Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1466: Sword Fairy Army

Not for a moment.

   Shui Liuguang and Cao Donghao were stripped of their armor—unlike Shui Hanyan, Han Xiao and others, their armor was not only a higher-level alchemy product, but also a treasure known as the silver dust star road.

   But now, they have changed owners.

   "Where is Wang Zhong?"

   Lin Beichen shouted loudly: "Drag me back this shameful dog, it's his turn to work."

   Wang Zhong was dragged back by the Guangjiang father and son.


   The old housekeeper flicked the whip in his hand, and entered a state of excitement: "Hahaha, master, just look at it..."

   Search and squeeze!

   This is his specialty.

  Because the Generalissimo was taken hostage, the generals and soldiers on the starships of the two armies did not dare to resist, so Wang Zhong had to take the hot-headed silver rat and his son to blackmail at will.

   An hour later, the search ended.

   "Master, this time, we have made a fortune..." Wang Zhong looked at the types and numbers on the list, and his mouth trembled with excitement.


   Lin Beichen took the list and read it again, with a satisfied look on his face, and said: "I got rich, not us."

  Wang Zhong: "..."

   "Master, then these people..."

  Wang Zhong pointed to Shui Liuguang, Cao Donghao and others, and said, "How to deal with it?"

   Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows, and said, "What do you think?"

Wang Zhong smiled and said: "Master, to walk between the galaxies, you need not only personal cultivation, but also the forces around you. You need more powerful people to fight for your will and for you. And run away for the interest...or else, did you collect them?"


   Lin Beichen said, the suggestion seems to make sense, but in your tone of voice, why do you seem to persuade me to take a concubine?

   Take two armies by your side?

   sounds very exciting.

   Walking in the galaxy, carrying a group of younger brothers, wherever he goes, he is very accommodating, and it is also very popular, especially when picking up girls and pretending to be forced, it can be regarded as an atmosphere group, and there must be an atmosphere bonus.

   But if you accept it, you must raise it.

   To support the population of two military headquarters, it is not just as simple as tens of thousands of mouths to eat, but also cultivation and various resources...

   I feel a headache after thinking about it.

   Moreover, if you want to subdue an army, you cannot rely on force alone.

   Lin Beichen thought for a while, although his appearance was invincible and domineering, but he didn't reach the level of making people accept his head and worship.

   An army with insufficient loyalty, to close by, is a disaster.

   You can't be too vain.

"Not interested in."

   He rejected Wang Zhong's suggestion, and said: "No matter how many starships, no matter how many troops, what is the point in front of the real strong? I will kill it myself."

  Wang Zhong: "..."

  Master, your cowhide is a little big.

   With a sword now, you can’t even cut the stream of water, your girl.

"Master, I know you are afraid of trouble, but it is better to change your mind. For example, if you want to find the soul-recovery technique, you want to find the master of skin, you want to marry the Princess Huanzhu from the Gengjin dynasty... There are some followers around you. Wouldn’t it be more convenient? Since ancient times, a single tree has not grown into a forest. There are many things that cannot be done by a strong individual."

   Wang Zhong tried to persuade him.

   " seems to make a little sense."

Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows, raised his head, looked at Wang Zhong with a strange look, and said: "But I always feel that you are weird today. There seems to be some inexplicable deep meaning in your words and things, What do you mean by that?"

   "Master, the starting point for everything I do is for your good."

Wang Zhong patted his chest and said: "I watched you grow up, like you were a son at the time, not to mention the word loyalty in my name. Under your influence, it became like this. Wisdom, please don't doubt my loyalty, Master."

Lin Beichen sighed and said: "To be honest, I don't understand you a little bit...but, I never doubted you...whatever, you want to play as you like, don't bother me. ."

   Wang Zhong was overjoyed and said, "Master, don't worry, I will definitely train you idiots to be loyal and smart."

   Lin Beichen waved his hand, turned back to the closed cabin, and continued to practice.

   Three hours later.

   The history of the silver dust star passersby has been rewritten.

   At this time, no one—even the participants in person, do not know the significance of this turning point to the entire prehistoric land.

   didn’t know the future status and weight of the four words ‘Sword Fairy Army’.

   They can only see in front of them, they only know that from this moment on, the two military headquarters, the "Bloodsorrow Army" and the "Xuanyan Army" have completely become history.

   was replaced by a new military headquarters.

   Sword Fairy Army.

   The team of the "Sword Fairy Army" has no suspense at all. They are Shui Liuguang, Cao Donghao and others.

With'Sword Immortal' as its flagship, the brand-new'Sword Immortal Military Department' has had two hundred and thirty one large and small starships from the very beginning. In terms of quantity and equipment, it has become the top five on the Silver Dust Star Road. Quantitative forces.

   The silver dust country of the past had a total of eleven military headquarters before the death of King Jian Lianchen.   Among them, ‘Xueshang’ and ‘Xuanyan’ are not the top military headquarters.

   But after the two phases were merged, they instantly had the strength to fight against any of the other nine military departments—at least on paper.

   Lin Beichen's retreat was interrupted.

   Under Wang Zhong's attempted flattering invitation, he reluctantly came to the deck of the "Sword Fairy".

   "Meet the Generalissimo."

   "See Lin Shuai."

   On the deck of the flagship, hundreds of generals, including Shui Liuguang and Cao Donghao, dressed in armor and stern temperament, all bowed to Lin Beichen with bows on their knees.

   The sound of visiting and shouting is like the roar of thunder and lightning.

   The scene is magnificent.

   Lin Beichen: "???"

So fast?

   How did Wang Zhong do this dog thing?

   In just one hour, they kneaded the birthplaces of the two military headquarters together, and they really looked alike. At least the two former generals Shui Liuguang and Cao Donghao both showed an attitude of absolute obedience.

   A big question mark appeared on Lin Beichen's forehead.

   But he was very calm.

   "The generals... don't have to be polite."

   He raised his hand gently.

   More than a hundred generals just got up.

  The sound of gold and iron rubbed by the armor is like a hurricane roaring, which is appalling.

   Knives, spears, swords and halberds flickered in cold light, like a metal jungle, raging to the sky.

   The two hundred starships all around fired at the same time.

   Salute is the same name.

   This scene was really contagious and too compelling, and Lin Beichen, who was originally lacking in interest, couldn't help but become excited.

   I feel... a bit cool.

   It smells so good.

   He scanned the surroundings.

   More than two hundred large and small starships, in the past three hours, have completed all their makeovers.

The flags, numbers, masts, and sails that originally belonged to the two military departments were all removed. The hull was all spray dyed into a very representative silver. On the 231 sides, there are two silver swords. The'fencing chart' of each other.

   "See Deputy Commander Wang."

   "Meet Deputy Commander Wang Zhong."

  The generals turned around again and saluted Wang Zhong.

   Lin Beichen: "Fuck?"

  Wang Zhong, this dog, is so shameless that he claims to be the deputy commander of the Jianxian Army?

   He formed this army, in fact, for his own enjoyment, right?

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