Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1781: Respective madness

Gengjin God Dynasty.

   The Seventh Hall.

   Holding the blood-stained sword in the early morning, he walked slowly to the stove.

   The blood on the sword is contaminated by killing.

  The targets of the killing were the opponents, the weak, the compromisers, and the fencers within the Gengjin God Dynasty.

   After the wedding battle, the war broke out completely.

   There are still some people in the Gengjin dynasty, dreaming of compromising with the ancient clan, wanting to calm down, and even secretly organizing forces to carry out several assassinations in the early hours of the morning.

   Some time ago, I had been in the Seventh Hall in the early morning to comprehend and improve the cultivation level.

   has always allowed the outside parties to make noise.

   As of the day before yesterday, her senior cultivation level has finally been promoted to the high-level imperial realm.

   So, she lifted the sword alone and walked out of the seventh hall.

  The killing followed.

   After experiencing the changes and tempering of the wedding in the early morning, my heart is already like ten thousand years of profound ice, and for those who oppose it, I will never have the slightest pity or sympathy.

   Kill all the way.

   The head rolled and fell.

   On the star of the capital of the Gengjin God Dynasty, blood is all over the sky.

   Those who could not wait to jump out of the power before, were mercilessly purged.

   In the early morning, only one person with one sword, the blood flowed into a river, and no one can fight against it.

   Those who follow me prosper, and those who oppose me die.

   In the early hours of the morning, it is already considered ‘blackening’.

   She wants to completely tie the Gengjin Shenchao to the chariot against the ancient clan, and stand firmly with the Beichen Army Corps and the Doctor's Path for Knowledge Academy.


   until the last moment.

   revenge for her husband.

   This is the only belief in my heart in the early morning.

   Within the Gengjin Divine Dynasty, no matter if it is a veteran or an upstart, no matter if it is a loyal or a traitor, all will be killed, none will remain.

   In the current Gengjin God Dynasty, only one voice is needed.

  That is war.

After    wiped out all the resistance, the weak, and the wall-riding faction, he carried the blood-stained sword in the early morning and came to the Seventh Hall again.

   One step, a **** footprint.

   She came to the altar furnace.

   The eternal fire is burning.

   She threw the long sword in her hand directly into the flames.


  Emperor-level alchemy sword, instantly vaporized.

   With the gradual recovery of the Seventh Hall, the eternal fire has become more and more terrifying. This is the power that truly represents the ancestor of the Seventh Alchemy Path, which can melt all the substances in the world.

   The capital star of the entire Gengjin dynasty, under the protection of the eternal fire, is almost indestructible.

   Standing in front of the pillar of eternal fire rising to the sky in the early morning, the expression in his beautiful eyes gradually became cold and determined.

   Step by step, she walked slowly but firmly toward the interior of the eternal fire.


The armor and clothing on    instantly vaporized and disappeared.

   The snow-white skin, which was crystal clear as jade, also instantly scorched.

   But she didn't stop, she still stepped into the eternal fire step by step.

   The body instantly turned into coke.

   But then it regenerates slowly.

   She opened her mouth to breathe.

   The eternal fire flooded into the mouth like a flood.



  The flame spews from the facial features.

   "surrender to me."

   Exudes spiritual power in the early morning.

   The flame swallowed her body, burning the bones and blood into black charcoal.

If it weren't for the blood of the ancestor of the alchemy road, it would be burned to ashes in an instant, but even so, it is very dangerous. Not only will it endure thousands of times the pain of flame burning, but it will also be completely wiped out at any time. Possible.

   But she did not back down.

   Just as the ninth alchemist attacked the ancestral realm, I chose to attack the ancestral realm at this time in the early morning.

   And the most dangerous and extreme method is used—

   Fusion of eternal fire.

   tempered himself into the world's strongest alchemy tool.

  Only in this way can I avenge my husband.

   can fight against the deserted ancient tribe.

   As long as this goal can be achieved, I am willing to pay any price in the early morning.

   So, what kind of pain is this?

   She stood quietly in the center of the flame, suffering the terrible pain of endless flames.



   Divine Breath Star.

   Jianxue Wuming stood outside the void portal.

   Zou Tianyun's dharma body seal is still shrouded in the divine breath realm star area, sealing all monsters and ancient magic warriors inside.

   Only Jian Xue Wuming can bring a few people into and out of this area.

   "Why, don't you still remove the seal?"

   Jianxue Wuming faintly said: "Lin Beichen died in the battle, the Gengjin God Dynasty is at stake, and your Sword Immortal Army also suffered heavy losses, won't you go back and help?"

   Zou Tianyun did not answer.

   Jianxue Wuming said: "If I can promise, the army of void monsters will never invade the land you guard, how about?"

   Zou Tianyun still did not answer.

   Jianxue Wuming said again: "Then if I tell you, the Void Monster now has a master and can also be restrained, and it will no longer be a disaster, how?"

   Zou Tianyun still did not answer.

   Jianxue Wuming said: "Han lives up to it, both Ling Chen and Qin Lian have decided to unite with the Xuanxue God Cult to fight against the ancient clan and avenge Lin Beichen... You continue to stay here, don't you mean to be a tiger?"

   Zou Tianyun was silent.

   "It's really hard to convince you."

   Jianxue Wuming said again: "If Xuanxue Divine Sect cannot unite with the Beichen Legion and others, with their strength, they will definitely lose to the deserted ancient tribe, and be taken up by the deserted ancient tribe. Your efforts will be abandoned when you take off?"

   Zou Tianyun's body was motionless.

   Jianxue Wuming smiled.

   "You are really a stubborn ass. For so many years, your temper has not changed at all." She stretched out slowly and said: "Then I will tell you a secret...actually I..."

   She slowly said a name she never wanted to mention.

   The world of the Divine Breath Realm Star shook slightly at this moment.

   after a while.

   suppressed the seal here and slowly dissipated.

   The terrifying pressure, as Zou Tianyun's Dharma body dissipated, sealed the power of the Divine Breath Realm Star and completely disappeared.

   A majestic force turned into golden light, broke through the void of the universe, and left here.

   Jianxue Wuming stood at the gate of the void, with a calm expression on his face.

   "Unexpectedly, one day, I would avenge you and tell such a secret... You really deserve to die, if it wasn't for the end, how could I...huh."

   She said to herself.

   seems to be convincing myself.

   The next moment, she walked into the door of the void.

   Light and shadow flow.

   A world completely shrouded in purple void light, endless, as if there is no time and space.

"do not run."

   A clear shout came.

   The little girl with a double ponytail, as fast as a streamer, is chasing a purple flame unicorn.

   This is a void monster at the pinnacle of the Star Venerable Realm.

   In its body, the Void Demon Qi is condensed like a substance, indestructible, and has long been solidified.

   But in the end, the little girl caught up.

   "I caught it again."

The little girl has long purple hair, double ponytails, snow-white skin, delicate and delicate eyebrows, with some baby fat, barefoot, and wearing purple devilish clothing, she jumped onto Ziyan Qilin's body and grabbed it. "Xiao Zi, you have lost again...hee hee, as punishment, you can perform a split for me."

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