing, it hides evil intentions, but this is Wang Zhong's own choice. It seems that he has made a decision long ago, so Lin Beichen did not object.

   This is another world, everyone's life level has been improved, and he can no longer regard Wang Zhong as his own servant, and he has to adjust his mentality.

   choose to continue.

   counseled Bao Zhenlong's first sword to choose Lian Tianshui Temple.

  Because he thinks the name Lian Tianshui Temple is very domineering, much higher than the sect, the island, the bay and so on.

   And the Lord of the Tianshui Palace who hasn't spoken all the time, he has a burly figure, a firm face, and a very masculine temperament. At first glance, he is the kind of tough and powerful expert.

After choosing   , I realized that even the lord of the Tianshui Temple, Shang Yi, did not speak, but he seemed very profound, but it was actually because he was a dumb man.

  The girl with a dragon tattoo strongly requested to follow the prince Bao, but it was not allowed by the rules, and all the martial arts refused to agree.

   "Xiao Na, Brother Lin once said that I must be tempered before I can truly grow up. You can't stay by my side forever. I must learn to stand up by myself in order to go further."

   persuaded Prince Bao to speak, and he was very thoughtful.

   Finally, under his persuasion, Long Na chose the Holy Water School.

The person who has obtained this limit-breaking bloodline, the well-maintained middle-aged beauty of the Sect Master of the Holy Water, Bai Luzi, has a few wrinkles on her smiling face. She announced on the spot that Long Na will be her direct disciple and will do her best to train her. …

   The priest Qin and Guangjiang both looked at Lin Beichen.

   "I want to be with the master."

   Guangjiang scribbled on the writing board, and then hugged Lin Beichen's thigh, and he refused to let it go, very attached.

The little scum tiger on the side of    was also silent.

   In the end, it was Lin Beichen who persuaded him that Guangjiang chose Duan Long Island because the island owner Peng Shaojie gave the most favorable terms and he could accept the scum tiger at the same time.

This is equivalent to taking advantage. Peng Shaojie smiled from ear to ear. He and Guangjiang began to hook up on the spot, saying: "From now on, you will be the holy beast of Duanlong Island. I promise you are delicious and you need a beauty. If you do, you can pick whatever you want from the Human Race or the Orcs..."

   Guangjiang swiftly wrote: "I want to become stronger and protect my master."

   Lin Beichen was a little moved.

   The tailless ghost mouse king who chose to follow it only in order to avenge his own kind at the beginning, in the end, because of one bite, he has recognized the thief as his father for so many years, and the relationship with him is quite deep and strong.

   At this time, only Lin Beichen, Jian Xue Wuming, Jin Chan and Xiao Binggan were left.

   "With your talent and talent, no matter where you go, you can amaze the world in the shortest time. Nothing can block your light."

   The priest Qin looked at Lin Beichen, with a smile on his beautiful white face, and then opened his jade arms to give Lin Beichen a big hug.

   Her cherry lips are red and plump, her teeth are as white as a pearl in her mouth, her breath hit Lin Beichen's auricle, and said: "I will wait for you, don't forget our agreement."

   Lin Beichen's eyes flashed instantly.

   Finally, the priest Qin chose Moon Bay.

   She has an inexplicable closeness to Yue Yue, the head of Moon Bay.

   In the end, the eyes of the big heads were all focused on Xiao Binggan.

   The last one broke the limit.

   "I choose Feijianzong."

   Xiao Binggan had already thought about it.

   Liu, the head of the Flying Sword Sect, was speechless and ecstatic.

   "However, I have a request."

   Xiao Binggan held the sauced pig's feet in his hand, and said, "Flying Sword Sect must also accommodate my brother, the Goddess of Sword Snow and Jin Chan."

   His tone is firm.


   Liu's speechless face showed a trace of embarrassment.

   In fact, there are some causes in the blood of the sacred emperor, which is very dangerous for a small realm sect like them. I have not said it before because this is a public secret that cannot be made public.

   This is the most important reason why several big sects did not open their mouths to invite Lin Beichen.

   "If the head of Liu doesn't agree, then I would rather stay with my brother and wander outside."

   Xiao Binggan's attitude is very firm.

   Lin Beichen was moved in his heart, but also a little speechless.

   "When will I rely on you for alms."

   He slapped the back of Xiao Binggan's head and said, "Go to Feijianzong and practice hard, don't broke my heart."

   Xiao Binggan held his head and said nothing.

   No matter what, stick to it.

   Liu has a solemn expression without words, frantically weighing gains and losses.

Lin Beichen thought for a while, and said: "Sect Master Liu, let's go, I will not join the Flying Sword Sect, but we have no place to stay for a few waste bodies, so it is better to stay in Guizong for a while as a guest, and wait until Once you have a place to stay, leave immediately, what do you think?"

   "Of course there is no problem."

   Liu silently breathed a long sigh of relief, and said, "That's it."

   Xiao Binggan was very unhappy, and he wanted to say something, but Lin Beichen stopped him.

  In the end, Lin Beichen, Jian Xue Wuming, and Jin Chan left with the people of Feijianzong.

  The people from the host country, Zhenzhou, had no choice but to part ways.

   But before I parted, I agreed that when I got used to the life here and I got something small, I must get together again, take care of each other, and never abandon my companions.


Four more today.

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