Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1433: Xiu'er is a real show

A wicked smile appeared on the face of'Meng Wunan', and there was dense white in his open mouth, which seemed to be bone spurs, not human at all.

   He did not love war again.

  , but retreated like lightning for the first time.

   Anyone who has been poisoned by the ‘Bi Xie Tian Mang Needle’ will undoubtedly die unless he is a domain master-level powerhouse.

   Besides, Lin Beichen's back shot almost like a hedgehog.

   There is no help. If it can't be cured, wait for death.

  The task has been completed.

   He was ecstatic in his heart.

   But only to escape ten meters, suddenly his left arm lightened.

   A cloud of blood filled the air.

   His left arm disappeared.

   bang bang bang.

   three soft beeps.

   His right arm and legs also turned into blood mist and disappeared.

"too fast."

  'Meng Wunan' was shocked to the extreme.

Before the operation, I received detailed information about Lin Beichen from the organization, including the introduction of "Broken Body Invisible Sword Qi", which is characterized by invisible, fast, and broken body—mostly headshots. Intelligence Lieutenant General Lin Beichen likes The description of killing opponents with a headshot is particularly clear, and it has been repeatedly emphasized.

   But in the face of this bizarre combat technique,'Meng Wunan' realized the terrible sword aura.

   It's fast beyond imagination.

   Even if it is a domain master-level powerhouse, the latter has never been able to emit such a fast sword energy.

   A series of thoughts flashed through my mind.

   His figure has fallen limply.

   was just about to chew up the poison hidden by the younger brother, but the other strong men in the Gale Army Guard responded extremely quickly, rushing over directly, and removed his jaw bone.

   The seriously injured'Meng Wunan' was captured alive.

   And what shocked him even more was that Lin Beichen, who was shot into a hedgehog in the back, did not turn into a bomb of thick water in a short time as he had imagined.

   The boy just shook slightly.

All the awns on   's back fell off.

  The fine light that pierced the innocent and fleshy body of the high lord-level bodyguard did not penetrate his skin at all.

   How could this be?

   Before ‘Meng Wunan’ lost consciousness, a big question mark appeared on his forehead.



   After a cup of tea time.

   In the area north of the Holy Emperor’s Square, there is a Yong'an Tower, which was built in the same era as the square. At this time, it was heavily armed because the people in the building were all ‘big men’.

   Among them is Lin Beichen.

  He was in his own private room, waiting for the start of the award ceremony.

   The previous assassination made the little secretary Yi Shunan still a little frightened at this time.

   But Lin Beichen's heart was calm.

   seems dangerous, but in fact, these assassins didn't even break a single hair on his hair.

   This is the abnormality of [Huaqi Jue].

   Only the first layer of [film] Dzogchen, below the domain master level can not break his skin defense, and above the domain master level...

   Well, anyway, before fighting against the Lord of Fen Tianyu, the beautiful old woman who was more than four meters tall, although he broke his bones, failed to break his skin.

   What's more, after the [Huaqi Jue] APP was upgraded by the mobile phone, the second layer of strengthening began-that is, the continuous strengthening of the refining Zhenqi muscles.

   Lin Beichen's defense has been improved.

   And it is worth mentioning that another benefit of strengthening his muscles is that his strength has also started to grow wildly.

   After all, the muscles become stronger and the strength increases. This is a truth that children understand.

The only thing that worries Lin Beichen is that he still prefers the streamlined body lines of the tendon flesh now. If the second layer of the [Huaqi Jue] reaches fullness and strengthens to the end, it will become a muscular devil spirit. It will affect your appearance and scare away the fish in the pond.

This is a problem.

   There was a knock on the door.

  The little secretary Yi Shunan, who was in shock, was the first to rush to check the other party's documents.

   After a long time, a pair of young men and women walked in.

   It is Ling Taixi, the young palace lord of Ling Tianfu, and her sister Ling Lingling, both handsome men and beautiful women, they look seductive.

   "Brother Lin, we meet again."

   Ling Taixi smiled and arched his hands.

   Ling Lingling, the second beauty of Ling Tian Mansion behind, her eyes straightened as soon as she entered the door, her gaze stuck to Lin Beichen's body, and she didn't want to move it away for a moment, wishing to hold him in her mouth.

   The two sit down.

   Yi Shu Nan Feng Tea.

   "I have been busy with official business these few days and I am really sorry for not going to see Brother Lin."

   Ling Taixi's posture was very low, so I explained it first.

It turned out that after arriving at Liuyuan City this time, because of the destruction of a large number of alchemy armaments on the [Dawning], he was under tremendous pressure. It should have been punished, but was also left out by the military for two days. Later, because of fighting with Lin Beichen, The demon clan's number elder and altar master had merit in killing them, and finally the demerits were equalized, and it was not until this morning that they were able to pass the level without any danger.

   "Speaking of which, I'm very curious, like the Huo family that colluded with demons and intercepted armaments, until now, they haven't been ransacked by the family?"

   Lin Beichen asked.

Ling Taixi smiled bitterly, and said: "The Huo Family’s methods are brilliant. Three days ago, we had not yet arrived at the Blue Pole Star. The Huo Family had already clarified in advance that the real Huo Jianbo died half a year ago. Intercept the [Dawn]. The one who is the Demon Race's'Elder Thousand Faces' pretended to be, and released some evidence..."

   Lin Beichen listened, couldn't help but laugh, and said: "It's that simple?"

   "Of course it doesn't stop there."

Ling Taixi said again: "In addition, the Huo family also expressed to the Liuyuan Council that it is willing to bear the responsibility for the loss of alchemy armaments, and donate huge amounts of military resources and money to the four major military departments of Blue Pole Star: Gale, Qingyan, Earth Split, and Deep Blue. ."

   "Do it with money?"

   Lin Beichen felt heartache.

   The Huo family is still rich.

   I knew a little bit more blackmail that day.

   No, I have to find another opportunity to attack the Huo family again.

Ling Taixi said again: "The above two measures are just foreshadowing. The most critical climax is that just yesterday, the Huo family’s clan warhead fought a beautiful ambush in the 57 anchor point area and defeated the demons one by one. Supported by two high-lord-level elders and 21 elite troops led by altar masters, they captured a popular courtier next to [Void Prophet], so they were finally completely forgiven by the Liuyuan Council...Today's Huo family Not only was he not ransacked and annihilated, on the contrary, he was on the rise, and he was regarded as the conscience of the human race among the nine great clans."

   "It's really a waste of money."

   After Lin Beichen listened, he also knew that the Huo family’s crisis was over, and he wanted to kill the Huo family.

   He asked curiously: "Did Huo Jianbo really died half a year ago?"

Ling Taixi hesitated slightly before lowering his voice, and said: "The Huo family did release some evidence to prove it, but based on what I know about Huo Jianbo, I doubt that the one who died half a year ago was just a distracting one. The shadow, who appeared on the [Morning] and was killed by you, is the real Huo Jianbo, but I have no evidence to influence the final decision of the Liuyuan Council..."

Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows, and said, "These operations of the Huo family seem to be very close to each other, but after careful consideration, there are flaws everywhere. Since they have colluded with the demons, they will have a bitter game with the demons and sacrifice. Wouldn't it be easy to have one or two elders? After all, in comparison, let the Huo Family continue to receive the new appointment of the council and destroy the human race of Liuyuan Star Road from the inside, wouldn't it be more lethal?"

Ling Taixi explained: "The adults in the council naturally thought of this, but the main reason is that the red man around the [Void Prophet] captured by the Huo family is too special. The Huo family has already This person was handed over to the parliament, and this is the reason they really cleared their suspicion.


   Lin Beichen became more curious, and said, "What is the name of the captured celebrity, is it so convincing?"

   Ling Taixi's expression became strange.

Ling Lingling on the side of    finally found a chance to interrupt.

   "Hee hee, you must know Brother Beichen."

   The second beauty of Ling Tianfu covered her mouth and said, "His name is Yu Wen Xiuxian."

   At the beginning, in the starry sky battlefield, Lin Beichen used to shamelessly pretend to be "Yuwen Xiuxian". For a long time, the Ling brothers and sisters referred to Lin Beichen as "Yuwen Gongzi".

   Lin Beichen was stunned when he heard this.

   Turned out to be Xiu Er?

   Xiu Er was arrested.

   When did this stuff become so important?


Third, good night everyone

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