Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1616: Undercurrent

Facts have proved that the worries of the top executives of major colleges and academies are not superfluous.

  Because the next day, the two subjects of "Ore" and "Array Diagram", the chief priest Qin once again won the championship with two 100 points.

   and Li Guangyu, who followed closely, only scored 93 and 95 points.

  In the past, this kind of achievement is destined to surprise countless people, destined to become a benchmark, and must be the number one achievement.

   But now, under the two full marks of Master Qin, it looks dull and not worth mentioning.

   The light of 100 points is enough to overshadow any other scores, even 99 points.

   As Chen Beilin said before, 100 and other scores are two concepts, not simply the difference between numbers.

   "Why is this?"

   "An outsider, in such a short period of time, can crush our Tear Mole Galaxy galaxy through the accumulation of tens of thousands of years of accumulation and cultivation of the arrogant?"

   "It's not that there is a problem with the topic of the School of Knowledge, right?"

   "Shhh, speak carefully. The School of Knowledge will never make mistakes."

   "Yes, you should not question the Holy Land at any time."

   Various arguments spread in and outside Wendao Mountain.

   Before the test, many people thought that Qin Lianshen was probably a spoiler, but they didn't expect that she would completely crush the geniuses of the entire Tear Mole galaxy.

   Then the question is coming.

   In the next four exams, can Qin Lianshen continue her miracle of 100 points?

   This suspense has even been offered by the betting dogs.

   Of course, corresponding to this, the ranking odds on the stone tablet have also been adjusted.

  Qin Lianshen topped the list, surpassing Li Guangyu, Qiao Fufu, Zhou Chengcheng, Cao Shuyu, Chu Celadon, Murong Tianjue and others, and became the undisputed biggest winner.

   Many people who come to eat melons outside the academy for knowledge realize that they may be witnessing a historic moment.

   More and more people came after hearing the news.

   almost burst into tears in the tourism industry of the stars.

   Asked the inside and outside of the mountain, it was overcrowded.

  The exam is still going on.

   And Lin Beichen used the bulk of the inferior “boring donkey” purchased online to increase the favorability of the old man in black, and by the way, he talked facelessly.

   "Master, do you recognize it?"


   "Why don't you recognize it?"

   "No reason."

   "Strong recognition."

   "The twisted melon is not sweet."

   "Then you recognize it."

   "Huh? Is it okay?"

   "I'm watching."

   "Then I will try again."

   After some enlightenment, the old man in black was advised by Lin Beichen (counsel) and decided to find an opportunity to serve as his goddaughter.

   Lin Beichen is very happy.

   Look, I have put forward useful opinions. Isn’t this good impression made?


and many more.

   Why does this old guy only recognize Qiao Fu but not Qiao Biyi?

   Aren’t all Qiao’s daughters?

   Lin Beichen thoughtfully.

   Also thoughtful, there is Li Ziyi, the deputy dean of Donglin Academy.

   "Everyone, can't go on like this anymore. If Qin Lianshen is crushed all the way, and the science test is passed, where do we hope to put the faces of our colleagues in the Tear Mole Galaxy Doctor Dao?"

  In a VIP room in the old book building, the heads of major academies gathered to discuss countermeasures.

   Qin Lian's birth turned out to really disrupt their plan.

   "The book emperor must accept the scholars of the Tear Mole galaxy as a closed disciple, and the inheritance of the ancestor must also be inherited by the human race of our Tear Mole galaxy, and must not be left in the hands of outsiders."

   The Lord of the Book Sea was quite firm in his tone of grace, saying: "Even if the Witch Keke 800 wins the first prize, you can't let it be arrogant, and you can't let the School of Knowledge ask her to be included in the sect."

   "Yes. How can the top inheritance of the dignified doctor's way fall into the hands of outsiders."

  Taiping Academy's vice-president Murong Jue also had a tough tone.


   Shushan’s deputy mountain master Qiao Tianfeng hesitated and said: "How can we control the will of the School of Knowledge? How can we take the charge of [Book Emperor]?"

  Knowledge Academy!

  Book Emperor Kongshan Yingyue!

   These two existences are like unattainable holy peaks overlooking everyone else.

   Even if they unite, it is impossible to shake their will.

   "That was the past, now it's different."

A weird smile appeared on Li Ziyi's face, and said: "I have found out absolutely accurate news, [Book Emperor] Under the crown of the empty mountain, because of the forcible comprehension of "The Endless Way of All Things", the spirit is exhausted and the spirit is created. As for the sharp drop in realm, his strength is far worse than before. The reason why he wanted to open the mountain gate and recruit closed disciples this time is because of this reason, he can't hold on for long, and wants to find and cultivate a descendant before he falls, so as to continue to support. Seek the glory of the Academy of Knowledge."


   "Is it serious?"

   "'s amazing."

   Qiao Tianfeng, Murong Jue, Shi En and others' complexions changed drastically when they heard this.

   This is great news.

Once    really spreads out, it will be enough to set off huge waves like a tsunami in the Mole Mole galaxy.

For countless years, [Book Emperor] Kongshan Yingyue has been in the line of the Doctor’s Dao, and is the pinnacle of the Tear Mole galaxy. With its own strength, it has supported the School of Knowledge and suppressed the entire Tear Mole galaxy, maintaining the large galaxy. balance.

   If it were this emperor, suddenly there was news of a sharp drop in the realm...

   Then it will be messy.

  The people who are doing it are all the best in universities and academies.

   All of a sudden, from this information, too many possibilities can be judged.

   "Everyone, even so, things will not be easy, and it will not be easy."

   At this time, Zhou Foyu, who had always spoken for the hanging lantern pavilion, spoke slowly, saying: "You have forgotten, there is also Chen Beilin."

  Chen Beilin!

The three words    are like three sacred mountains of the ancient times, and all of a sudden, a trace of signs that have arisen in the hearts of everyone is pressed down again.

   Destroyed the pinnacle star Xue Fengqing in an instant.

   No, not just blow up.

   is killing.

   This kind of strength is not an emperor, but better than an emperor.

   This guy, but 100% firmly supports God Qin Lian.

   There is such a stumbling block, how difficult it is to deal with Qin Lian Shen.

   "Hehe, everyone, please don't worry."

There was a confident smile on Li Ziyi’s face that was all under control, and said: "I have found out the origin of this person. The real name is Lin Beichen, from the remote Hunter Kingdom, but he is just a small warlord who burst out suddenly. There is no background, and this person is already a dead bone in the mound. Someone will deal with him, so there is no need to worry."

   Everyone looked surprised when they heard the words.

   Why does a small warlord in a remote starry sky have such terrible personal strength?

   And Li Ziyi is so confident, there is definitely a hole card under the bright side.   "In this case, then we need to plan well and take the actions below."

   Shi En was the first to speak.

Li Zi said in a different way: "It's very simple. Put pressure on Qiuzhi Academy. No matter what, he can't let Qin Lian get all the full marks. Secondly, put pressure on [Book Emperor] to prevent him from accepting outsiders as closed disciples. Break the context of my tears and mole galaxy... In this process, we must act cleverly. We must build momentum and master public opinion so that the 5000 scholars who come to take the exam and the forces behind them are all used by us, hehe, necessary At that time, we can take some measures to break the bottom line and use demonic means to accomplish bright things."



  The examination continues.

   The third day.

   Today’s two assessments are beasts and history.

  Beasts, like plants and trees, pay attention to distinguishing all animal bodies in the primordial universe that are different from the human race.

   Different kinds of theoretical knowledge such as race, age, skills, strength, restraint, blood, and cultivation.

  History is to be familiar with the historical process of the major races in the entire primordial universe-especially the human race.

  The way of exams is of course not limited to just making papers.

   There are also various actual case studies and judgments.

  Work hard.

   For ordinary people, it is naturally impossible to remember such a huge variety of information.

   But for scholars with Ph.D. Taoism, it is a compulsory course.

   The Ph.D. Dao Zhen Qi inspired by blood has many incredible powers, which not only makes the practitioners’ ears and eyes clear, but also has a strong memory, as well as the ability to inscribe, store, store and use information.

  After practicing to the extreme, according to the information that he has, he can complete the deduction in an instant.

   Lin Beichen still waited outside the gate for the exam to end.

   The old man in black was drinking inferior bulk liquor in tons of land.

   I don’t seem to be in a good mood.

   "Isn't it because my granddaughter was rejected?"

   Lin Beichen asked curiously.


   The black-clothed old man said: "I didn't agree at the beginning, but later I used a little trick, so I agreed."

   "Then you are not happy yet?"

   Lin Beichen said: "Didn't you succeed in this strong twist?"

   The old man in black said: "I found another thing, which made the old man feel very disappointed."

"whats the matter?"

   Lin Beichen asked.

The black-clothed old man said: "The villain who once destroyed the old man’s marriage and expelled the old man from the Tear Mole galaxy has not waited for the old man to take revenge, but now he is already weak and hard to take a blow... The old man is angry, if he vents it. Such a person who has lost the power to resist is really a big irony."

   Lin Beichen heard it, my dear, the old man is here for revenge.

   "Then what are you going to do? A smile and a grudge?"

   Lin Beichen asked again.

The old man in black chuckled and said, "How easy is it that old things have changed the destiny of the old man in his life, and no one can make up for what I have lost. How can he be so lighthearted? I heard that he wants to take a new one. He is the heir to inherit the mantle, so he is going to destroy his apprentice, let him fall into the despair of losing everything, hehehe, let him feel the pain of my year."

   Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows.

   This is a ruthless person.


I have a cold and my head is dizzy...

The key is that I haven't gone out to travel recently, and I have been raising it at home... alas.

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