Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1620: Killing in the dark night

"Who are you..."

   Li Shengjia seems to have realized something.

   The other party did not answer.

   just approached quickly like a ghost.

  The killing intent is lingering in the air.


   Count the cold light, like death in the dark night, opening his fangs and shooting at him.

   Li Shengjia and his sister were shot and killed indiscriminately.

   "The difference is a little bit."

   Li Shengjia shouted.

   A bronze "Book of Life and Soul" appeared in his palm.

   The dark silver flying knife was supposed to hit, but at the moment of the moment, it was slightly reversed, inserted the sideburns of his and his sister, and flew past.

   A touch of icy coolness passed by.

   Li Shengjia's temples have blood flowing.

   "Go ahead."

   He didn't bother to check his injuries, so he pushed his sister away, and shouted in a low voice: "The body is as light as a swallow."

"elder brother…"

   The little girl yelled, her body fluttered and flew a hundred meters away, really as light as a swallow, as if she had no weight.

   Li Shengjia didn't look back, flipping the'Book of Fate and Soul' continuously, and said: "Earth bound... swamp... slow."

   All the ‘Secret Techniques of Proverbs’ that can be used, all burst out in one breath.

   The bronze "Book of Fate and Soul" bloomed with brilliance in the night, as if it were burning.

   The four ghostly assassins felt their reaction a little slow for a moment, their legs seemed to be **** by some invisible cane, the ground suddenly turned into a swamp, and their legs sank under the ground.

   Li Shengjia's nose and mouth are already overflowing with blood.

   This is the price of the ‘Secret of Proverbs’ that forcibly and continuously urges overload.

   But he had to.

   At the moment of the match, Li Shengjia realized the origin of the opponent, and knew that the strength difference was huge, and it was absolutely impossible for him to escape.

   So, he tried to burn the ‘Book of Fate and Soul’ and burned his own cultivation base, and he just wanted to make a ray of life for his sister.

   "She doesn't know anything... I die, you let her go."

   Li Shengjia pleaded loudly.

   But the ghost assassin on the opposite side did not show any mercy or hesitation.

   Their hearts are as hard as iron and as cold as ice.

   One of them urged some kind of secret treasure, and the dark red brilliance flashed on his body.

  All the ‘Secret Techniques of Proverbs’ are no longer valid.

   Two of them drew out the long swords around their waists, and swept towards Li Shengjia like lightning.

   The other two chased the girl in the distance like a gust of wind.


   Jian Qi is like a needle.

   Li Shengjia's pupils dilated.

   The gap between each other's strength is too huge, and resistance is futile.

   "I shouldn't regret..."

   He remembered what he had done during the day, and his face was ashamed and regretful.

   One step wrong, one step wrong.

   For some resources and money, he gave up the dignity and bottom line of being a scholar to be a tool man.

   At this moment, he seemed to hear the sound of a sharp sword piercing his body.

   But the cold or pain in the imagination did not come.

   He opened his eyes in surprise.

   but saw the two ghost assassins standing in front of him, the long sword in his hand already against his heart and throat.

   But the shining long sword stopped at the moment it pierced into the muscle.


   It was the sound of blood falling to the ground.

   Two assassins have **** sword points on their chests.

   A young man in a white scholar's robe stood behind them, holding two swords, slowly withdrawing the sword that pierced the two ghost assassins in his hand.

   Li Shengjia buzzed in his head.

   Am I saved?

  Who saved me?

  Oops, Juaner, she...

   At the moment when a thought came up, I suddenly remembered my sister’s timid and crying voice: "Brother, are you okay, brother..."

   He turned his head, and let out a long sigh of relief when he saw his sister's whole body intact.

   He held her in his arms, and Li Shengjia realized that it was another young man in a moon-white scholar robe who had saved his sister and returned.

   "Who are you?"

   Li Shengjia was wary in her heart.

   "Do you want to live?"

   The young man in the white scholar robe in the first month is indifferent.

   Li Shengjia gritted his teeth and said: "Yes."

   "Then come with us."

   The two young men turned and walked outside the compound.

   Li Shengjia hesitated and followed.

   Crossed the alleys, walked across the street, and came to the brightly lit main street.

Although something like that happened during the day, he still asked about the prosperous scene in the streets and alleys of the mountains. The flow of people on the main street gave Li Shengjia a great sense of security. He watched the two people walking in front of him. A student in white clothes tried to escape several times, but in the end he didn't know why, so the ghost followed like a god.

   in a hurry, came to a restaurant.

   followed into the private room.

"It's you?"

   Li Shengjia recognized the person sitting in the private room feasting.

   is the dog leg next to Chen Beilin, the ‘madman’.

The flattering appearance when he followed Chen Beilin in peacetime was completely different. The guy in the box was sitting there with a golden sword at this time. Although he was eating and drinking, he still had a pretty and majestic posture. It gave Li Shengjia the feeling that the tutors and even the deputy deans of many academies did not necessarily have the aura of a natural superior person in this person at this time.

   "Who asked you to slander Teacher Qin today?"

   Wang Fengliu asked faintly while eating.

   Li Shengjia guarded her sister behind her, and said, "I said, what's the advantage."

   "What good do you want?"

   Wang Fengliu chewed **** this piece of star beast tendon, and asked faintly.

   Li Shengjia looked at the two-month-old young man in a white scholar robe standing at the door of the box, closing the door, and plucked up the courage to say: "They said, as long as I follow, you can live."

   "This request is very simple and reasonable, so I can promise you now."

   Wang Fengliu gave the answer: "You can live by telling the master behind you."

   Li Shengjia hesitated a little, and said, "It's Li Ziyi, the deputy dean of Donglin Academy."

   "It really is this old dog."

   Wang Fengliu got the answer he wanted, waved his hand and said: "Okay, you brothers and sisters can go."

   Li Shengjia was extremely surprised.

   "It's so simple? Don't I need to come forward to testify against him?"

   He was surprised and authentic.

   Wang Fengliu raised his head and looked at the poor scholar who was born in the remote star of the Mole Mole galaxy. He drank a glass of fruit wine and said: "We only need to know the truth when we do things, and we don't need to show evidence."

   Li Shengjia was directly suppressed by the domineering expression in these words.

   He turned slowly and walked outside the door.

   Wang Fengliu suddenly moved in his heart, wiped his mouth, and said, "Don't you doubt that I sent the person who assassinated you just now?"

   Li Shengjia shook his head and said, "One of the Nether Assassins tonight is the guard next to Li Ziyi. I remember his figure and his eyes."


There was a hint of surprise in Wang Fengliu's eyes, and he immediately laughed, saying: "Interestingly speaking, you are just a little scholar at the domain master level, and you can actually withstand the time of fifteen breaths of four star king level assassins. You can still tell the star king-level assassin's eyes at such a critical moment...If I were you, I would stay and continue to take the exam. Maybe you can successfully enter the Academy of Knowledge this time, and it's the only chance in your life."

   Li Shengjia took a step.

   Struggling appeared on his face.

  After a few breaths, a decision was made immediately.


   He turned around and knelt in front of Wang Fengliu.

   Wang Fengliu frowned and looked at him.

Li Shengjia said loudly: "Here is just a small scholar in a corner of the world, with all the hopes of Chenshen Academy. It took half a year and a lot of hardships before I came to the tearful world star. I only wanted to study, and I didn't intend to get involved. The contention between the colleges and universities is like a duckweed in the waves. It’s like a duckweed in the waves. I can’t help myself... My lord, if I can enter the academy for knowledge, I will not forget the virtue of today."

   Wang Fengliu raised his hand slightly.

   An invisible force surged out and lifted Li Shengjia up.

   "From now on, don't kneel down easily."

   This guy who is flattering like a dog next to Lin Beichen said with dignity: "Being a human being, you must live with dignity. Who should a scholar kneel down? Master of Heaven and Earth."



   It is late at night.

   The old book building quieted down.

   High-rise VIP area.

   A shrill scream cut through the restless night.

   Soon, an explosive news spread in the old bookstore.

Cao Shuyu, the chief student of Shangqi Bookstore, was assassinated.

He died tragically on his bed, his eyes were cut off, his internal organs were cut off, his tendons and hamstrings were cut off... his death was terrible, and his blood soaked the mattress. Obviously he suffered a great torture during his lifetime. Tortured alive to death.

   The news came out, everyone was dumbfounded.

   Shangqi book situation is not weak.

   is a Ph.D. power under the Academy for Knowledge, which is at the same level as Taiping Academy, Donglin Academy, Shushan, Shuhai and other major forces, and has a profound background.

And Cao Shuyu himself is also a scholar at the Star King level, and he has refined the golden "Book of Fate and Soul". He also has a 55-level alchemy book protector from Shangqi Bookstore, even if he encounters a veteran star king. People will not be tortured without resistance.

   But the truth is so weird.

   Cao Shuyu not only died, but was still tortured silently.

The level 55 alchemy treasure "Xinxiang Book Cover" on    also disappeared.

  The murderer left no clues.

   Shangqi Bookstore was almost crazy.

   Cao Shuyu’s death is tantamount to directly breaking Shangqi Bookstore’s luck in the next era.

   Before that, the resources of the entire bookstore had been piled up on Cao Shuyu's body.

   Deputy Dean Cao Changchun, who is Cao Shuyu’s uncle, went straight away and asked the manager of the old bookstore to immediately come forward to assist in investigating the murderer. The entire old bookstore was instantly closed.

   At the same time, there were amazing news coming one after another.

  Shushan’s Qiao Fufu, Xuehai’s Shi Renchen and other student chiefs were all attacked by the assassins, with varying injuries. Among them, Li Guangyu was most seriously injured and almost had one arm broken...

   The news came out, and the mountain shook.

   All the scholars were shocked.

   The old book building is a restaurant operated by the Qiuzhi Academy. How strict are the various formations, prohibitions and protective measures?

   Under such a situation, the chief students of major colleges have also suffered terrible attacks.

   Who did it?

   The high-levels of the various universities and colleges all rioted.

   The news broke, and there were more people gathered outside the gate of the Academy of Knowledge.

The deputy deans and mentors of the major colleges that had not appeared before also appeared, stood at the forefront of the team, and strongly demanded [Book Emperor] Kong Shan Yingquan to take action, find the murderer, and kill the old man in black, for Revenge for the dead.

   At this time, another speculation spread among the crowd.

   In this collective attack, is there anyone who hasn’t been hit hard?



   Qin Lian Shen and Qiao Fu.

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