Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1633: Magic drug

[Nutrition Express] Can actually neutralize [Book Emperor] Kongshan Yingquan’s injuries?

   This news was never thought of by Lin Beichen in his dreams.

   If I knew it...

   Then wait until the two worlds with Master Qin are over, and then give it to [Book Emperor], anyway, she will not die for a while.

   "Your Majesty, this kind of liquid is difficult to configure and requires a lot of financial resources."

   Returning to the First Book Mountain, Lin Beichen carefully considered the words.

  【Book Emperor】 said: "It doesn't matter, what materials and financial resources are needed, let's talk about it."

Lin Beichen immediately said with awe-inspiring righteousness: "What is your Majesty's words? I am a well-known Yi Bo Yuntian, and I am cutting my teeth for my friends. Feelings...Bah, it's gratitude, so you can definitely give it away for free. I wish our friendship lasts forever."

   after a while.

  A box of Wahhaha Nutrition Express line purchased online by Lin Beichen is in front of [Book Emperor] Kongshan Yingquan.

   Although this box of [Nutrition Express] is indeed not cheap, he still took it out for free.

Not only because [Book Emperor] is alive is of great significance to the entire Tear Mole galaxy, and to the Ph.D. path, but also because of the painstaking cultivation and promotion of the Master Qin. It is really indispensable for the [Book Emperor] Kongshan Yingquan. The guidance of a figure called a living fossil.

   As long as it was for the priest of Qin, Lin Beichen was willing to pay no matter how much he paid.

   "Thank you, Marshal Lin."

  【Book Emperor】Thank you again and again.

   Lin Beichen said: "Can it really help your Majesty recover?"

   [Book Emperor] There was a satisfying smile on his face, and his voice was lighter, saying: "It is difficult to restore the cultivation base, but at least it can hang my life, so that I have more time to train a few disciples under the sect."

   "This way..."

   Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows.

   is interesting.

   [Book Emperor] said that her injury was a Taoist injury, and the medicine was ineffective.

   But [Nutrition Express] can neutralize the injury.

   The magic change function of the mobile phone is really scary.

  Especially with the upgrades again and again, the magic change function is constantly strengthened.

   Since [Nutrition Express] can neutralize the injury, can other drinks and the like have the same effect, or even directly heal [Book Emperor]’s injury?

   Healing Taoist wounds, tusk tusk, it is also the treasure in the prehistoric universe.

   Lin Beichen had a plan in his heart.

   "Your Majesty, I actually have some beverages that I created here, which may also have miraculous effects, but they cannot be fully prepared yet."

   He considered the words, and said, "So please try hard to stick to it. When I mix all these drinks, it may have a miraculous effect. It is not impossible for your Majesty to recover completely."

   [Book Emperor] A look of expectation flashed in Korayama Yingquan’s eyes, and said, "Are you new drinks? Good."



  The central sacred galaxy, the emperor star.

   The sky is gloomy, and the dark clouds are drooping.

   In the deep palace garden, it has been raining for sixty years, and it seems to be endless underground.

   "How is it, how is it? Did you reply to the message?"

   In the room, a middle-aged beautiful woman with excellent looks and elegant temperament can't wait to ask her husband.

  Her white and jade-like radiant and beautiful face can hardly conceal the look of expectation.

   The husband is a middle-aged man with a fat but majestic figure.

   is wearing a purple uniform, with a burly figure, handsome features and a short beard, giving people a sense of calmness and determination.

He looked at the terminal communicator in his hand, tried his best to conceal the anxiousness in his eyes, shook his head, comforted his wife in a relaxed tone as much as possible, and said: "There is no news yet, maybe I haven't paid attention to the terminal... Don't worry. It’s only a few days in the past? Maybe something is entangled...The kid said that if you want to cooperate with me to get a big vote, you won’t break your promises."

   The wife controlled her irritability and let out a long sigh.

Soft hands were placed gently on her husband’s shoulders, "Old Chen, this may be our only chance. The magical medicine is incredible, and the effect is surprisingly good. This time the Western Conference Chairperson can heal the ills. To restore your cultivation base is to rely on your "Wan Ai Ke"... Now that the news has spread, all parties are staring at us. If there is more supply of this magical medicine, then we Chen The family may really have a chance to make a comeback."

   "Yes, I didn't expect to open a small shop with a little pocket money on the terminal, and it would be able to get such a return."

The husband rubbed his face, turned around, hugged his wife to the window, looked at the continuous rain outside, and said: "It is strange to say that this guy called the'most handsome in history', at first The things you buy are the simplest sundries. Buying things is a poor look. I like to bargain. The reported address is even more strange. Each time I specify the delivery address, and then the mysterious power will The goods were taken away and transported. I didn't bother to talk to him...Who knew he had such a magical medicine in his hands."

   This burly and majestic middle-aged man has an unacceptable depression on his face, as well as the look of hope for the future after seeing the dawn of hope.

He raised his hand out of the window, received a drop of rain, and said with emotion: "I miss the loyal and martyrs of the Chen family from generations to generations. My ancestors followed His Majesty the Holy Emperor in battle, opened up the frontiers of the human race, made great contributions to the human race, and once possessed supreme glory. My father also fought the demon and orc coalition forces in the harp galaxy, regaining the lost ground of three thousand world stars, but my generation, he can only rely on the elixir resources of a stranger before he can find it. Hope for the rise of the family, alas."

   said at the end, could not help but sigh.

The wife put her hands around her husband’s waist, and comforted her softly: "It’s not to blame you. After the turmoil, everything has changed. His Majesty, the Holy Emperor, is sitting in the cloud hall now. Chaos, the loyal and loyal heroes were demoted, and now it is the ancestors and the wild ancient tribe who are in control of everything...everything on the emperor star has changed. How can you stand against the entire environment on your own? It’s good to be alone."

   In the turbulent environment, the terrifying atmosphere has always enveloped the Emperor Star.

   People die every day.

   Once the rich and powerful people of the past are involved in the vortex of power struggle, it is possible that the bones will be so cold that no one will help to converge and bury them.

While    was talking, the doorbell rang.

   "Master, madam, the messenger of the Speaker of the Southern Assembly is here."

   The servant's voice came in clearly from Chuanyin Kei.

   The middle-aged man and his wife looked at each other, their complexion changed slightly.

   It is rumored that Song Baiyu, the Speaker of the Southern Parliament, suffered damage and declined when he hit the ancestral realm last time. He has sought out many pharmacists and used a lot of genius treasures, but none of them worked.

   It seems that this time, I heard that the speaker of the Western Conference used the magic drug "Wan Ai Ke" to cure the magic drug, and he has been asking about the supply of the magic drug.

   But the magic medicine in the hands of the middle-aged man has been sold out.

   How can this be dealt with?

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