Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1479: Brother Meng is too fierce

"Uh...milk spit rice oil."

   Lin Beichen warmly welcomed Zou Tianyun's arrival.

  Zou Tianyun: "???"

   He only understood the first word.

   probably expresses surprise?

   He shook hands with Lin Beichen, and then looked at Lin Beichen with a look of scrutiny, as if he was expecting something, making a certain judgment, and then his eyes became more and more hot...


   Lin Beichen frowned.

  This guy, why is he looking at me squintingly?

   "Master, Mr. Zou is following the training route of the twelfth bloodline "Madhua Dao", the 28th-level domain master level, good at close combat and hand-to-hand combat, is a rare war fighter."

   Wang Zhong came over and introduced with a smile.

   28-level domain main level cultivation base?

   Among all the martial arts experts I have encountered, are you the first person in martial arts under Prince Qi and Jian Xue?

   The big wife guessed right.

   This Zou Tianyun is indeed an absolute powerhouse.

   It is precisely because of his absolute confidence in his own strength that he will do such a wonderful thing as'accepting only the weak' in the dock and port.

   "I have heard of Zou Tiansheng's name for a long time."

   After shaking hands, a stylized line came out of Lin Beichen's mouth, and he suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

   It feels like I'm on a blind date.

   What should I say next?

   He looked at Wang Zhong.

Wang Zhong immediately understood, and quickly said: "Master, Mr. Zou was moved by your righteous deeds in the star of the'Beiluo Shimen', and also attracted by your ideas. He has agreed to join our'Sword Fairy Army'. From then on, let the young master urge you."


  What is my philosophy?

   A big question mark appeared in Lin Beichen's heart.

   But there was still a look of surprise on his face, and he said, "That's great, I have to help Mr. Zou, it's really powerful."

   "Yeah, yeah, it's like a fish in water, like glue like paint, icing on the cake, love and harmony, keep improving..."

  Wang Zhong praised without losing the opportunity.

   Lin Beichen glanced at him, staring directly at death.

   This dog's head is pretty funny.

   he thought.

   Wang Zhong finds it inexplicable, did I make a mistake?

   "The handsome man praised it."

  Zou Tianyun quickly entered his role and saluted respectfully, saying: "From today onwards, the final general will be the man of the commander. I am willing to go through fire and water for the commander, but he will never regret it with his drive."


   Something is wrong.

has a problem.   Lin Beichen is a bit suspicious.

   This Zou Tianyun, he was arrogant and blasted into the sky at the beginning, and he was put up in the sky, and he didn't see him when he hid. Why is he suddenly so ‘behaved’ now?

  , this guy is a highly respected hermit in the ‘North Fall Division’, and a strong man of the 28th-level domain master level. How come he is not at all compelling, and he will fall in love as soon as he meets him, and he’ll just pay his respects when he meets his head?

   My domineering spirit hasn't reached this level yet.

   The more Lin Beichen thought about it, the more suspicious he became.

  Wang Zhong, this dog thing, what kind of ecstasy did Zou Tianyun poured into Zou Tianyun, flicking a good 28th-level domain master into a second fool?

   "General Zou will give up the gift soon."

   After all, Lin Beichen is a person who has seen the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. He hurried to the front of the mountain and personally helped Zou Tianyun up, Liu Daer possessed him, and said: "It's so pitiful, I finally have like-minded people, Chen Xingshi."

   "Master, now my Sword Fairy Army Department is missing a Zhengyin Chief Pioneer, it is better to appoint General Zou as..."

   Wang Zhong offered advice again.

   Lin Beichen said without hesitation: "Well, do as you say... Come, prepare the banquet, recruit the generals, and welcome General Zou to join the group. This commander will remove three ribs and make soup for General Zou."

  Wang Zhong: "..."

  Master, your acting is a bit too much.

  Ribs or something, forget it.

   "Look, wait a minute."

However, Zou Tianyun was very serious, and said, "The new general will be the new general, and he has not done anything. How can he receive this honor... I heard that the general has already decided to conquer the other six [Seven Shenwu]. Since the general has led Zhengyin Vanguard. I’m willing to go to the battlefield first, and wait until the merits are given, and then come back to drink with the commander."

   Lin Daer immediately agreed.

   He was overjoyed but couldn't wait to say: "Sure enough, he is a peerless general... That handsome guy is waiting for your good news."

   I don’t know why, but I just feel embarrassed to get along with this Zou Tianyun.



   Facts have proved that Wang Zhong is not wrong at all.

   Zou Tianyun is really a peerless fighter.

This fierce general only took less than three days to lay down the six continents of Dongya, Xi?, Xuanzhou, Zhengding, Mo Ling, and Hanchao in one breath, and completely ended the'North Falling Master Gate'. The era ruled by [Seven Shenwu].

   Seeing the battle report from the front line, Lin Beichen's eyes almost burst out.

  "One punch shook to death [Seven Shenwu] ranked sixth Du Ziteng..."

   "With a roar, [Seven Shenwu] ranked fourth Xiong Chumo,"

   "Six moves, broke [Seven Shenwu] and the other four teamed up to besiege, kill two and capture two..."

Just looking at the battle report, Lin Beichen already seemed to be on the scene, seeing a strong master of the pinnacle domain smashing the world with a boxing punch. The horror picture trembling under his fist.

   In the Galaxy Age, the meaning of the peerless warlord lies in this.

   "This Zou Tianyun is not strong enough."

   Lin Beichen was shocked.

   He opened the hook outside of Niaozhou City, and got rid of the seventh-ranked domain master in the [Seven Shenwu] of Hanmoshu.

   And Zou Tianyun can actually make a roar to death [Seven Shenwu] Xiong Chumo, ranked fourth.

   This difference is extremely scary to think carefully.

   28th-level domain master!

   Is this the power of level 28?

   The domain master of the twelfth bloodline [Madhua Dao] is indeed a big killer in the Galaxy War.

   However, the stronger Zou Tianyun's strength is, the greater the doubt in Lin Beichen's mind.

  , why is such a peerless fighter so respectful to himself?

   What did Wang Zhong say to Zou Tianyun?

   With this huge question, Lin Beichen couldn't wait to walk into Master Qin's bedroom in the middle of the night to ask for advice humbly.

   "I can't see through."

   Lord Qin wore pajamas, his fair skin was like moonlight, and his beautiful face was calm and calm, and said, "About this matter, maybe you should ask Deputy Commander Wang carefully."

   Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows.

   He doesn't understand men.

   But I definitely know women.

   told him instinctively that the big wife had clearly seen some clues, but she was unwilling to say it.

   So, he didn't ask any more questions.

  Because a man who deliberately embarrassed his wife is not a human being at all.

   "You just came here, I have one thing to tell you." Lord Qin gathered the silver hair on the temples, and looked at Lin Beichen with a serious expression.

  In Lin Beichen's heart, a faint emotion suddenly grew.

Sure enough, I heard the priest Qin slowly say: "The Sword Immortal Army occupies one-third of the territory of the Silver Dust Star Road, and now it has received the'North Fall Division Gate' boundary star. There are more than a thousand generals under his command, and there is Wang Zhong. Wu You Zou Tianyun, the wings are already full, you can run worry-free, you can retreat to one side, and you can compete with the heroes of the Ziwei Star area... You no longer need my help, and it's time for me to leave."

   "What? No way."

   Lin Beichen jumped up suddenly: "No, Da Ba..."

   "Listen to me."

The priest Qin raised his voice and interrupted Lin Beichen. He looked at him with a calm expression and firm will in his eyes. He said: "Everyone has his own way, I can't always be by your side, let alone I have Unfinished things need to be completed, so you must strengthen yourself. After these days, I have made enough preparations. I will leave today and go to the Shaoguang star area of ​​the "Doctor's Way" to practice holy land to apprentice... Just goodbye for a while. On the day of goodbye, why should you stick to a momentary pleasure?"

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