Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1395: The silence of the avengers

Yu Wen Xiuxian looked at the elemental powder floating in the sky, for a moment, a little lost.

   He finally turned around and left.

   The first battle of the Battle of Heaven is over.

   The fall of Wang Sichao, the strongest human race in the blue rain world, is not only a defeat in a battle, but also announcing the collapse of the spiritual beliefs of the human race and the unstoppable arrival of the dark age.

   In many places in this world, in many cities, the crowds who were forcibly driven away, saw the figure of the old man, turned into powder and drifted away, and couldn't help crying bitterly.

   Sorrow for the passing of this old man.

   feels desperate for the fate he is about to face.

  In the long past, the hatred between the human race and the demons has accumulated like a **** mountain and bottomless abyss, and it cannot be resolved at all.

   Once the demons completely occupy the Azure Rain World, the human races in the world will taste what they have done to the demons in the past hundreds of years.

   killing, extinction, abuse, torture.

   rush to kill.

  Wang Sichao was a human warrior in the blue rain world, but at this moment he fell, and many ordinary humans cried out, but for human warriors, it was the collapse of faith.

   On the broken peak of the magic brush, there is a soundlessness.

   Liu Wuyan and others stayed like dead wood, almost lost their language ability.

   Even Bian Yushu and Yan Sanshen, who had been very relaxed before, were all in despair at this time, feeling a wave of crisis, and looking at each other, they had already planned to find a way out.

   On the contrary, it is the cheers of the demons.

   Sound waves like a mountain whistling a tsunami, sweeping across the Yunjuan Mountains.

  Many demons cried with joy, and tears rolled down.

   "Master Yuwen!"

   "Master Yuwen!"

   All the demons chanted the hero's name in the same place, hot and crazy.

   This battle meant that in the Azure Rain Realm, an invincible powerhouse of the Demon Race was born.

  With Woobun Soo Hyun, the devil will no longer have to bear the fate of hiding in all places.

   They can be protected, they can live in the sun, they don’t need to be separated from their wives, and they don’t have to stage the tragic reincarnation of family destruction over and over.

   The Orca powerhouse [Orca King] couldn’t help feeling that the times have changed.

   He and Wang Sichao are both the lord-level powerhouses of the Azure Rain Realm. For so many years, they have always stood on the pinnacle of martial arts, overlooking the spirits, and the two have confirmed the martial arts more than once, regardless of Xuanzhen.

   And now, the old opponents of the past have turned into elements between heaven and earth.

   Thinking of the unfinished game of chess yesterday, [Orca King] felt uncomfortable in his heart.

   He and Wang Sichao were once chess players.

   But now, he has no choice but to enter the game with his body and become a chess piece.

   "The second battle..."

  【Orca King】Running the whale fighting spirit, the sound is like thunder, surging between the heaven and the earth, saying: "According to the rules of the heavenly war, the holy ancestors will select and send the warriors."


   A purple buff cut through the void and landed on the battlefield of Broken Peak.

   is the demon Qing'e.

The guard next to Yuwen Xiuxian, tall and handsome, with purple hair and purple eyes, wearing purple armor, with a long-handled fire dragon knife behind his back, holding a helmet in the palm of his left hand, standing on the top of the Broken Peak battlefield. The devilish energy of the void is surging and vented, like a blazing purple flame.

   "The Devil Qing'e is here."

   With a sneer on his face, his purple hair danced wildly in the wind, and said, "Who would dare to fight me?"

   The cold voice formed countless responses in the Yunjuan Mountains, and they kept echoing.

   On the peak of the magic pen, the morale of the strong human race is low.

   For a while, no one dared to take the initiative to fight.

   is the head of several major sects, each hesitating.

   "Let's play the old man."

   Liu speechlessly knew that if he didn't make a move and pulled back a round, the morale of the human race would fall to the bottom, and the backbone of human martial arts would really be completely destroyed by the demons.

   He walked out of the crowd.

   "Wait a minute."

   The head of the Holy Water Sect, Bai Luzi, suddenly spoke, and said, "Old man, I'll do this battle."

Bai Luzi looks about twenty years old, with beautiful appearance and luxurious temperament. She is dressed in light white armor with a pattern of egrets walking into the sky. She ranks fourth in the Blue Rain World Human Race Martial Arts Ranking, ranked fourth in Wang Sichao and Liu Wuyan. After He Yue Wu Xie, he is also one of the few martial arts powerhouses.

   In her youth, she was unparalleled in beauty and grace. I don't know how many Junyan human races were crazy about it. But unfortunately, she was unsatisfactory and was hurt by love. She vowed not to marry forever, and became the head of the holy water sect.

   Liu frowned silently, and said, "Can you be sure of the white head?"

  Bai Luzi smiled, her face is stunning, she is unparalleled, and said indifferently: "Who dares to boast and have absolute certainty in the battle of life and death in martial arts? My generation of human warriors, every battle is just wandering between life and death swords."

   Liu was speechless and hesitated.

Bai Luzi said again: "Head Liu, you are the second place in my Blue Rain World Human Race Martial Arts Ranking. As long as you don’t fight, regardless of victory or defeat, the last trace of my Human Race martial arts is still there. If you... Let me come, sit and enjoy the high ranking three Jiazi of the Blue Rain Realm Human Race, and now this is the time of life and death, I should also go to war generously."

   Liu wordlessly nodded slowly, and said, "White head, take care."

  Bai Luzi nodded slightly, her temperament was dusty, calm and calm.

She looked back at her beloved disciples, and finally her eyes fell on the dragon girl Long Na, and said: "If you don’t go back as a teacher, the inheritance of the Holy Water Sect is in your body. Na succeeded."


   All the women of the Holy Water Sect are deeply saddened.


  The white streamer burst into the air.

   The graceful goddess appeared on the battlefield of Broken Peak.

   "Bai Luzi, the head of the Holy Water Sect, come to punish the devil."

At the moment of landing, Bai Luzi's infuriating energy circulated, and the power of the white element flowed, directly condensed into a bright light armor like a work of art, covering all of her body, even her face was covered by a visor, and her graceful figure was outlined, making her look tall and tall. And charming.

   This is the use of true qi and elemental power by human martial arts experts after "from the virtual to the real".

  Bai Luzi is in the master realm, and has not yet reached the lord, unable to form the real qi realm like Wang Sichao did. Naturally, he wants to condense the power of the elements in his body to improve his defense.

   At the same time, the eighth-tier name of the Holy Water Sect [Egret Sword] was also replaced in her hands.

   Go all out.


  Majin Qing'e slowly put on the purple helmet.

The    helmet fell down and swayed in the wind, like a purple flame burning.

   "Zhu Demon?"

   With a cold hatred smile, he said: "Then I will... butcher people."


   The moment the Fire Dragon Cutter was in his hand, Qing'e shot.

   In the void, purple light flashed.


   The sound of weapons striking.

   Bai Luzi is like a flying egret, retreating like lightning.

   Demon Qing'e's eyes were burning with purple flames, and the strongest combat power erupted without hesitation, and roared: "[Magic Swallow Nine Stacks]!"

   The fire dragon slashed the knife, slashing out frantically with one cut.

  In every knife, there is his hatred of human race.

   Every time I cut a knife, I can see the faces of my father who was pierced, mother who was stunned, and sister and sister who were burned alive.

   He is waiting for a chance for revenge. He has been waiting for too long.

   And now, such a stage has finally been built under my own feet.


   He roared and roared like a mad lion.

   "The white egret is blue and the holy water is boundless."

Bai Luzi felt the killing intent, and immediately urged the [Egret Sword] to perform the holy water sect's extremist forbidden move. The sword shadow was as heavy as an egret swept across the sky. Only a true sword was hidden in the vast sword shadow, which seemed to be a waterline. , Stabbed to Qing'er.


   The sound of Jianfeng entering the body.

   The Egret Sword pierced Qing'er's body.

   Bai Luzi is overjoyed.

   But it was also at this moment, between the neck, a touch of heat passed by.

   That is the trace of the fire dragon knife passing by.

   All the power was taken away from the body at this moment.

The elemental armor on    dissipated uncontrollably.

  In the field of vision, only the fierce and distorted face of Demon Qing'e and the pair of purple eyes spitting flames of hatred can be seen.

   Qing E slowly stretched out his hand, pressed it on top of Bai Luzi's head, and grabbed her hair with five fingers.

   mentioned gently.

   The head of the majestic holy water sect female head was taken off.

   [Magic Tun Jiu Di Zhan]'s final blow cut off Bai Luzi's head—although Qing E himself was also penetrated by [Egret Sword], it was all within his calculations.

   was seriously injured and replaced the life of the head of the human race.

   How cost-effective?

   Besides, the Saints won another game.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…

   Qing Erti held Bai Luzi's head high, raised it high, and said with a big smile: "Father, mother, elder sister, younger sister, have you seen it in the spirit of heaven? I am taking revenge for you."

   He laughed wildly, and then tears poured out of his eyes uncontrollably and rolled down.

   The world is silent.

   That was the silence to the Avengers.


The second is more.

Hi, you guys are too high on my staying power. Today is four more.

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