Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1361: black market

On the way to the guest station area, Lin Beichen had been staring at the swaying elder Feijianzong mature woman.

   Fuck, this leg, this waist, this hip...

   I didn't pay attention when Yu Jian was on the way before, this Flying Sword Sect really has a beauty.

   The female elder in front of her walked along, twisting her waist, swinging her hips back and forth, and shaking her long legs. There was a charm of a weak willow and Fufeng swaying.

   Lin Beichen couldn't help sighing, there really is no lack of beauty in this world, but lack of eyes to discover beauty.

   "What do you look at?"

   The female elder turned her head and gave Lin Beichen a fierce look, and said: "Look again, dig out your eyeballs to feed the dog."

   "Can you blame me? You look like a fairy yourself, don't you have any points in your heart?"

   Lin Beichen did not lose his vigor, and retorted on the spot: "I can't help it. I have a pair of picky eyes that are good at discovering beauty, and I am attracted by your posture accidentally."


   The mature elder stayed in a daze, and turned his head back with a cold snort.

   Never before has anyone dared to praise so frankly in front of her.

The other elders and disciples of Flying Sword Sect around also called out secretly. This Lin Beichen is really a disciple, so shameless words can be said, but the elder Condensing who has exploded in temper recently has not been pursued anymore. , Strange and weird.

   "Who is this fairy-level beauty?"

   Lin Beichen lowered his voice slightly and asked Yu Wuqian next to him.

   Lao Yu leaned to Lin Beichen's ear, his voice was as low as it was pressed under his ass, and said: "It is the elder of my Feijian Sect's pill that freezes."

   Lin Beichen shivered suddenly.


  Condensed farm?

  The farm where I steal vegetables every day is actually the site of this great beauty?

   I knew she was so beautiful, so I should steal more.

   After a while.

   Everyone stayed in the guest post area.

Feijianzong is also regarded as the number one human clan in the Qingyu world. The resident is naturally not bad. The front yard and the back yard cover more than ten acres. The rooms of the head Liu Wuyan and the elders are spacious and bright. You can also open the windows to see the waterscape , The other disciples also have one wing...

   Only Lin Beichen and Jian Xue Wuming were assigned to the utility room in the backyard.

   There is no way, non-staff personnel are just not being treated.

   Lin Beichen didn't care about it at all.

   Jianxue Wuming was very dissatisfied. She kept cursing and urging Lin Beichen to find a luxury hotel outside to open a room, but Lin Beichen, who was short of money, refused directly.

   It didn't take long for everyone to settle down, Jian Xue Wuming carried the black stick, and couldn't wait to go out for a "relaxation".

  The head Liu Wuyan took his personal disciple Xiao Binggan and went out to meet guests, mainly to introduce his contacts to Xiao Binggan and pave the way for him...

   The other elders also had old friends in the Chaotian Que, and they all went out to act alone.

   The Cirrus Cloud Mountain Range is very lively, and it feels like holding a martial arts conference.

  Lin Beichen is a person who wants to work hard after all, so he lay on the hard board in the utility room, summoned his phone without hesitation, opened the [Happy Farm] APP, and started looking for stealing food.

   As he expected, the map of the farm was updated as his location changed.

   shows the position, already in the Yunjuan Mountains.

   The farm where the big mature elder condenses is nowhere to be found.

   Lin Beichen searched and found a new discovery.

The Yunjuan Mountain Range is indeed the Lingfu Mountain Range where Chaotianque, the first sect of the Qingyu Realm Human Race, is located. There are many farms, including [Ding Buer’s Farm], [Hua Bufan’s Farm], [Murong Tianshu’s Farm], [Sui Banmeng’s Farm] These four places where you can steal vegetables.

Among them, [Sui Banmeng’s Farm] has the largest scale, the most crops, and the best growth. But unfortunately, this Sui Banmeng shamelessly raised a dog on the farm, which looks very fierce. Lin Beichen thought about it, no Steal the first time.

   He stole the farms of Ding Buer, Hua Bufan, and Murong Tianshu, and obtained more than forty unrecognized spirit medicinal fruits in six types.

   "It looks just like fruits and vegetables."

   Just when he was about to use "Scan" to explain...


   There was a knock on the door.

"it's me."

   Yu Wuqian's voice came.

   Lin Beichen put away the "fruits and vegetables", opened the door, and said, "Lao Yu, didn't you go to find relatives and friends? Why did you run into my little wood house?"

   "Isn't that worrying about your loneliness and coldness alone, brother, I will take you out to meet the world."

   Yu Wuqian sent out an enthusiastic invitation.

   Lin Beichen revealed mercilessly, and said: "To be honest, Lao Yu, you are afraid that it is because of the bad mix. You have no reason to make friends in this Yunjuan Mountains, so you have to come to me?"


   Yu Wuque directly scolded his mother.

   The two quickly traveled together.

   The streets around the guest station area are very lively.

In addition to the fixed shops, small stall vendors can be seen everywhere, selling all kinds of messy things, rusty weapons, the boss said they are the lost lord gods, and the stubborn vegetable leaves, the stall owner said this is The exquisite grass of the original ecology, and the mud pill that looks like a stain in the dark autumn. The seller insisted that this was a finished pill found in the legacy of a powerful fifth-order alchemy bloodline...

   In addition, various stalls selling martial arts techniques and secret books, as well as craftsmen, beast taming and other craftsmen, are also everywhere.

   "It's so lively."

   Lin Beichen sighed.

Yu Wuqian said: "Chaotianque is the number one power of the human race in the Azure Rain Realm. Under the influence, the entire Yunjuan Mountain Range is extremely prosperous inside and outside. The human warriors regard this place as a holy land. It is normal for people to be crowded. Once there is a large human martial arts capital, there will be countless people gathering, or doing business, or looking for opportunities... I brought you out for this reason, maybe I met some worldly experts, and I was lucky enough to encounter soul recovery. Or it is a clue to return to the soul, then it's a worthwhile trip."

   "Brother is interested."

   Lin Beichen was very moved and said, "Can you lend me some more money?"

   Yu Wuwu almost fell to the ground staggeringly.

   "Didn't I just give you 400 great silver?"

   He asked, "Are you eating money on weekdays?"

   "Although it's not for me to eat, but it's the same."

   Lin Beichen is very heartbroken.

   The money he had used before, plus the deposit in his hand, bought an AK47 for self-defense to prepare for this trip to the Yunjuan Mountains. Now he is extremely short of money.

   The two of them walked on the street and came to the foot of the mountain unknowingly.

   "There is a large trading market ahead, the largest black market in the Yunjuan Mountains. Many weird things can be seen here..."

   Yu Wuqian brought Lin Beichen into the market.

   This market occupies a large area, and it looks like a mess, like a bull and horse market, but it is full of vitality. All kinds of people wearing masks or wearing hoods and gowns come and go...

   There is no fixed booth.

   Many people just spread a piece of black cloth on the spot, put the things to be sold on it, indicate the price, or the things to be exchanged, without saying a word or shouting to solicit customers, waiting quietly.

   Not a few steps away, there was a quarrel in front of him.

   "Bah, you are a mere pariah with a mediocre bloodline, and you dare to **** things from me here, you are looking for death..."

   A domineering voice vibrated the air, which was very vicious.


I went to get vaccinations in the morning. Not long after I came back, it was probably at most three changes today.

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