Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1632: world of two people

"Thank you, handsome, for your kindness."

   [Book Emperor] Kongshan Yingquan shook his head and said: "I suffered a Dao injury because of forcibly assaulting the ancestral realm. The medicine and stone are not effective, and can be restored without human power."

   She is the book emperor.

   I don’t know how many books I have read, the extent of my knowledge, I don’t know how many people I have surpassed.

   Therefore, he understands his injuries very well.

   Road injury, not an ordinary injury.

   is a strong glimpse of the world, and is disgusted by the universe.

   This is not what Yao Shi Dan Wan can save.

Lin Beichen heard it, and thought that he might be a little bit tricky and the emperor got medicine, so he stopped insisting, but took out a bottle of'Nutrition Express' from [Baidu Netdisk], and said: "This The name is [Nutrition Express]. It is a drink carefully prepared by me. It is sweet and sour, and can satisfy the appetite. No one in the world can prepare it except me. It is a return to your majesty. "

   [Book Emperor] Kongshan Yingquan glanced over the strange appearance of the "Nutrition Express", nodded and accepted this strange bottle, without rejecting Lin Beichen's kindness.

   "God Qin Lian is cultivating on the second mountain of the'Book World'. You can meet her."

   [Book Emperor] smiled and said, "She will have very tight time next. I am afraid that within half a year, there will be no time to see you. If there is anything I want to say to her, take this opportunity."

   "Thank you, Your Majesty."

   Lin Beichen understood the ‘chasing order’ in the other party’s words, and got up on the spot and clasped his fists.

   then turned and left.

   is indeed looking for the priest Qin to have a good chat.

   In the next period of time, [Book Emperor] Kuangshan Yingquan will definitely take advantage of the time he has not yet hanged up to give high-intensity duck-filling teaching to the chief priest of Qin. There is indeed no time to take care of himself.

   Looking at Lin Beichen's leaving back, [Book Emperor] Kongshan Yingquan's young face showed a trace of emotion.

   Your luck is really much better than that of "Black Stone Emperor".

   No way, the world always favors certain people.

The conversation just now, coupled with the secret technique used to confirm the death of the "Black Stone Emperor", is also a great burden for today's [Book Emperor] Korayama Yingquan. She has to lie back on the chair again and race against time. Rest and regain some strength.

   My finger accidentally touched the bottle next to [Nutrition Express].

   There is a refreshing touch.

   She remembered what Lin Beichen said, this thing is delicious and can satisfy her mouth.

  Kongshan Yingquan, as the emperor, has tasted countless delicacies, but over the years, I have tried my best to recover the doctor’s path, and I have no time to distract other things, such as tasting food. How long ago?

  The pace of life slows down while it's dead.

   She moved in her heart and reached for the bottle.

   Open the cap of the bottle.

   A faint scent of sweetness came to the nose.

   The bottle is a rich milky white liquid.

  【Book Emperor】Korashan Yingquan did not hesitate, her lips opened lightly, and she licked a small sip.

   really tastes sweet and sour.

   is very refreshing.

   Kongshan Yingquan smiled slightly and couldn't help taking another deep drink.

   The sweet and sour taste spread along the throat, a bit cold, across the esophagus, and finally into the stomach pouch. You can clearly feel the flow of liquid.


  Korayama Yingquan's pupils shrank suddenly.

   There was a look of extreme shock on her face.

   so that the small mouth that opened slightly forgot to close.

   The edge of the pale pink cherry lips, the corners of the mouth that evoke slightly, there is still some milky white liquid remaining, which is infinite reverie.



   The Second Book Mountain is the second mountain in the "Book World".

   Book Mountain.

   Lin Beichen rode his bicycle all the way and stepped on the pedals, and soon found the priest Qin who was holding a book and immersed in reading.

The moon-white scholar robe, on this majestic imperial sister, seems to be the most attractive COS costume in the world. Even a simple gesture of holding a book can make one kill 20 fish in RT-Mart Aquatic Products Department. The cold heart of the year melted instantly.

Abdominal poetry and gas from China.

   This sentence is the most perfect expression in the body of the priest Qin.

The former chief priest of Qin was holy and pure enough because of the identity of the chief priest of the temple, but now as she reads thousands of books eagerly, her temperament has been further sublimated, and she actually has some leftovers. Independent like a fairy.

   Lin Beichen was stunned to see riding on the bicycle, one foot on the ground.


   "Have you seen enough?"

   The priest Qin finally put down the book in his hand and turned his head to look over.

   Lin Beichen kicked the bike and leaned in with a smile, saying, "I haven't seen enough for ten thousand years."

   The priest Qin gave him a blank look.

   This kind of little daughter's expression emerged from the face of a perfect imperial sister like Master Qin, and immediately caused Lin Beichen's three souls and seven souls to smoke.

   He leaned over without hesitation.


   The head priest Qin fluttered his nose, his eyes widened, and his beautiful eyelashes quivered.

After a long time, I felt a little panting, and pushed Lin Beichen away fiercely. The white tender soft wiped his lips gently, and said angrily: "Everything in this'Book World', every move is in the hands of Your Majesty [Book Emperor]. Within the horizon."

   Lin Beichen showed an LSP's rogue face to the fullest, and said: "I don't believe she is embarrassed to keep watching."

   The priest Qin smiled and shook his head.

   I'm used to it.

   This little man is always shamelessly shocking.

   "I will stay here for a long time to come."

   The priest Qin mixed his breath and said: "I have found some clues to break the fate, and I have also found a way to resurrect Yun Yun. The follow-up plan needs to be further improved, which will take a long time."

Lin Beichen gently held her catkin, and his little finger gently stroked her palm, feeling the gentle and delicate smoothness, and said softly: "If the two loves last for a long time, how can they be in the same way... Whatever you do, I will support you and will always wait for you."

   The priest Qin did not speak.

   She just leaned her head gently on Lin Beichen's shoulder, and nestled gently.

  Time seems to freeze at this moment.

   Lin Beichen also didn't have any **** in his heart, but infinite love and tenderness surged.

   On the square of the Temple Mountain of Yunmeng City, the first time I saw Master Qin’s surprise, I played it back in my mind over and over again, becoming clearer and deeper.

  Time flies.

   But in fact, it didn't take long.

   The two have had too many difficulties along the way.

   I have also experienced life and death.

  At this moment, Lin Beichen suddenly had a kind of giving up everything and staying here forever, never parting again, and staying with the main priest Qin forever...

   Time is quiet.

   The years are beautiful.

   Just when all these seem to be static pictures forever frozen, suddenly, a somewhat urgent and some excited voice sounded in the ears of the two of them.

   "That...I'm very sorry, I definitely didn't mean to disturb your two-person world. I haven't been peeping before, but I still want to ask...Lin Shuai, do you still have your nutrition express?"

   is the voice of [Book Emperor] Korayama Yingquan.

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