Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1797: Christmas

"Open to the outside world with restrictions, what does it mean?"

Lin Beichen asked.

Gongsun Longquan said with a smile: "Of course, you must have strength, power and status, and money, because the cultivation environment in the Emperor's District is the best. It is said that the Emperor's District has the breath of a holy emperor. Cultivation for a period of time is equivalent to a hundred years in the outside world. The most important thing is to worship the supreme **** of the human race and receive the grace of God... This kind of good thing, all the powerful people in the entire Emperor Star are competing for it."

"You help me fight for a spot."

Lin Beichen made a decision in an instant and said, "No matter what price you pay, you must get it."

"Know it."

Gongsun Longquan smiled, twisted his waist, came to Lin Beichen's side, and said, "Sir, you've been working hard recently, let the slave family dance for you, you can relax your mind."

"No need to."

Lin Beichen waved his hand.

"Use it."

After Gongsun Longquan understood Lin Beichen's temper, he became a little presumptuous, deliberately twisting his waist and making a charming pose.

"roll roll roll."

Lin Beichen waved his hand.

An invisible force directly pushed Gongsun Longquan out.


The charming laughter of this bad woman came from outside the hall.

Lin Beichen gritted his teeth angrily.

This woman is really ignorant and fearless.

If it weren't for the fact that she made a vow not to mess with flowers, it would have been a no-brainer for her to stay out of bed for ten days just because of her act of playing with fire just now.

Time is like an unintentional old man, moving slowly at an inherent speed, taking away many people and things.

Lin Beichen is racing against time to practice.

The matter of the Special Law Bureau, with the four horses, plus Qin Shou and Hu Meier's co-ordination, has been very smooth, and he doesn't need to worry too much - especially after the news that there are three hundred times resonant in the Hua family, At least within the jurisdiction, there are very few people who have no brains to touch Lin Beichen's bad head. Even Dugu Wenxiu, the owner of the dance who used to dance very happily, is now obedient like a watchdog, who is always there every day. Everywhere to preach the eternal friendship between the Dugu family and the Hua family.

Today's flower family can be described in one word as 'in the middle of the day'.

In a family, there are three hundred times resonators and several disciples of Poison Dao, and they can't be too high-profile.

Hua Wujian and the two elders lay down happily and began to enjoy the glory of family revitalization.

Lin Beichen spends most of his time in retreat.

One is to practice [Acacia into the bone] kendo.

This is the first time that Lin Beichen has practiced a practice without relying on his mobile phone wholeheartedly, and the effect of the practice is amazingly good. The deeper his understanding of kendo, the stronger his combat effectiveness.

Jianfeng cut out, and his love was deep into his bones.

Under this deep-rooted lovesickness, the Great Perfection of the Emperor Realm can hardly bear the power of one shoulder.

Lin Beichen had a hunch that the power of [Acacia into the bone] kendo is far more than that.

Besides, he has a hunch.

Before the kendo is completed, it is best not to slap.

Because this will deplete the meaning of Acacia and destroy the artistic conception of Acacia Kendo.

The so-called 'there is no woman under the body, the sword is drawn naturally'.

The second is to smuggle 'arms'.

Since the update of "Happy Farm", Lin Beichen can finally steal vegetables happily. From time to time, he goes to the major districts of Emperor Star to sneak around with dogs, and he can steal a lot of big families and top forces. of various divine herbs.

In addition, he and the bandit brother were embarrassed to buy a lot of military alchemy equipment, arrays, airships and other materials from Emperor Star.

On the surface, the bandit brother is the commander of the army. In order to build a powerful war unit of his own, many people secretly believe that this is the old bandit of the Chen family who is making money in this way, but in fact...

It is transferring arms and funds to the enemy.

Because whether it was the magical herbal medicine stolen from [Happy Farm] or the military supplies purchased by the bandit brother, Lin Beichen personally used the secret technique of "returning to the city" and delivered it to Han Bubu.

I have to say, the secret technique of "returning to the city" is too perverted.

The prehistoric universe is vast and boundless. Even if it is the ancestor, it will take a certain amount of time to cross the galaxy. It is impossible to arrive in an instant like Lin Beichen, and it basically does not require cooling time.

This kind of 'smuggling', no one can detect at all.

Can't stop it either.

For the anti-desolate ancient clan camp, this kind of 'blood transfusion' can be said to save old lives.

Otherwise, the Holy Empire of Human Race controlled by the ancient people occupies 80% of the territory of the prehistoric universe, and the potential for war is huge.

With the 'blood transfusion' of the evildoer Lin Beichen, the Anti-Desolate Ancient Clan camp tried its best to maintain an invincible state, leaving the fire of resistance in the prehistoric universe.

time flies.

Two months passed in a blink of an eye.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of Poison Dao Patriarch to teach his disciples, Lin Beichen entered the Poison Dao Temple again—yes, through a few hundred-fold resonator-level 'traitors', Lin Beichen is now 100% sure that his 'corpse' ', that is, soaking in the Temple of Poison Tao.

This time, he got the third ancestral clone without any accident.

Moreover, in order to torture and confuse the ancestor of the poison, the fourth 'Lin Beichen corpse' that he threw in, he used the 'magic camera' to turn it into the most primitive state of death, without making any further changes.

It is said that six days later, the ancestor of the poisonous agent, who had finished the lecture, lost his temper in a rare way, and fell into a state of madness. In the end, I tortured a few brains, but I didn't get anything.

So much so that in the entire dojo of the ancestor of the Poison Dao, the low pressure continued.

When Lin Beichen heard the news, he smiled gratified.

Now, by his side, there are three new ancestor-level clones.

Although only the physical strength has reached the new ancestor level, it is absolutely enough. Three new physical ancestors can beat a real new ancestor.

At this point, he has really gained a firm foothold on the Emperor Star.

Also, there is good news.

Under the control of Gongsun Longquan, Lin Beichen got a place to enter the Emperor Square to participate in the celebration of the emperor's birthday.

As for what he paid, Gongsun Longquan did not say.

Because she felt that it was unnecessary to disturb Lin Beichen with such trivial matters.

Three months passed in a flash.

The atmosphere in the imperial capital gradually became extravagant and celebratory.

The 50,000th birthday of His Majesty the Supreme Holy Emperor is approaching, and this is the most important festival.

One is the emperor's birthday, so it is also called 'Christmas'.

Everyone will celebrate in various ways in order to show their loyalty, and the commemorative ceremony jointly organized by the three highest authorities of the Holy Council, the Cabinet and the Radiance City was also held on the Emperor Temple Square in the Emperor District.

Lin Beichen came to the square.

The moment he stepped into the Emperor's District, he felt as if he had passed through an invisible curtain of ripples, and then his heart began to beat faster, and even the blood in his body seemed to rush and roar like a river The river is fast.

It actually produced an inexplicable feeling!

Lin Beichen was secretly surprised.

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