Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1442: Lin Beichen's Sao Operation

The air above the mass grave was quiet.

   Lin Beichen's heart was pounding pounding.

   However, the disguise of [Magic Camera] concealed all the vitality of him well, disguising him as a purple ‘ghost knight’.

   This is the spoof special effect that comes with his [Magic Camera].

   is very suitable for this environment.

  Sure enough, after not sensing the breath of living beings, the [Ancient Battle Spirits] on the opposite side were lost in confusion.

   They instinctively feel something is wrong, but their low wisdom cannot penetrate all of this.

   At this time, Lin Beichen slowly raised his skeletal paws, sending out a spirit wave: "Long live the great saint emperor."

  In an instant.

   The [Ancient Battle Spirits] on the opposite side all stood at attention, and then simultaneously sent out a spirit wave: "Long live the great saint emperor."


   [Ancient Battle Soul] The confusion in my heart was instantly dispelled—of course, if they had the intention.

   I don't know if it was an illusion, Lin Beichen felt that in an instant, the [Ancient Battle Spirits] on the opposite side were ‘enthusiastic’ towards themselves a lot.

  Especially when he saw the purple flame on his body, there was a slight awe in his eyes.

   Fortunately, their intelligence is low. Except for the developed ‘vision’, they have almost no sense of power other than the breath of living beings, so they can’t see through Lin Beichen’s special effects.

   The huge battle spirit, more than four meters high, roared and turned to the mass grave.

   Other [Ancient Battle Spirits] also dispersed.

   They were awakened from their deep sleep, aimlessly, doing nothing, and subconsciously wandering in this area.

   Li Beichen rode a motorcycle, put it in a gear, controlled the speed and approached slowly, and if it was not right, he immediately stepped on the accelerator to escape.

   He looked cautiously, like a Erhu trying to blend into the pack of wolves.

   Fortunately, [Ancient Battle Spirit] did not resist his joining.

   Some of them are relatively short, and even make way for him, appearing in awe.

   After mixing for a while, Lin Beichen was completely relieved.

   successfully disguised.

  The experiment was successful.

   This means that as long as you disguise yourself as a purple [Undead Rider] exterior, your safety factor will increase a lot.

   Of course, if there are other types of ‘monsters’ in this ancient ruins battlefield, it’s another matter.

   Soon, Lin Beichen has ‘mixed’ with these [Ancient Battle Spirits].

  He began to test the tolerance of these [Ancient Battle Spirits].

   For example, suddenly a slap was slapped on the head of a human-shaped skeleton next to him.


   The skull head flew.

   This [Ancient Battle Spirit] was stunned, turned around immediately, chased after his head in a panic, and did not launch a counterattack against Lin Beichen.

   He tried a few more times.   found that no matter how they attacked, these [Ancient Battle Spirits] were very tolerant of the same kind. As long as they didn't grab the bones from them, they would not launch a counterattack.

"if so…"

   Lin Beichen laughed.

  He has a new idea.

   found a single [Ancient Battle Soul], Lin Beichen quietly stretched out his left hand, stuck it on his body, and operated the technique of ‘Swallow’ to absorb the magic energy in his body.

   Lin Beichen was already ready to be counterattacked.

  Who knew this [Ancient Battle Spirit] looked at him stupidly, tilted his head, and looked like ‘why are you touching me’, but didn’t resist.

   About twenty breaths time.

   The purple flame in its body dimmed, and finally all the flame disappeared.


   Its bone frame, after losing its energy, collapsed like a building block.

   "Uh...Is this dead?"

   Lin Beichen was surprised.

  At this time—


  [Ancient Battle Spirits] around, suddenly went crazy, all of them rushed towards him.

   Is this to avenge your companions?

   Am I exposed?

   Lin Beichen's heart was tight, and he was about to flee directly on the spot on his Zongshen 250 retro motorcycle.

   But the next scene proved that he was too worried.

   [Ancient Battle Spirit] who rushed over didn't pay attention to him at all, but began to **** the bones of the ‘dead’ [Ancient Battle Spirit] that fell on the ground, and even triggered a fight between each other again...

   Soon, more than a hundred unowned bones were robbed and emptied.

   grabbed the bones of the ‘Ancient Battle Spirit’ and carefully assembled it on his body. It looked messy, non-mainstream, and ugly.

   But with an extra bone, their energy seems to be stronger.

   "So, the more bones on these [Ancient Battle Spirits], the stronger their combat effectiveness?"

   Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows.

   This setting is very sand-sculpted.

   Lin Beichen spit out, and found another [Ancient Battle Spirit] who was on the order, and once again absorbed the purple magic energy with his left hand.

   And the other party did not resist, just standing there looking at him stupidly.

   In the next moment, when it completely died and the whole body's skeleton was about to collapse, Lin Beichen immediately included all of it in the [Baidu Netdisk].

   Next, he followed suit.

   In a short time, more than 30 [Ancient Battle Spirits] have been ‘killed’.

   His left arm, as thick as a waist, turned dark purple.

   His left hand swelled four times larger, and it contained majestic demon energy, which absolutely surpassed the previous seventeenth-order golden vindictive energy.

   I seem to be doing it again.

   Lin Beichen swelled.

   As for the energy stored in his left hand, Lin Beichen himself couldn't determine to what extent.

  【Baidu Netdisk】There are more than 3,000 bones in it.

   In the end, the entire mass grave was left with a total of nine including the giant [Ancient Battle Spirit] over four meters high.

   "This is the end of the experiment, next..."

   Lin Beichen rode a wild motorcycle, waved his hand, there was a mental fluctuation, and said: "Brothers, go, follow me, as long as you are obedient, delicious and spicy, and enough bones."

  [Ancient Battle Spirit], including the four-meter-high guy, suddenly rushed to follow Lin Beichen's big motorcycle.

   Why are you so obedient?

  Because Lin Beichen really scatters bones.

   Whoever behaves well, just throw a bone over.

   Who is obedient, just throw a bone over.

  [Ancient Battle Spirits] They behaved much smarter than dogs, and soon began to completely obey Lin Beichen's various orders, and there would never be the slightest disobedience.

   Their low IQ seems to have regarded Lin Beichen as their master.

   Break Fecot.

   Lin Beichen felt that he was a genius.

   Others may be still working hard to fight and kill, but he has already collected nine younger brothers who can resist and fight.

   "Next, I will search for [Natural Blood]."

   Lin Beichen started Baidu navigation and ran wildly on the road.

  According to the information given before the early morning, he wanted to break through the tenth order and completely enter the realm of the lord. By chance, he landed in this ancient ruins battlefield called [Essential Blood] energy.

  What is [Natural Blood]?

   The strong men who died in the era of the Second Great Destruction, after the vicissitudes of time, can finally preserve the "essence and blood" they have today.

Absorbing [Essential Blood] can strengthen Lin Beichen’s blood, and can also use the energy stored in [Essential Blood] to help him break the shackles of'Heaven without Two Days, World Unparalleled Emperor' between the galaxies and advance to the lord level. .

"The powerhouse who died in the second era of the Great Disruption, who can save the [primal blood], must be an extremely terrifying powerhouse, perhaps at the level of Star King or Star King... Before this kind of life, it should be in the big city. ,and so…"

   Lin Beichen made his mind clear, and riding a wild motorcycle, with nine galloping [Ancient Battle Spirits], he quickly approached an ancient city named ‘Dongyang’ a hundred miles away on the Baidu map.

   is huge.

   He runs, they chase.

  【Natural Blood】It must be difficult to fly with wings.

   After a while, Dongyang City appeared in front of him.

   Under the turquoise ghost film special effects filter, the collapsed city wall and the broken city gate appeared in the field of vision.


Bao San was saved.

It's still a bit swollen and painful, so I don't want to fight. The doctor said that I can't stay up late, and the knife went to bed early. Good night, everyone.

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