Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1454: Play music and dance

Liuyuan City.

   The former headquarters of the Qingyan Army Headquarters, and today the Deshengtan resident, one of the new sub-alarms of the Xuanxue Shenjiao.

   The purple obsidian flags, which symbolized the Luyuan Star passersby, have been removed, and many purple obsidian patterns and sculptures have been smeared and destroyed... The traces of the old era have been cleaned up.

   is replaced by a black and white two-color flag symbolizing the Demon’s Xuanxue God Sect, and a purple flame symbolizing the demon energy of the void.

   A grand celebration ceremony is underway.

   Celebrate Huo Xuanzhen, Patriarch of the Huo family, as the altar master of the Desheng Altar, the new altar of the Demon Race. Since then, he has jumped into the ranks and became one of the giant-level elders of the Xuanxue Sect.

  The organizational structure of Xuanxue Shenjiao is very simple.

   The **** of faith and the leader are both [Void Prophet].

   is the elders.

   The elders are divided into real power and false duty.

  The elders of the real power administer the major sub altars, including altar masters and blessing altar masters.

   Void elders only have status and do not directly control the sub-forums.

   Below the altar master, there are also incense masters and law protectors.

Below    are ordinary congregants, and there are also levels.

The Huo family was commended for making great contributions during the Battle of the Blue Pole Star. Patriarch Huo Xuanzhen jumped directly into the ranks and became the new elder of the Xuanxue Sect, and also served as the new altar of Desheng. 'The Lord of the Altar.

   The Confucian family and the Shen family, which were also one of the nine major families of the Luyuan Star Passer-by, were appointed as the deputy altar masters of the "Desheng Altar" and assisted Huo Xuanzhen.

   In addition, as the first branch of Xuanxue sect with human race as the main body, it is said that [Void Prophet] intends to form a warhead with human race as the main force, and the commander is undoubtedly Huo Xuanzhen.

   There are many signs that indicate that Huo Xuanzhen, the head of the Huo family, is not only expensive right now, but will also skyrocket in the future.

   The banquet is going on.

   Huo Xuanzhen is undoubtedly the man in the field.

Although ninety-nine percent of the people who attended the banquet were humans, but the three main altars of the Demon Race Burning Heaven, Zhuhai, and Starscar, as well as some other high-ranking elders and incense masters, also sent envoys to send them. The gift came, and it was enough to give the Huo family a lot of face.

   It is not an exaggeration to say that the Huo family has since become the largest family of the Luyuan Star Passerby, and the limelight is better than ever.

Because of the gossip, [Void Prophet] attached great importance to the Huo family. Half a day ago, a demon elder was severely punished by [Void Prophet] for beating and insulting Huo Xuanzhen face to face, depriving him of the position of elder, and demoted to a fragrant. the Lord.

   There was even a gossip that even the Fentian domain master, one of the three pillar-level elders in the Xuanxue God Sect, was beaten by [Void Prophet] because of being rude to Huo Xuan, and his black eye sockets were broken and his arms were broken.

   With all kinds of gossip flying all over the sky, Huo's family can now be said to have reached the point where it is really full of flowers.

   Even many demon bosses have to look sideways.

   "Haha, everyone, please have fun today."

   Huo Xuanzhen held up the wine bottle made of precious gold, loudly and authentically.

   This ancient golden wine bottle with eight dragons and pearls is a reward given by the [Void Prophet] and symbolizes the glory of the Huo family.

   "Elder Huo, please."

   "Altar Lord, please."

   There is a sound of echoing around.

   Kong Zhiyu, the patriarch of the Confucian family, and Shen Zichen, the owner of the Shen family, also had some accomplices around them, but compared with Huo Xuanzhen, it was a thousand miles away.

   In the past, the nine families on Liuyuan Star Road were almost equal, but now the Kong, Shen Liang family and Huo family have opened a huge gap.

   The wine enters the throat and turns into bitterness.

   Kong Zhiyue and Shen Zichen looked at each other and saw the bitterness in each other's eyes.

   A long time before the Battle of the Blue Pole Star,    and the Huo family had reached a secret agreement with the demon. The Kong family and the Shen family were passive types.

  The three families of Kong, Shen, and Huo are quite related and have a history of marriage for hundreds of years.

   belongs to a small group among the nine big families.

   Kong and Shen two big families are passively dragged into the water.

With the help of the resources and channels of these two families, the Huo family did a lot of things. When the two families noticed it, they realized that they had made a big mistake and irreparable. Coupled with the coercion and lure of the Huo family, as well as the devil’s calculations, they finally had to Xuanxue **** sect was descended.

   This is also the biggest reason why Kong Zhiyu and Shen Zichen have gained far less power than Huo Xuanzhen.

   The hearts of the two of them were full of emotions, quite bitter.

   They know very well that since then, the two big families are afraid that they can only become vassals of the Huo family.

   One step wrong, wrong step, doomed to be unable to look back.

   The banquet came to a climax.

   A guard came in suddenly.

   "My lord, there is a special envoy from Fentiantan. On the order of the Fentianyu lord, I want to mention Yi Shunan, the third-level staff officer of the Gale Army, and order us to release them immediately."

   The guard knelt down on one knee.

   The noise at the banquet gradually calmed down.

   Everyone's eyes were focused on Huo Xuanzhen.

   Kong Zhi's desire and Shen Zichen's heart also immediately appeared innumerable messages.

   They know the little staff officer Yi Shunan.

This person was the confidential staff of the human hero Lin Beichen at the time. He once rushed to the main stand at the award ceremony of the council, blasted Huo's family, and used the method of'Elemental Realm' to broadcast the scene of the assassination that day, for Lin Beichen Proved innocence, courage is commendable, and is firmly remembered by many big people.

   But because of this, I was hated by Huo Jiaji.

   After the fall of the Blue Pole Star, the Huo family turned over and began liquidation of those related to Lin Beichen.

   The first to bear the brunt is the many strong members of the former Speaker Feng Xiangbei's family.

   Next are the people from the Gale Army.

   Yi Shunan and Lu Chao, the two confidential secretaries who used to follow Lin Beichen, naturally would not let them go.

It was heard that Lu Chao, who was seriously injured that day, was directly dragged out of the hospital of the Gale Army Headquarters, interrupted his limbs, abolished his true energy cultivation, and dragged him on the main road of Liuyuan City to show the public. After healed his injuries, he killed a total of 360 knives and died of torture.

   And Yi Shunan was also named and hunted by the Huo family, and was eventually caught in prison.

   is life or death, outsiders don’t know.

   Now, what is the purpose of Burning Heaven Domain Lord coming to ask for this person?

   In this way, to suppress Huo Xuanzhen once, disgust the newly promoted demon elder?

   Will the Huo family hand it over?

   All the figures who knew the inside story were waiting for Huo Xuanzhen to answer.

   is to keep a low profile?

   Still domineering?

"Hehe, since it is Elder Burning Heaven to mention someone, it is of course to be given..." Huo Xuanzhen held the wine bottle in the wild, smiled faintly, and said: "However, this woman is a hardliner of the Dafeng Military Department. She has long been sentenced to death. Not complete... Come, give Yi Shunan's body to the messenger to take it home."


   the guards are loud and authentic.

   "Wait a minute."

   Huo Xuan really remembered something, and said, "By the way, send the body of the staff officer named Lu Chao, too, hehe, I think Elder Burning will also be interested."


   The guard saluted, turned and walked out of the banquet hall.

   Huo Xuanzhen smiled faintly, held up the wine bottle, and said: "Haha, everyone, please go ahead, don't delay the banquet for such a trivial matter...hehehe, continue to play music, continue to dance."


Four more today.

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