Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1418: Lin Beichen is invincible

Can you shoot in a vacuum?

   The answer is yes.

   There is no frictional resistance of air, the speed of the bullet is faster, and the design distance is longer.

   Power... seems to be stronger.

   This was learned after Lin Beichen verified it.

  Because the other person was still in the air, he shot the [Golden Lion] King Jin Wushu with AWM.

   Not surprisingly, this orc king from the Shufeng world star did not react at all, and half of the golden lion's head exploded.

   A loss of inexperience.

   If you have seen Lin Beichen's "Broken Body Invisible Sword Qi", if you understand everything, this shot can be avoided.

   gold blood splattered.

   The four lion chiefs around him were splashed.

   And Lin Beichen was also shocked by the recoil of AWM and flew out.

   Shot in a vacuum, no experience.

   He immediately controlled the'Metal Flying Wing', stabilized his figure, turned back and swooped towards the'Rock Mountain Star Beast' ahead.

   "Your Majesty!"

   "Despicable human race, unexpectedly attacked..."

   While the four lion chiefs were shocked, they quickly supported the crumbling king [Golden Lion] Jin Wushu for the first time.

   The next moment.

   Lin Beichen finally successfully landed on the back of the star beast.

   ‘Rock Mountain Star Beast’ is shaped like a hill and huge in size. Lin Beichen looks very small, like a grain of sand falling on the reef.

As he had observed and guessed before, there is an air environment on the back of the star beast, which forms a set of micro-ecosystem, and there is also a certain degree of gravity. Grandmaster level warriors can also be in this environment without wearing alchemy equipment. Live for a long time.

   Good luck is amazing.

   This kind of star beast may be able to raise a few, and it's okay to take Teacher Qin for a drive in the vacuum of the universe.



  【Golden Lion】Jin Wushu covered his face and let out a stern roar.

   The blow just now did not completely kill [Golden Lion] Jin Wushu.

   The cultivation base of the 17th-order high lord, coupled with the Shuofeng realm star lion clan is known for strengthening the flesh, this shot only exploded half of his head.


   The huge pain caused the [Golden Lion] Jin Wushu to roar and roar.

   "Kill him for me."

   He shook away the four chiefs, half of his **** face was distorted, and there was **** hatred in his one eye.

   He, who is distinguished, has ever suffered such a loss?

   The four chiefs sacrificed their weapons and rushed towards Lin Beichen.

   "Hey, dogs, don’t you eat dog food?"

   Lin Beichen directly threw out a handful of dog food he bought from [Taobao]—this thing was originally bought for the scum tiger, who knows that scum tiger likes cat food.

   The four chiefs only felt a tempting fragrance rushing over their faces.

   This scent has an indescribable attraction for them.

   seems to be the charm from the soul.

   They couldn't help but want to grab the black particles, and ate them on the spot.

   Their movements immediately became a bit sluggish.


  The fastest lion chief who rushed, shot directly in the forehead.

  He is not a high lord of the 17th order.

  The strength of refining is not as strong as the king [Golden Lion].

   So his brain, the whole explosion disappeared.

The AWM magazine is filled with the magical energy of the 16th-order lord [infatuated elder]. The bullets are amazing. They are also the 16th-order lion chiefs. Even if they are good at physical training, their physical strength is far more than [the elders 】Fen Rumeng, a demon lord, can’t stop a headshot.

   Between the lightning and the fire, the other three lion chiefs finally restrained the charm of dog food and rushed to Lin Beichen.

   "Die, human tribe."

   For personal progress, the lion chiefs are full of absolute confidence.

   This is what their Orcs are best at, not to mention that the Lions are the natural kings in close combat, with the strongest level of strength and defense.

   Lin Beichen dodges.

   But his true Qi cultivation base, after all, is only the peak of Tier 5.

   So dodge failed.

   bang bang bang.

   The giant prismatic stick, mace, and heavy sword almost all blasted on Lin Beichen's body.

   The three lion chiefs all stayed for a while.

   They didn't expect that this human race, which severely injured His Majesty the King, would be so weak in real strength that it would be hit all at once.

In this case…

  The battle is over.

   The strength of the Lion Race is definitely among the top ranks among the Orcs. Even the Lords of the same level cannot resist their all-out attacks with their physical bodies.

   Click, click, click.

   There was a cracking sound.

   This young and handsome human race is about to be completely shattered.

   Cruel smiles appeared subconsciously on the faces of several lion chiefs.

   But the next moment, the smile turned into horror.

  Because it is not a human teenager who shattered.

   is the weapon in their hands.

   The prismatic rod that blocked the river, the epee that split through the mountains, the mace that smashed the meteorite, each is a fourteenth-level weapon, and it is a famous killer on the stars of the new wind world.

   They have killed countless creatures.

   But hitting the human youth, it was like a small mud stick hitting a fine steel plate, fragile and vulnerable, one after another broken and broken.

   How could this be?

   The three lion chiefs were horrified.

   Lin Beichen also breathed a sigh of relief.

   Practical combat is the only criterion for experience management.

   [Huaqi Jue] The ‘special enhancement’ of the first layer of Dzogchen is really terrifying.

   These three lion chiefs, 16th-tier lord-level powerhouses, with the weapons in their hands, their attack power is really strong, and they almost interrupted a few of his hairs.

   "You can hurt me with a little more effort."

   Lin Beichen smiled authentically.

   The voice did not fall.

   He displayed a weird ‘sword mark’ with both hands, and fired a shot into the distance.

   Another ‘Rock Mountain Star Beast’ from a kilometer away, the head of a Demon Lord-level powerhouse who was about to solve the opponent in front of him, disappeared, and fell down in a daze.

   After confirming that these poodles are not a threat to him, Lin Beichen's attention has shifted to several other battlefields in the distance.

   Especially, make sure that the ‘employer’ Ling Taixi is alive.

   Otherwise, what if no one settles the fee?




   Lin Beichen kept shooting with AWM.

   Three powerful masters of the demons fell.

   One of them was the demon elder who was screaming and wanted to avenge his friend Fan Rumeng. He didn't figure out who killed him until he died, so he received a box of lunch.

On the contrary, the leading Demon Clan Elder [Furious] Iron Felt, with good strength, probably also noticed Lin Beichen's actions and the direction pointed by the'Sword Seal'. He even avoided AWM twice in a row. Bullet shooting.

   Lin Beichen also gave up killing this person.

   AWM's expansion magazine can hold 7 bullets at a time.

   Lin Beichen has completely finished playing.

   The power stored in his left hand has been used up during the special enhancement of the previous [Huaqi Jue], and at this time it cannot be filled with bullets. It is now replaced with AK47.

At this time, the three lion chiefs who had reacted from the shock suddenly roared and roared at the same time. Their bodies began to transform and transform into lion claws. With their sharp teeth and claws, they used their racial talent instincts to rush towards Lin Beichen. .

   This is one of their racial supernatural powers.

   "Master Lion, don't scrape..."

   Lin Beichen's upper body clothes were torn to pieces, revealing crystal white jade-like skin, smooth muscle lines, firm and tight abdomen, and the proportions of the body line are beautiful like a masterpiece of the creator.

   The three lion chiefs let out a terrible cry.

   Their sharp claws were held on Lin Beichen's body, and they shattered like flour.


   The invisible AK47 began to spray.

   This is also the bullet he poured in advance with [Infatuated Elder] with the dreamlike Void Demon Qi, so its lethality is amazing.

   In a blink of an eye.

   The three chiefs of the lion clan took a blood hole and fell unwillingly in a pool of blood.

"who are you?"

  [Golden Lion], seriously injured in the distance, Jin Wushu watched this scene in disbelief.

The injury on his head has not healed. Golden vindictive energy cannot completely remove the void devil energy from the wound. The healing speed is slow, and the severe pain tears his nerves, so that he has no time to join the battle. As a result, it only takes a few dozen breaths. The most trusted and powerful subordinate did not even interrupt Lin Beichen's hair, and was killed without delaying it for too long.

   Jin Wushu was shocked in his heart.

   Could it be that this human race boy turned out to be a domain master-level monster?

   "If you don't change your name, you won't change your surname, so is Yu Wen Xiuxian."

   Lin Beichen didn't hesitate, and shot Jin Wushu with a burst of ‘broken and invisible sword energy’.

   The golden lion tried to avoid it.

   Seeing no hope of escape, he launched a frantic attack.

   The golden lion transforms into an alienation, burning with vindictive energy, like boiling gold, with a single stroke of its claws, it can break a piece of void, which is comparable to the sharp toe of a magic weapon, and it is heavily grasped on Lin Beichen's body.

The results are…

   directly interrupted half of the chest hair.

   The power of the impact caused Lin Beichen to stagger back a few steps.

   "Be stronger..."

   He held on, didn't dodge, but kept chucking.

   Clusters of blood blossomed on the golden lion's body.

   There is no doubt that this golden lion is the most ‘hard’ powerhouse Lin Beichen has ever encountered. If it hadn’t been shot by Lin Beichen from the very beginning, half his head would have been blown, it would be really not easy to deal with.

   Until Lin Beichen hit half a bullet, the golden lion fell slowly amidst an unwilling roar.

   Shuo Fengjie, the star king and his four chiefs and subjects, died in a dramatic way.

   "It was really too dangerous just now."

   Lin Beichen looked at the broken chest hairs, and was afraid for a while: "If it hadn't been specially strengthened before, it wouldn't be so easy to face these lions."

   He came to the golden lion Jin Wushu, put his left hand between his chest and abdomen, and started to operate the ‘swallow’ ability.

   At this time, the golden lion, who was already ‘dead’, suddenly opened his hatred and blood-red eyes.

   "This king is not dead yet."    Its golden claws stuck in Lin Beichen's eyes.


   The golden claws comparable to the sharp weapon of the gods, the moment they hit Lin Beichen's eyeballs, they shattered like flour.

   It froze.

   Eyeballs... are they so hard?

   "No, don't talk nonsense, you are dead."

   Lin Beichen used the muzzle of the AK47 against the golden lion's mouth to open his mouth, and suddenly hit the remaining half of the shuttle directly into his brainstem.

  The golden blood is filled with fog.

   This time, it really died.

   Lin Beichen calmly absorbed the seventeenth-order pure orc gold vindictiveness in the golden lion's body.

   The entire left hand and right arm have undergone an abnormal change, swelling in a circle, and the arm is three times thicker than the right hand, just like gold carving, exquisitely brilliant.

   At the same time, there is no suspense, his hair has finally returned to normal and turned into a golden color.

   "It doesn't matter, as long as it is not green, it is acceptable."

   Lin Beichen secretly swears in his heart that he will never absorb the energy with green energy attribute in the future.

After the absorption of    was completed, he began to infuse the AWM and AK47's empty magazines with 17th-order golden vindictiveness.

   "Invincible life is really lonely as snow."

   Lin Beichen pointed his gun at the demon strong man in the distance.

   At this moment, the battle is not over, but it is actually over.


   The AK47 installed with the silencer is completely reaping life.

   One by one, the powerful demons fell down.

   "Brother Yuwen..."

   Ling Taixi was ecstatic, and couldn't believe his eyes.

too strong.

   Obviously looking at only the fifth and sixth ranks of true qi cultivation base, but this combat power is simply breaking the upper limit, punching the sky into a big hole.

   "Who are you?"

  【Furious】The iron felt retreats sharply, with a look of fear on his face.

   This 17th-tier high lord realized that his ambush this time had completely failed.

   The person who fled back before, mentioned this guy named Yu Wen Xiuxian, and also said that this person is extremely terrible, but who would have thought that he would have such strength?

   "Wubun Soo-hyun, the last junior, greet the iron felt senior."

   Lin Beichen stood on the back of the ‘Rock Mountain Star Beast’, and there was another sudden burst: "Please save your life, Senior."

   The iron felt dodges and hides behind the ‘Rock Mountain Star Beast’ under his feet.

The AK47 bullet of the seventeenth-order golden grudge made a deep hole in the body of the'Rock Mountain Star Beast', but the star beast is really thick and thick, and the size is huge. What it knocks out is just a layer of rock. The skin does not really hurt the internal organs.

   However, this also caused the originally meek "Rock Mountain Star Beast" to scream and struggle frantically.

   "Brother Ling, retreat quickly."

   Lin Beichen carried the 69 pose on his shoulders.

   Seeing this peculiar and weird ‘Sword Seal’, Ling Taixi immediately remembered the picture of him smashing a starship with a sword before, and he suddenly felt horrified. With the four surviving lords of Ling Tianfu, he immediately left...

   The next moment—


   The seventeenth-order golden vindictive shells bombarded the ‘Rock Mountain Star Beast’ that looked like a hill.

   The terrifying scene was deeply imprinted in the hearts of everyone present.

   The terrifying energy was like a star collapsing, instantly engulfing the body of this giant star beast, and the broken blood mist floated in the vacuum.

   The 17th-order lord [fury] hiding behind him looked terrified.

   He couldn't understand what kind of combat skills it was that could evoke this level of power.

   This is definitely the power of the domain master.

Even if he was burning with majestic Void Demon Qi, he also spurred several pieces of protective equipment, but he was also shocked to fly out. All the equipment on his body turned into powder, and his body was exposed to a vacuum, and he instantly felt suffocated. The pressure of the body, the blood and organs of the body are under huge squeeze...

   "Senior, please go on the road."

   Lin Beichen shot again.

   "My fate is over."

   Tiejin couldn't even dream of it. He came with absolute confidence, but was about to die in the hands of an unknown junior.

   There was also joy on Ling Taixi's face.

   If the Iron Felt was killed at this point, together with the fallen golden lion and others, the demons and the orcs in this battle suffered huge losses, and it would definitely be a huge blow to the alliance of demons and beasts on the Liuyuan Star Road.

   will also greatly inspire the sluggish morale of the people.

   This Yuwen Soo Hyun, is it a **** from heaven?

   Ling Taixi was about to cheer, and suddenly he was shocked for no reason.

   Then there was a flower in front of my eyes.

   Only one figure appeared in front of the mortal [Furious] Iron Felt. One hand held the iron Felt's shoulder and the other hand raised it casually.

   [Broken Invisible Sword Qi] was easily scattered.

   The man was wearing a black coarse cloth robe, and he was not wearing any alchemy equipment. In the void, he was walking on the ground without any discomfort.

   A horrified thought appeared in Ling Taixi's heart.

  Domain master level? !

   Demon clan domain master level powerhouse has arrived?


It's a bit late, this is a two-in-one chapter.

There is one more today.

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