Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1601: Qiuzhi Academy

Furukawa Prefecture shuddered suddenly.

   Being sucked to death by an adult, the scene is horrible.

   But destiny no longer gives him a choice.

   After Lin Beichen has refined the qi and blood in his left arm, he can continue to swallow and draw.

   Smoking until death.

   "Fight against the holy race, you will regret it."

   Gu Hezhou sneered.

Lin Beichen was speechless: "What? You are only allowed to calculate the persecution of me, but I am not allowed to fight back? You **** people who are inferior but consciously aloof can only understand when they are stepped under their feet. Actually, you **** are not. ."

A trace of revenge and resentment surged in Furukawa's eyes, and said: "You win, you can say whatever you say, but you don't know, the person you care about is already a prisoner of my saint clan now, that girl named Wee Chen …"

  Lin Beichen's complexion changed wildly, grabbed him, and asked, "How dare you take the initiative to fight against the grandfather of the Gengjin God Dynasty?"

   "Hehe, what counts the Gengjin God Dynasty?"

Furukawa sneered: "Why? Worried? Afraid? It's a pity, it's useless. The person who ambushed that girl was the third brother of Nongxin who was practicing in Israel. At this time, she was afraid that she was already under the brother of Nongxin. The remnants of the flowers have fallen into the willows."

  A trace of killing intent flashed in Lin Beichen's eyes, and he was about to do it, but his heart suddenly moved.

   Throwing Guhezhou aside, Lin Beichen directly summoned the phone and dialed the WeChat video in the early morning.

   quickly connected over there.

  The person who appeared on the screen was wee hours.

   Lin Beichen's heart instantly returned to his stomach.

   After some exchanges, I learned that the early morning was indeed attacked by the ancient clan, but the opponent had been successfully resolved, and he was rushing to the Gengjin sacred dynasty.

   I had contacted Lin Beichen several times in the early morning, but the WeChat failed to connect.

   Lin Beichen guessed that this might have something to do with returning to the host Zhenzhou?

   So this batch of mobile phones has no signal in the host country, Zhenzhou?

   The men and women who were worried about each other finally got in touch, and they were relieved, and soon hung up the video.

  Of course, this operation is invisible to others—the phone cannot be seen, the call screen cannot be seen, and even the early morning sound cannot be heard.

   I can only hear Lin Beichen muttering to himself in a low voice, like a demon, thinking that his actions are a little weird.

   But everyone who is familiar with Lin Beichen knows that most of them have brain diseases, and they have attacks from time to time, so it's no surprise.

   "Everyone, it's normal, normal, my young master...he has a problem with his brain, and he is prone to seizures when he is stimulated."

   Wang Zhong smiled and explained to Feng Xiangbei and others.

   Then he slapped the back of the head and was shot directly out of the sky.

Feng Xiang Bei and others:   w?????????o??o??????? ??o??o



   half a day later.

   Yue Hongxiang, Chu Hen and Xiao Binggan are back.

   Wang Fengliu with a long bag on the back of his head and others returned.

   Learning what happened from Feng Xingyun's mouth, Wang Fengliu felt dizzy, as if he had experienced something, but he completely forgot.

   But as long as he uses his head to think a little, he will have a headache, as if someone is banging the back of his head frantically with two violent hammers.

   So he gave up thinking.

   What followed was [Sword of Revival]'s sweeping counterattack against the chaotic alliance area.

   The forces of the ‘Prime Commercial Alliance’ were wiped out like a plow.

   Many other forces who fished in troubled waters were also ruthlessly liquidated.

   Those bounty hunters who came from afar were also ruthlessly taught to be humans.

   Lin Beichen stayed here for one day, and then embarked on the journey to find Han to live up to it.

   The newly prepared [Handsome Sword Immortal] set sail, through a super long-distance teleportation array in the Chaos Alliance area, once again shuttled through space, and entered the southern end of the Royal Palace Galaxy.

   Then after a short supply, teleport again.

   From the Palace Galaxy to the Tianyu Galaxy where the'North Star Legion' is located, the journey is a long way, and it is necessary to pass through the two galaxies of Mole of Tears and Tianqing.

  According to the transmission speed of [Handsome Sword Fairy], it will take at least one month to arrive.

   The road is long.

   Lin Beichen felt very boring, and could only ‘squeeze’ the Guhe Prefecture every day.

   He also really fulfilled his promise-Guhezhou was about to be vacuumed and dried by himself, skin and bones all over, as if a skull covered with an rubber.

   And Lin Beichen's cultivation is also progressing rapidly—【Huaqi Jue】is about to break through and enter the fourth layer.

   Even so, the days when you can't pretend to be forced are still very boring.

   "Fucking, this is really strange. Away from this distance, how did the forces of the'Northern Military Headquarters' reach into the crape myrtle star field and assassinate the [Crimson Prophet]?"

   Lin Beichen felt strange.

Wang Fengliu respectfully said: "Master, you don’t know that the'Beichen Military Headquarters' is extremely powerful nowadays, especially the intelligence information network, which is absolutely unique. It is because of the fact that this military group has a reputation among ordinary human warriors. It’s great. It’s the only human army that really fights against the demons and orcs. Many human forces are willing to use it for them... Although the main force of the'Beichen Military Headquarters' is in the Tianyu Galaxy, their control and layout of the primordial universe is fast. Developing."

   After the previous battle, Wang Fengliu was formally appointed as a special envoy by the [Sword of Revival] headquarters to serve Lin Beichen.

   Deputy Special Envoy is also an acquaintance.

   Feng Xingyun was one of the twelve principals who were not afraid of danger and would rather die than surrender.

   There are a hundred martial arts powerhouses in the entire special service group, all of whom are of the Star King level, dedicated to serving Lin Beichen.

   Even today's [Handsome Sword Immortal] is a treasure ship that has been selected by thousands of choices. It is expensive to build. It is said to be [Sword of Renaissance] a high-level crosshair emperor.

  Lao Han’s career has done a lot.

   Before, I just thought about hugging a rich woman’s thigh, so I don’t have to work hard.

   I didn't expect to be able to protect my brother's thigh now.

   It can be seen that as long as you work hard, there is never a lack of thighs in this world.

   Lin Beichen sighed in his heart, turned back to the warehouse, and studied the formation with Yue Hongxiang.

   Time flies quickly.

   On this day, the [Handsome Sword Fairy] came to the Mole of Tears galaxy, and stopped at the brood transfer station in the outer space of the human capital of the human race within the galaxy, “Tearful Stars”, for replenishment.

   This is a big supply, just like a 4S point big guarantee, it takes three days and three nights.

There was nothing left or right. Under Wang Zhong’s instigation and suggestion, Lin Beichen took Yue Hongxiang, Chu Hen, Xiao Binggan and others to rent a small flying ship. After inspection, he entered the "Tear-colored World Star" to get a taste of the local Local customs.


   The flying ship pierced the atmosphere, leaving a flare in the air.

   Leaning on a railing and looking far away, the blue sky and white clouds are intoxicating.

   When Lin Beichen first started his cosmic journey, he was full of curiosity about the universe shining with endless stars and all kinds of magnificent nebulae and star rings that could be seen all the way.

   But now, looking at the blue sky and white clouds, and the green waves like the sea below, I only feel very cordial.

   Looking down from the void, the "Tear-Colored Star" is full of aura and pleasant scenery. The land and water are half of the land, and the territory is vast, like a fairyland in myths and legends.

   all the way to the mountains and famous rivers, the scenery is pleasant, the PM2.5 value is 0.

  Finally, the small flying ship landed on the outskirts of Wendao Mountain, the holy land of the "Tearful Star".

   The shield was removed, and fresh air blew up.

   The feeling of stepping on the ground made Lin Beichen let out a sigh of relief.

"The entire Tear Mole galaxy is the twenty-first Ph.D. cultivation holy place among the 24 human bloodlines, especially this'tear-colored world star', which was the place where the Ph.D. Dao's ancestor became Dao, now it is a Ph.D. The sacred place of Taoist monks, and the "Knowledge Academy" founded by the ancestors of Doctor Tao, is the largest academy on this world star, and it is the holy temple in the minds of countless Doctor Taoists. Tianjiao, rush to this place to participate in the examination of the Academy for Knowledge, hoping to enter the academy for further studies."

   Wang Fengliu has a very clear understanding of the local customs and historical origins.


   Lin Beichen suddenly became interested.

   At the time, the big wife, Master Qin, said that she was going to a planet where she would practice Doctor's Tao for further study. Now she has gone there for more than half a year.

   With the talent and intelligence of the priest Qin, as well as the strength of the blood, it must be progressing fast.

   I don’t know if she came here to take the entrance examination of Kuzhi Academy?

   Or, have you become a member of the Academy of Knowledge?

   "Let's go, go to the Qiuzhi Academy."

   Lin Beichen is in high spirits.

   Yue Hongxiang has always been full of yearning for institutions such as academies, and she is also looking forward to it.

On the contrary, Chu Hen, Xiao Binggan, and Guangjiang, when they heard the word "shuyuan", their heads suddenly rose, and they all said that they could just stroll around the major trading markets around Wendaoshan. Lin Beichen was very surprised, Xiao Binggan, a scumbag, and Guangjiang, a beast that didn’t like academies. Director Chu, the former director of the Third Academy, was so tired of studying, but you really did the opposite. A role model.

   So everyone parted ways temporarily.

   Wang Fengliu naturally followed Lin Beichen so that he could provide services anytime and anywhere.

   Asking Dao, the mountain occupies an area of ​​five thousand miles, the mountain is majestic and beautiful, there are few lonely peaks and ridges, looking at it, all the mountains rise slowly, the mountains are majestic, and they rise slowly.

  Between the mountains, blue brick and green tiled buildings can be seen everywhere.

   The mountain roads are wide and neat, like jade belts, and the traffic on the paddy fields connects the whole Wendao Mountain.

   Lin Beichen stood at the bottom of the mountain, taking a deep breath, as if he could smell the rich scholarly fragrance.

  Vaguely, there seemed to be the sound of reading aloud echoing among the mountains.

   is indeed a scene of the Holy Land.

   Lin Beichen's heart could not help but his respect for knowledge surged.

The "Doctor's Path" in the Human Race's Twenty-Four Bloodline Paths is a path that is completely different from other cultivation paths. It explores the truth between heaven and earth. It is said that if you have cultivated to a certain level, you can master the truth of the Tao and transform it into practice. All things have the magical ability to speak and follow the law, which should not be underestimated.


   Lin Beichen stepped up.

   There are quite a few climbers along the way.

   After asking, I found out that the annual admissions exam for the Academy for Knowledge will be held tomorrow.

   So many people come to watch the ceremony and take the exam.

   "Master, we are lucky, we caught up with a great event."

   Wang Fengliu is happy and authentic.

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