The words of the old man in black immediately attracted countless hatred.

   "Who are you?"

   "Dare to kill someone."

   "It's Qin Lianshen's accomplice, catch him."

   Seeing the fall of the compatriots with their own eyes, the scholars suddenly became angry.

   Juvenile blood is the easiest to agitate.

  Originally, everyone was overwhelmed by Chen Beilin, a peerless murderous man, and was already a shame. Now an old guy who didn't know where he jumped out to kill people outrageously, is it tolerable or intolerable?


   The sound of countless books turning over.

   "You can tie your hands."

   "Draw the ground as a prison."

   "Lack of hands and feet."

   "Static binding."

   The shouts of the young scholars sounded.

   Hundreds of Zhen Qi energies of varying intensities turned into invisible laws and gathered towards the old man in black.

   The scholars shot at the same time, wanting to unite to restrain this old man who had been entangled with Chen Beilin for several days.

  The idea is very simple.

   can't deal with Lin Beichen, can't deal with you an unknown old man?

   Then, as soon as the power of the ‘Secret Technique of Proverbs’ approached the black-clothed old man within three meters, it immediately disappeared like a mud cow into the sea, without a trace, and could not have any effect on it at all.

   It's like no matter how violent hail, you can't get close to the sun.


   The black-clothed old man swept his eyes. He was not a tall figure, but suddenly became majestic and snorted softly.

   The nearly a hundred scholars who had shot before suddenly felt like being eaten by thunder, and their faces were like white paper and their lips were like thin gold. They screamed together, and then spouted blood arrows from their mouths, and their stature was softly paused.

   Everyone was shocked.

   "I don't know what I can do."

   The majesty in the eyes of the old man in black flashed: "This time it was just a slight punishment...Next time you will not be so lucky."

   has a sharp tone, which contains a lot of pressure.

   Outside the academy, there is silence.

   "Who is your excellency?"

   A great tutor from Donglin College stepped out angrily.

This person was named Zhou Changlin, a 53rd-level star monk-level Ph.D. Taoist monk. He was quite powerful. He was extremely famous in the East Forest Academy and was also a famous short-guard overbearing. He walked up to the students and stared at the old man in black. , Said: "What is your relationship with that Qin Lian Shen? Killing for her, could it not be the running dog under her skirt..."

   The voice did not fall.


   In the mouth and nose of the great tutor of Donglin College, clusters of black flames suddenly burst out.


   He screamed.

   No matter what kind of ‘Secret Technique of Proverbs’ is applied, no matter what methods and strengths are adopted, this black flame cannot stop it.

Within a short period of ten breaths, everyone watched as this great master of Donglin was completely swallowed by the black flames from the inside out. The burned corpse was not completely turned into fly ash, but like coke. The shape, maintaining a frighteningly distorted shape, with a hideous facial expression, no life, turned into a black strange stone statue.

   Lin Beichen saw this scene, his eyes flashed with shock.

  What is this method?

  The black fire spontaneously ignites, turning into a black stone sculpture?


   "Uncle Zhou."

   The scholars of Donglin College, all of a sudden burst into tears.

  Especially many scholars who came from Zhou Changlin's school rushed up desperately. Some were moving black stone sculptures and blessing the motto of Doctor Tao. Some people rushed towards the black-clothed old man madly.


   In the eyes of the old man in black, a trace of murderous intent flashed: "The old man didn't want to kill."

   He raised his hand.

   Dozens of black streamers, like black arrows, shot towards these scholars.


   The sound of sword chanting sounded.

   Lin Beichen's figure is like a ghost, appearing in the middle area, and Jianguang leaves a silver wind wall in place.


   The wind howled.

   Sword Wind Wall ‘confiscates’ all the black arrows.

   "Master, it's okay."

   He slapped haha, and said, "It's all a group of younger generations, why do you have to be familiar with them."

   said, angered.

   The scholars from Donglin who rushed behind him were directly shocked and flew back.

   The old man in black looked at the silver wind wall in front of him with a hint of surprise on his face. He narrowed his eyes and said, "Little guy, do you dare to stop me?"

   "I just want to let the old man do less karma."

Lin Beichen's expression was calm, and there was a faint vigilance in his heart, because he felt a hint of danger in the squinted eyes of the old man in black. The feeling was like the plump little beast in the jungle being stared at by the hungry beast king high above. The same.

   "What do you know is killing karma?"

   There was a flash of cold light in the squinted eyes of the old man in black.

   his figure shook.

   The figure moved suddenly.

   The next moment—

   Lin Beichen realized that it was not good.

   put his arms in front of his chest, and instantly it was the defensive ‘today fight’ fight in [Blind Ji Eight Fights].


   The terrifying black fist blasted into the posture world.

   Lin Beichen's figure resembles a rag sack hit by a siege hammer. He was instantly blasted into his posture, flew upside down, staggered to the ground, and withdrew twelve steps after kicking, only to barely stabilize his figure.

   He was trembling all over, his arms seemed to be broken, and he could hardly rise.

   The muscles of the forearm were smashed into a clear depression.

   That is exactly the fist mark of the old man in black.

   The shocked look on Lin Beichen's face is hard to conceal.

   is so strong.

   He could tell that the black-clothed old man's punch was completely exploded with pure physical power, and it did not contain blood and true energy.

   The power contained in it is definitely the most terrifying intensity he has ever seen.

   No one has ever been able to reach it.

   is Guhezhou, Xue Fengqing and others, all of them are far worse, it can be said that they are a hundred thousand miles away.

   This black-clothed old man turned out to be an emperor of the Eucharist Dao.

   "Boy, don't think that the old man has drunk a few barrels of your wine and dare to point fingers and teach him how to do things."

The old man in black stood on the spot and shook his fist lightly. For him, the blow just now was just a casual blow: "This punch is to teach you that you don’t know the heights of the world and save your life. It's the money for drinking the next day."

   Lin Beichen took a breath slowly, his blood circulated, and said, "Senior is really ruthless."

After a while, the injury on his arm has recovered.

   This is the first time he has played against an emperor-level powerhouse.


   is like a Hercules among ants, facing a colossus high above him.

   cannot be beaten.

   can't outsmart it either.

   "Let you understand, this is called quagmire."

   The dangerous aura on the old man in black did not end there.

   He looked at the scholars around him glaringly at him. There seemed to be some terrifying beast in his body about to wake up. The tyrannical aura spread like a flood, and everyone felt the aura of death coming.

"A group of maggots crawling out of a stupid and narrow book is this group of despicable people, occupying the voice of the Tear Mole Galaxy, leading to the birth of countless tragic destinies. It is better to kill all, kill all, kill all. Ha ha."


   Lin Beichen realized something was wrong.

   Suddenly, the black-clothed old man seemed to be going crazy.

   This guy, there is something wrong with his brain.

   How come out of control suddenly inexplicably.

   He immediately backed away and came to the main priest Qin's side, grabbed the hands of the main priest Qin and Qiao Biyi, and kept pulling apart.

   And at this time, a huge blade of black rock phantom like a vast ocean appeared in the void, like a death butcher knife, raised high, to harvest the densely packed scholars underneath, like insects and ants.


   "Where is it sacred?"

   "I don't know which emperor came?"

   Several loud shouts sounded.

   The elder instructors of Taiping Academy, Shushan, Shuhai, and Hanging Deng Pavilion were shocked and showed up one after another.

   The terrifying aura exuded by the old man in black obviously alarmed the strong from all quarters.

   I saw pages of books with different colors, like light charms, floating on these older generations of scholars.

   They floated in the low altitude, surging with a powerful aura.

The monks of the Doctor’s Path have reached a certain level. Although their bodies are inferior to most other bloodline warriors, their combat power is not inferior at all. Many times, opponents of the same realm or even one or two higher realms cannot break the doctor. The defense of Taoist scholars.

"Ha ha ha ha…"

   The black-clothed old man danced wildly, laughed up to the sky, and leaped up violently, completely mad, and said, "Today, I will kill you ungrateful scholars with three swords."

   raised his hand to hold the kilometer-long black giant blade, and waved it down.


   The sky is shaking, and the air currents are like ocean waves.

   At this time, Lin Beichen discerned that the black thousand-meter giant blade was not an entity, but was formed by the overflow of the powerful blood of the old man in black.

   The knife was cut down, and the world changed color.

"not good."

   "Join hands."

The powerful masters of the Ph.D. almost sacrificed the "Book of Life and Soul" at the same time. The colorful pages of the book flew around in the void, like a chain, crocheted into a giant shield of scorching light, and the front was hard to resist. This blow.

   Dozens of celestial-level doctors and Taoists also used the "Book of Fate and Soul", which has not been seen for hundreds of years in the Tear Mole Galaxy.

   This kind of grand occasion is like the splendid fireworks all over the sky, which is fascinating and enchanting.

   But the next moment—

   Boom boom boom.

   In the frantic explosion of energy, the colorful pages shattered.

   The stars of Dr. Dao are like paper kites with broken wires, falling from the air, spraying blood in mid-air.

   There were about a dozen of them, and they were instantly shocked into blood and powder, and died on the spot.


   The black giant blade was just a slash, and the joint defense of the Doctor Dao stars, which was rare in a century, was completely shattered.

   "A hypocritical scholar, vulnerable to a blow hahahaha..."

   The old man in black became more and more violent.

   He raised his arms.

   The thousand-meter black giant blade immediately lifted up high, and the gesture was about to chop down.

   "Stop it."

   "Do you treat me as if the academy is nothing?"

   Several loud shouts of anger, agitated from the inside of the academy for knowledge.

   The streamer flickered.

Four figures with burning golden pages appeared in the air. Under a clear drink, the pages flipped and shot, turning into four golden chains, directly winding the black thousand-meter giant blade, and then pulling it to fix it. In the air.

   "Your murderousness is too heavy."

   One of the four golden figures of Doctor Dao Xingjun is [Bitter Boat] Fang Zhili, with golden light flashing in his eyes, and said: "I'm the same human race, why bother to kill this?"

   "Oh ha ha ha ha...Four dogs in the empty mountain and the moon."

   The black-clothed old man's eyes were red, and he seemed to be crazy, completely out of control. Under the wild laugh, the black giant blade vibrated violently, directly breaking the chain of the golden pages.

   The terrifying imperial Dao's majesty permeated, and the entire Wendao Mountain area seemed to sink into destruction.

  【Bitter Boat】Fang Zhili and the other four people were shocked, and their faces appeared to be hard. They were almost unable to support them.

at this time-

   "Blackstone, do you want to abandon your promises back then?"

   A crisp female voice came from the depths of the School for Knowledge.

   The figure of the old man in black suffocated suddenly.

   The black giant blade stopped for a long time.


Thank you all for your birthday wishes.

As the cold is getting worse, my nose and tears are pouring...

go to bed early.

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