Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1422: Lin Beichen, the hero of Blue Pole Star

"That's it, Speaker, please ask me to be sly...ah, bah, listen to me slowly explain..."

   Lin Beichen finally decided to add some water.

   A faint smile appeared on the rough face of the wind to the north, and he turned to Ling Taixi and said, "Go on the boat and head to the Blue Pole Star. I don't think there will be any more obstacles on the road ahead."

   Ling Taixi was overjoyed and immediately took care of shipping.

   The wind looked north towards Lin Beichen, and said, "You can continue to argue."

  " is to explain, explain..."

Lin Beichen wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "This is the situation. After Mr. Huyan left the Star Road battlefield, he came to the Blue Rain Realm. At the beginning, he had a bad temper and was very unreasonable. The name of the Grand Speaker, your name, forcibly called for donations, made the people of Qingyu world complain. I couldn't stand it, so I just reasoned with him, and finally influenced him. He knew that his behavior was not as good as a pig and a dog, and it has been cast. I made a big mistake, so I took my own guard and committed suicide together..."

   Lin Beichen tried to explain.

   Feng Xiangbei looked stunned: "You committed suicide?"


   Lin Beichen has a sincere face.

   "Being killed by oneself" should also be considered suicide.

   first deal with this level, and later, when I see the eldest wife, and then ask her for help, I can probably stabilize the wind direction to the north, the first person on Liuyuan Star Road.

   Feng Xiangbei was speechless.

   This boy is different from what he had imagined before.

In fact, before he appeared, he concealed in the dark, and specially observed what Lin Beichen would do under the pressure of the Lord of Burning Heaven. The result made him very satisfied, thinking that he found a brave and honest, generous and meaningless, in order to protect Friends and relatives dare to face the invincible enemy's transcendent arrogant.

but now?

   How do you feel that your brain is not normal?

   "Huyan Yulong was on the battlefield and fleeing, causing heavy losses to the friendly forces and almost ruining the human affairs. I wanted to catch him personally and behead him, but since he has committed suicide..."

   Speaking of the word ‘suicide’, Feng Xiangbei glanced at Lin Beichen and continued: “I won’t be held accountable anymore. This ‘Yangwei’ ship will belong to you from then on.”


   Lin Beichen stayed for a while.

  , this is it?

   This will deal with it.

   The chairperson of the Human Race Council, is it so easy to fool?

He vaguely realized that it was Feng Xiangbei who was deliberately'protecting' himself and wanted to put down this matter. Otherwise, the council would not tolerate the beheading of members of the Council. After investigation, he would probably have to flee overnight. Liuyuan Star Road.

   "Thank you, the Speaker."

   Lin Beichen salutes cheerfully.

   The wind waved his hand to the north, not wanting to say anything, and turned back to the VIP cabin.

   Lin Beichen originally wanted to ask about the early morning, but he had to give up when he saw it.

   It can be seen that the boss is very busy and time is tight.

   He hurried to take care of the injured Master Qin and others, and delivered various healing medicines and spiritual tonics.

   Then, back on the 【Yangwei Ship】, severely reprimanded Ming Xuefeng and other sailors.

   These dog things are less reliable than Wang Zhong.

   Seeing an enemy, he broke away from the small formation for the first time and ran away directly. He waited until Feng Xiangbei appeared to solve the trouble, and then sneaked up again.

   is not reliable.

   I'm not loyal.

  In the end, Lin Beichen decided to let the steward Wang Zhonglai take over the [Yangwei Number], and brainwash Ming Xuefeng and others to reach Gong Gong’s level as soon as possible.



   Three days later.

   [Dawn] arrived at the outer area of ​​Blue Pole Star.

   "Is this the capital of the human race on Liuyuan Star Road?"

   Lin Beichen stood on the deck, holding on to the railing, widened his dog's eyes and looked carefully.

   A blue star of life appeared in the field of vision.

   is very similar.

   is really alike.

In a daze, Lin Beichen thought he had returned to the outer space of the earth.

The volume of the Blue Pole Star is hundreds of times larger than the Blue Rain Star. The closer you are, the more you can feel the majestic vitality emanating from this planet, like a living being, slowly Breathe.

  【Morning Light】landed slowly.

   Break through the atmosphere.

Below    is a magnificent and huge urban complex.

   Towering pavilions, square divisions, spacious streets, beetle-like vehicles, and ant-like pedestrians...

In a daze, Lin Beichen thought that he had come to the cities on the earth full of modern civilization.

  【Morning】 Continue to descend.

   can see more clearly.

  The style of pavilion architecture is completely different from technological civilization. Carved beams and painted buildings, flying eaves pavilions, Qionglou Yuyu are similar to ancient Chinese buildings, but the scale is dozens of times larger.

   Hundreds of meters tall huge buildings rise from the ground, the height of which is no less than that of a technologically civilized skyscraper.

   From the perspective of the scale and planning of the city, the layout is reasonable, well-organized, and highly civilized.

   "A month ago, we lost the out-of-bounds battle. The demon army has already invaded the Blue Pole Star. Now the human race and the demon race each occupy half of the realm of the stars, and they have entered a state of confrontation."

   Ling Tai sighed and said: "My fellow humans in the area occupied by the demons don't know how deep the water is. I'm afraid it will suffer heavy casualties. Even if the Blue Pole stars recover in the future, I don't know how many people will survive."

   Lin Beichen was silent.

   The moment he saw Blue Pole Star, he suddenly developed a deep sense of identity.

   is like seeing the beloved girl, wanting to protect her impatiently.

   may be used as a spare tire for the earth.

   But so what?

   "There is bad news."

   Ling Taixi said again.

   Lin Beichen turned his head to look at him, with questions in his eyes.

   Ling Taixi said: "All the alchemy equipment delivered on the [Dawning] ship was destroyed and could not be delivered. We ran away in vain this time."

   Lin Beichen: "???"

   Ling Taixi said: "The Lord of Burning Heaven is very cunning. Before leaving that day, he secretly burned the equipment and metal stored in the ship with the wind and magic energy... until this morning, I found out when I opened the cabin and checked the equipment."

   "This is really bad news."

   Lin Beichen thought for a while, and said seriously: "But the ugly thing is at the front, no matter what, you promised me that the protection fee will not be less."

   Ling Taixi: "..."

   He shouldn't have come to this guy for comfort.


   [Morning] and [Yangwei] landed at the "airport" in the southwest of Liuyuan City.

   Ling Taixi went to the military headquarters with a bitter expression, already imagining the possible punishment.

   Another staff officer of the'Gaofeng Military Department' who was waiting a long time ago, took Lin Beichen and others, and after undergoing a series of'security checks', then drove them to the management post area for resettlement.

  Car is an alchemy product.

  Four wheels, star array drive, no need for animal traction.

   To some extent, apart from the difference in appearance and internal drive, in terms of functions and uses, it is no longer different from fuel vehicles on earth.

   Lin Beichen had to sigh again.

Under the crown of the supreme sacred emperor, the 20 bloodline cultivation system created and established is not only a road to martial arts combat power, but also alchemy, alchemy, doctors, poisons, etc., which can change the cultivation direction of the human social civilization system. In tens of thousands of years, the race destiny of the human race has been completely changed.

   This is also one of the core reasons that the human race can expedition for thousands of years and occupy countless star roads, star fields, spiral arms, galaxies, and star regions.

   Military vehicles drove across the road.

   The driving is smooth and fast.

   There are many pavilions on both sides of the road, divided into shops, restaurants, shopping places and residential areas.

   Lin Beichen even saw the ‘public toilet’.

   It can be seen that civilization has developed to a certain extent. Even if the directions are very different, some details will show surprising similarities.

   "I finally saw Master Lin."

   "Many of our comrades-in-arms want to see you."

   is a man and a woman who leads the staff. They are all in their early twenties. They are heroic, dressed in standard armor, and have a tall and fit body.

   The man controlled the Star Array car intently.

  The female melon seeds have a white face like jade and delicate features like picturesque. She occasionally looks back at Lin Beichen, her eyes full of curiosity and admiration.

   "Do you know me?"

   Lin Beichen suddenly became interested.

"Xiaguan Yi Shunan, the fourth-level staff officer of the [Gaofeng Military Department]," the beauty of Guazi Lian introduced herself and said excitedly: "Your name, three days ago, has been spread throughout the city of Ryukyu, and many people know about you. Killing the king of the star orcs in the world of Shuofeng [Golden Lion] Jin Wushu, as well as the four chiefs under his command, as well as the demon anti-[infatuated elder] Fan Rumeng, [meng elder] Iron Touch, and killed 16 prominent demon guardians The record, you don’t know yet, now you are the hero of the Blue Pole Star human race."

   Lin Beichen was startled.

  His focus is always different. The first thing that comes to mind is that the demon elder who claims to be his friend [Infatuated Elder] Fan Rumeng revenge, what was his original name [Elder Mengbo] Tie Mo...

   啧 啧 啧, after being dead for so long, I was even given a chance to appear a name by this stubborn gangster. It is estimated that I can happily dance in the underworld.


Third, there is one more.

I beg my brothers for a guaranteed monthly pass, thank you.

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