Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1637: Encounter

"I am a mysterious treasure, and you need to discover it slowly."

   Lin Beichen replied mischievously.

   Then he placed an order on [Taobao], purchased ten boxes of ‘Nutrition Express’, and delivered it by express according to the address of the old bandit.

   "The cost price is 100,000 yuan per bottle, and the retail price is set by yourself."

   He sent a private message in the past, saying: "Remember, our principle is to make money, so don't be soft. My empire bank card number is..." Lin Beichen directly asked for the money, and he was at ease.

   The bandit brother on the other side of the screen was moved.

   Righteousness, brother.

   Before, he thought that Lin Beichen might be a dick, and he could only afford some rubbish.

   Now it seems that this guy has developed.

   After the two had a conversation and determined the plan for subsequent cooperation and the share ratio, Lin Beichen closed [Jingdong Mall].

   I didn't expect that I would become an intermediate wholesaler.

   He was about to put away his phone.

at this time-


   There was a soft sound.

   is the internal information prompt sound of KEEP software.

   "Even touch acceleration mission [The Rise of the Sword Fairy Army], the second phase of the mission is triggered."

   "Task requirements: Please select 10,000 elite fighters from the Jianxian Army, follow the exercise plan made by KEEP, perform scientific and reasonable exercise, complete the exercise task, and meet the task requirements."

   "Task rewards: 1. Participants in the exercise program, each person will improve to a greater level."

   "2, the host's true qi cultivation base is raised to a greater realm."

   "Task time limit: ten days."

   "Punishment for mission failure: None."

   "Note 1: If the second phase of the mission fails this time, the possibility of triggering the next phase of mission will be lost."

   "Note 2: Wang Zhong, Zou Tianyun are not allowed to participate in this exercise program."

   Lin Beichen glanced over, suddenly overjoyed.

  Milk thinking.

   can open up again.

   The first phase of the mission last time was for 100 soldiers from the Sword Fairy Army to participate.

   directly doubled this time, becoming 10,000 fighters.

   is completely consistent with the name of this series of missions, it is indeed rushing to the direction of the rise of the Sword Fairy Army.

   And Lin Beichen himself has also benefited a lot.

   He is now at the Star King level True Qi cultivation base, if he raises one level, he will be at the Star King level.

  Even the 51st-level Star Sovereign level, for Lin Beichen, it is a huge improvement.

  KEEP is really a magical software.

   Lin Beichen sighed with emotion, and opened the task exercise program content generated in the software.

  Unsurprisingly, it's almost the same as before.

   aerobic training, anaerobic training, stretching training, strength training...

  The plan is detailed to do several training exercises every day, how many sets of each exercise, completion signs, and action essentials, etc.

After reading it, Lin Beichen downloaded the exercise plan to his mobile phone, and then sent it directly through WeChat.

   Soon, Qianqian, Qianqian, Yue Hongxiang, Ye Weiyang, Chu Hen and others all received the news.

   "Are you going to start again?"


   "Here is the arrangement."

   Everyone is very excited.

They have tasted the great sweetness in the previous comic exercises, knowing what kind of horror effect is behind such a seemingly absurd training program-it is very likely that one exercise is enough to be worthy of other people's cultivation. Dozens or even hundreds of years.

   "I will take the time to finish it on time."

   The priest Qin received the exercise plan. After reading it, he used the news to show that he values ​​it very much.


   This is Yue Hongxiang's reply message.

   After a while, she added: "You are outside by yourself, be careful about everything."

   It's warm and sweet.

   Everyone’s replies showed their personalities.

   Lin Beichen looked at it, couldn't help but press the corner of his mouth, slightly upturned.

   The smiling faces in front of him seemed to be flying by.

   These are people who need my protection.

   was thinking, suddenly there was the sound of a flute warning from the front of the ship.

   "Master, there is an orc fleet ahead."

   Wang Fengliu walked quickly to report.

   Orc Fleet?

   Lin Beichen got up, came to the front of the deck, took out a military telescope bought on Taobao, and looked towards the distant starry sky.

   "Brother, you can see it with the naked eye."

   Xiao Binggan said quietly on the side.

   Lin Beichen looked up.

   As expected, about 10,000 meters away, a fleet of ten medium-sized starships was approaching quickly.

These starships are completely different from the starships of the human race. The facades are painted with different orc totem signs. The giant bones that are clearly visible form the main body of the starship, and they are matched with various animal skin flags. The hull... The legendary orcs used the corpses of the strong race to build starships, which seems to be true.

   "What is the origin of these orc starships?"

   Lin Beichen asked.

   "It's a battleship."

Wang Fengliu came to the conclusion right away, saying: "Master, the visitors are not good. This is not an ordinary Orc Chamber of Commerce fleet, but a battleship of the Orc clan. Their appearance will always bring only war and destruction... , The big tribes of the orcs are very active, and the battles with our human races have broken out frequently. Many realm stars have been reduced to orcs' farms, and they are still killing the caravans of the human race starships everywhere in the starry sky."

   "Go ahead."

   Lin Beichen said: "Look at what they are going to do."

   Wang Fengliu hesitated slightly, and said, "Master, we should not expose our whereabouts."

   After all, there is such a vengeful behemoth as Huanggu Clan staring behind him, and he has to be careful.

   If you are fighting the orcs at this time, you will easily reveal your whereabouts. The news spreads and is caught by the desolate ancient tribe, and there will be big troubles next.

"It's ok."

   Lin Beichen said indifferently: "We can kill the beast and kill the mouth."

   Wang Fengliu glanced at Wang Zhong who was still crouching, and seeing that the latter didn't care at all, he immediately followed his orders.

   a few kilometers away.

   Boom boom boom.

   After the orc fleet approached, it fired directly.

The scarlet-skinned fangs orcs are tall, wielding tomahawks and huge blades in their hands, climbing on the skeleton and deck of the starship, some with flying shuttles and flying claws in their hands, waiting to get closer, and they swarm up. Completely disintegrate and plunder this human starship.

   They have become accustomed to this kind of thing and have done it more than once.

   Killing, plundering.

   Stimulate the genes in their bones all the time.

   As one of the looting fleets that blocked this starry sky, they have intercepted more than one Terran starship in the starry sky within a radius of millions of miles, and even confronted the Terran combat fleet head-on.

  Each time the ship was successfully broken, watching the weak human race wailing and bleeding under the knife and axe, and every time they obtained huge wealth and resources without any effort, these orcs from the Red Night Empire were excited.

   The glorious era of orcs seems to have come again.

   This time, they found a better prey.

   The silver Terran starship in front of you is mighty and mighty at first glance, and it must be a powerful ship of Terran.

   may be a bit difficult.

   The energy cannon bombarded it out, only to have extremely light blue ripples on the outer shield.

   But after all, it only has one, and it didn't bring any frigates.

   This kind of starship encounters a fleet-level siege, like a wild lion being stared at by a group of hyenas.


   "For the God of Red Nightmare."

   The Orc Fleet Commander Faerun on the flagship raised the Red Nightmare Tomahawk in his hand.

   When the distance between the two sides was less than kilometers, the crazy orc rushed out.

   At this time, they were surprised to find that on the opposite silver starship, someone rushed out impatiently and launched an attack.

   No, to be precise, it was a huge silver-haired mouse.

It has a cigarette in its mouth and a wine bottle in its hand. The hair on its head is soaring to the sky. It also wears silver leather armor. It looks unique and funny, a bit stupid, and doesn't seem to have any. Combat effectiveness.

   What does it rush out for?

   send meat?


And more

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