Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1624: Cheating, cancel grades

[Bitter Boat] Fang Zhili, [Book Madness] Li Xiaofei, [Distant Path] Shijing Sa, [Hao Shou] Zhang Pifu!

   These are the four pillars of the School of Knowledge.

   is also the Ph.D. Dao line of the entire Tear Mole galaxy, second only to [Book Emperor] Korayama Yingquan's top tutor.

   Many years ago, the four of them were already the pinnacle stars.

   Until now, how high, deep, and strong the cultivation base one knows.

   Outsiders only know that there are these four people, even if [Book Emperor] Kongshan Yingquan does not take action, other colleges and universities cannot cause any impact on the School of Knowledge.

Among them, Fang Zhili is easy-going and has no arrogance. He is the Director of Academic Affairs of the Qiuzhi Academy. He has a lot of contact with the outside world. On weekdays, he seems to be smiling and kind, making most people forget that he is actually a master of cultivation. The pinnacle of the courtyard gate Xingjun.

   The other three people, Li Xiaofei and Ishii Sa, have arrogant personalities, clear grudges, and do not rub the sand in their eyes. They are the most typical scholars.

   And [Hao Shou] Zhang Pifu likes to play with flowers and plants, and is the most silent.

   These four people rarely show up at the same time.

   But every time the joint appears, it means that a super big event is about to happen.

   "Qin Lian Shen, Qiao Fu, Qiao Biyi."

[Bitter Boat] Fang Zhili took a step forward, glanced at the sea of ​​people in front of him, and said: "Congratulations, you three, have been able to enter [Book Emperor]’s Dharma Eye. From today onwards, he will be his direct disciple... Haven't stepped forward, ready for the apprenticeship ceremony?"

   There was a thud, and it boiled directly.

  The number of three personal disciples of the book emperor was finally announced.

  The unstoppable sound of discussion, like a stormy sea, swept across the entire square area in an instant, and then radiated to the entire Wendao Mountain. It is bound to be a reward in the near future, directly sweeping the entire Tear-colored Star and the Tear Mole Galaxy.


   Lin Beichen looked up to the sky and laughed.

  Qiao Fu's round face seemed to be like a super-sized bun, and there was a look of excitement.

  Getting this honor, no young scholar can remain calm. No matter how good you were before, how good your Qi training is, and how strong your mood is, you will be excited at this moment.

   "Is there?"

   Qiao Biyi was stunned in place.

   She never dreamed that one of the quotas would actually belong to her own scumbag.

   So that at this moment, a sense of absurdity emerged in her heart: How can she be?

   My previous subject of "Spirit", but I failed the exam.

   This is okay?

"Hit me."

   Qiao Biyi glanced at Lin Beichen.


   Lin Beichen slapped the girl's **** without hesitation.

   The waves are rippling.


   She screamed: "It hurts."

   At the same time, on the other side are the two heavens of ice and fire.

   "Impossible, this is impossible."

   Li Guangyu, who has always maintained a humble and gentle personality, has a face that is distorted like mud in an instant, and his voice is hoarse and loud and authentic: "Why is there no me?"

   Li Ziyi, the vice-president of Donglin Academy, was stunned, his ears moved, and he thought he had heard it wrong.

   "Why is there no my son?"

He used the'Secret Technique of Proverbs', and his voice overwhelmed all the noise and discussion, and said: "My son is ranked second in total score, and the total score of two consecutive subjects is 100. Why is the [Book Emperor] accepting disciples without me? My name? Did you make a mistake?"

   The sound is huge, like thunder.

   Countless eyes all looked at Li Ziyi and also at Li Guangyu.


  Why [Book Emperor] did not accept Li Guangyu, who was ranked second in total score?

   Even if Qin Lianshen must occupy one of the places, Li Guangyu is definitely one of the people eligible to be selected.

Among other things, the last two subjects with a perfect score of 100, placed in any other enrollment in the School of Knowledge, are absolutely brilliant and can definitely become the first. Why is it difficult for such a genius to enter [Book Emperor] Your Majesty Under the door?

   "I am not convinced."

   Li Guangyu said loudly: "I...need an explanation."

   He separated from the crowd and came to Fang Zhili of [Bitter Boat], enduring all the negative emotions in his heart, his eyes were firm and stubborn, like a strong white lotus who was wronged and wronged.

   Fang Zhili looked at each other, his eyes were cold and waveless.

   "His Majesty [Book Emperor] never said that choosing the disciples who closed the door is based on the results of the entrance examination."

  He said indifferently.

   Li Guangyu's figure shook.

   Everyone around is also making a noise again.

  Think about it carefully, it seems that this is really the case. Whether it is your majesty [Book Emperor] or the School for Knowledge, it has never been publicly announced. This time the standard for recruiting disciples is examination results.

   Then why do everyone think so?

   Who spread this gossip first and convinced everyone?

   Looking back suddenly, it seemed that something went wrong.

Li Ziyi, the vice-president of Donglin Academy, separated the crowd and strode forward, angrily said: "In this case, what is the criterion for your majesty [Shudi] to choose to accept disciples? Why can even an inexperienced scholar like Qiao Biyi be selected? ?"

   "Yes, I want to know too."

   Li Guangyu said loudly and authentically.


  This question, everyone wants to know.

   Qiao Fu's selection is still understandable.

   After all, the performance of this heavy tonnage tank is really impeccable.

   But Qiao Biyi...

   This scumbag, who is not obedient to women, can become a disciple of [Book Emperor]?

   [Bitter Boat] Fang Zhili's face showed a smile but a smile, as if he was pitying something, and said indifferently: "[Book Emperor] Your Majesty's decision, when do you need to explain it to you?"

   Li Ziyi's expression became extremely exciting in an instant.

   seemed to be the soles of shoes stained with shit, and gave a fierce face.

   Li Guangyu's face became paler.

   "I don't agree, I don't agree..."

  His personal design finally collapsed, and he said loudly: "I am second, I have two perfect scores!"

   The place that I thought I was going to win, but I fell aside.

   And it was after he finally showed a shock-level performance, after he became the bloodline of breaking the limit, how did this make him stand?

   The previous calculations, all the layout, all the bright future, at this moment, are gradually gone.

   fell at the highest point and fell into the abyss.

   Is there anything more crushing than this?

   "Oh, did you say that two subjects have perfect scores?"

[Bitter Zhou] Fang Zhili's tone became fierce, and said: "After repeated inspections by the four of us just now, and the confirmation by His Majesty [Book Emperor] personally, we finally came to the conclusion that Book Friend Li Guangyu was in the last two exams. Suspected of cheating, so it is now officially announced that you will cancel your results for the two exams of "Spirit" and "Heroes", and will add you to the blacklist of the School of Knowledge, and you will never be admitted thereafter."

   The words came out like thunder.

   The noisy crowd suddenly fell silent.

   Li Guangyu's ferocious angry expression immediately solidified.

   He suddenly became flustered and started to progress again, saying: "You...what did you say, it's impossible, I didn't cheat..."

   "Wow, I said you bastard, why suddenly you scored two 100 points in the test. It turns out that you really cheated."

Lin Beichen's voice instantly cut in, gloating, "Dog thing, you are really not a human being, you are a good-looking, well-dressed beast, you are very shameless and shameless... You Donglin College, you are embarrassed to spread the news everywhere, saying that Teacher Qin cheated, it turns out that you really cheated. Yes, you thieves are shouting to catch thieves."


Ah, the Black Stone Emperor can't die today.

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