Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1450: Blue Pole Great Change

Lin Beichen did not leave the ancient battlefield site for the first time.

  Because he had to find all the nine [Ancient Battle Spirits] that had been lost.

   These nine silly big guys are very useful.

   can be a substitute for the dead at the critical moment.

   So I can’t let it go.

   According to the Baidu map navigation, I quickly found nine silly big guys-after losing Lin Beichen, they were backstroke in the sea of ​​bones and had a great time.

However, what surprised Lin Beichen was that there were so many bones in the sea of ​​bones, in various shapes, styles, and colors, but the [Ancient Battle Spirits] didn’t seem to be very interested, they just wandered in the sea of ​​bones. But none of them were taken.

   Is it because the bones in the sea of ​​bones have no soul?

   Lin Beichen summoned the nine silly big men up, told them to stand still, and began to reform.

   After all, when pretending to be forceful before, in order to create an atmosphere, all nine of them have already appeared.

   If this is taken out, if Prince Qi and Feng Xiangbei and others find out that they are the one and left [Void Prophet], it is estimated that they will really be beaten to death.

   As for how to transform it?

   When Lin Beichen was on the earth, he was an otaku.

   As an otaku, it makes sense to be obsessed with Transformers, right?

   He thought for a while, made the nine silly big men stand still, and then began to modify one by one.

   The process is very simple.

   is like piles of wood.

   Various pumping. Plugging.

   The transformation of [Ancient Battle Soul] does not require much skill at all. It only needs to connect bones of different shapes and parts to each other, without even additional welding.

  Because of the [Ancient Battle Spirit] I can use the purple fire energy to connect it firmly.

  【Xunlei】In the cloud space, there are a large number of bones of various creatures stored in the colorful ancient mountains. You can always pick out some weird bones, like thousands of building blocks, which can be assembled into the required shape at will.

   took two full hours.

  Everything is finally finished.

   Nine silly big guys, completely changed their shapes.

   The bony shell is full of metal products of the earth’s modern civilization. If anyone in this world knows the existence of Transformers, they will definitely recognize nine of them as ‘Optimus Prime’.

   looks almost exactly the same.

   Only the height is different.

   probably looks like a moving signal from low to high.

   It is worth mentioning that, if calculated from their ‘bone mass’, the battle has more than doubled.

   "Two domain masters, seven half-step domain masters..."

   Lin Beichen personally tested it, and his heart was infinitely happy.

   With these nine silly big guys, he can basically walk sideways on Liuyuan Star Road-as long as he doesn't confront Prince Qi, such a ruthless galaxy.

After    pieced together, Lin Beichen thought for a while, and felt that it was not safe yet.

   So he used the magic change dyeing spray that he had bought online in advance, and sprayed it directly at the nine silly big guys.

   soon, the spray color is finished.

   Nine silly big men, according to their strength, are divided into three colors of red, yellow, and blue.

   are named Red One, Red Two, Red Three...

   and so on.

   Among them, the Red One has the highest strength, and the Red Two are the main powers of the 22nd and 21st domains respectively.

  The three blue heads are the lowest, similar to normal people.

   Its body is made up of 354 bones, with the least bone mass, so the strength is the lowest, barely reaching the half-step domain master who has reached the 20th level and the 21st level is insufficient.

   After the naming was over, after thinking about it again, Lin Beichen decided to come up with a third layer of insurance.

   He used [Magic Camera] to change the shape of the nine guys again, adding the special effects of "Transformers Optimus Prime".

   "Now, even if you are a star king-level powerhouse, you won't see through their disguise, right?"

   He was relieved a lot.

   In fact, in the [Baidu Netdisk], there is also a metal puppet [No. 1 machine], which also exists similarly.

   But this statue was once a big metal silly that could sweep across the east of Zhenzhou. In the prehistoric world, probably any [ancient war soul] can smash it into a discus with a stick, so it is considered to have withdrawn from the stage of history.

   "It's almost time."

   Lin Beichen calculated the closing time of the ancient battlefield site and knew that he had to leave as soon as possible.

   If you don’t leave, you will stay in this turquoise world and be with your bones.

   Open Baidu navigation and ride a motorcycle on the road.

   This time it’s not the fifth gear of the heavy throttle.

   The strength of the nine Optimus Primes has greatly increased, so they can keep up.

   When he was almost at the exit, Lin Beichen put away the gloriously exposed motorcycle, jumped onto Hong Yi’s shoulder, and entered the mass grave where the exit was.

   A strange feeling of weightlessness came.

   after a moment.

   Hongyi took him and jumped out of the cave in the'Tiankeng Diku'.

   "I'm back at last."

   Lin Beichen felt the familiar environment around him, breathed a long sigh of relief, and felt mentally relaxed.

  In the ruins of the ancient battlefield, all the scenery was stained with a strange turquoise green, as if the underworld special effects were applied. After a long time, Lin Beichen felt that he was a ghost.


   A strange roar of the earth came from the side.

   Lin Beichen turned to look.

   But when I saw the previous [Tiankeng Cave], it suddenly began to collapse, and in a blink of an eye it was filled with mud and rocks, and then clear springs gushed from the ground...

  The disappeared "Sacred Heart Lake" has returned again.

   The sunken lake bed was quickly filled.

   Lin Beichen stood by the lake, and couldn't help but sigh the magic of the law of the galaxy.

   This kind of change that was close to ‘the vicissitudes of life’ just now did not have the slightest energy change at all, as if it were natural winds and rains, even a galaxy-level powerhouse would not be able to do all of this.

   The ruins of the ancient void battlefield were sealed again.

   Lin Beichen even suspected that even if he was digging holes here day and night, digging through the Blue Pole Star, he might not be able to find the ancient battlefield ruins again.

  He stood by the lake and looked around.

   There is no sign of anyone.

   "It's strange, according to the dog goddess, Prince Qi and others will definitely lie in ambush here. If two groups of people meet, there must be a terrible fight. Why can't you feel the residual energy of fighting?"

   "And what's not quite right is that even if Feng Xiangbei, the cheap old man, doesn't talk about conscience or loyalty, and doesn't wait for me to return safely, why isn't even the eldest wife in the early morning?"

   Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows.

   He opened the Baidu map navigation, took out the bicycle and rode, and with nine Optimus Primes, he galloped towards the direction of Liuyuan City.

   half an hour later.

   He stopped.

  Because a battlefield filled with gunpowder appeared on the great plain ahead.

  The battle is over.

   Both sides of the battle have left.

   But blood is flowing into rivers on the plain, and the raging flames are burning the piled up soldiers' corpses-more than 80% of the corpses are human soldiers.

   Lin Beichen saw a battle flag stepped into the blood mud.

   The flag surface is damaged, and the word ‘gale’ is faintly visible.

   Gale Army!

   Lin Beichen's heart moved.

   The four major military departments of the Blue Pole Star Human Race Gale, Green Flame, Cracked Ground and Azure, headed by the Gale Force, are the elite among the elite and the most important force to defend the Blue Pole Star.

   Not long ago, the Dafeng Army had just won a big victory in the Tianshui River Basin.

but now?

   suffered a defeat.

   Still saying that the whole army is wiped out, eh?

   Lin Beichen had a bad feeling in his heart.

   He pedaled the bike wildly, rushing forward like a gust of wind.

   Along the way, I saw more and more traces of war.

   Not only the Gale Army, but also saw the corpses of the soldiers of the Qingyan, Lidi, and Azure three soldiers, discarded heavy, burning battle flags...

   In Lin Beichen's eyes, it is a picture called'the defeat is like a mountain'.

   He was worried.

   Speed ​​up.

   Finally, half a day later, he arrived outside the Blue Pole Star’s largest city, Luyuan City.

   At the moment when he saw Liuyuan City, Lin Beichen's heart, which was originally hanging in his throat, finally fell back into his stomach.

   is fine.

   Liuyuan City is still there.

   It was not turned into rubble in the flames of war.

   Looking from a distance, it is still magnificent and majestic, and there is no trace of war.

   "It seems that the situation is not as bad as I thought, at least this city..."

   Lin Beichen let out a sigh, and a smile appeared on his face.

   But the next moment, when he looked into the depths of Liuyuan City, the smile on his face suddenly froze, then he couldn't help rubbing his eyes, his face gradually changed.


Good night, a watch tonight.

Tomorrow the update will be relatively late, so you still have to go to the hospital, or it will take a whole day if you don't get it right.

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