Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1840: Emperor Prince

The corridor continued downwards.

Lin Beichen walked quickly without touching the ground.

In the blink of an eye, it was already 1000 meters underground.

Very deep.

There was a sound of battle from below.

At this time, a strange change took place in the originally ordinary corridor. On the black rock, there were light white veins as thin as hair, and the battle energy that erupted from the depths of the ground fluctuated without leakage. Absorb it all...

This is why energy fluctuations are not felt on the ground.

Lin Beichen was instantly interested.

He raised his hand and pressed it on the black stone wall of the corridor, spitting out slightly.

Rock depressions.

Then pale white veins appeared like cobwebs.

The strength energy was really dissolved.

This feeling is as if a drop of ink has fallen into the lake, the black is rendered and faded, and in the end it is impossible to detect a trace of black at all.

It seems to have been absorbed by some kind of secret technique.

The Li family relied on this method to hide the hidden energy and deceive the martial arts experts of the Imperial Forest Army to pursue and kill them.

Very interesting secret technique.

Lin Beichen immediately became interested.

However, instead of stopping to observe, he accelerated his speed and dived down.

Soon it reached a depth of 10,000 meters underground.

When the passage came to an end, it suddenly became clear.

As expected, a huge underground space appeared in front of him.

The battle seemed to be over.

The two sides are in a stalemate.

The two figures I saw before were now wearing scarlet armor and feather helmets, one holding a red halberd, the other holding a long stick, releasing a powerful breath, and there were more than a dozen corpses lying at their feet. It is pushing towards the hundreds of people on the opposite side!

Indeed the enemy.

It is a strong man who came to hunt down Li Chenyuan and others.

Judging from his clothes and weapons, he should be a general in the Royal Forest Army of Radiance City, the energy radiating from his body...

The person holding the red halberd has reached level 70 and a half-step star.

And the divine general with the long stick, the energy fluctuations radiated, even vaguely reached the 73-level star realm.


There were about 300 strong martial artists in black armor, surrounded by Li Chenyuan and three middle-aged men who looked similar to him, and confronted the two strong guards of the Imperial Forest Army.

In the previous battle, it was obvious that the Li family suffered a big loss.

The dozen or so corpses lying on the ground were all strong men of the Li family, and their deaths were tragic.

The atmosphere was tense like a fire.

"Brother Hengyuan, I really didn't expect that we would meet under such circumstances."

Holding a red halberd, the **** general of the Royal Forest Army, with a pale face and blood on his feet, laughed loudly: "In the past, the romantic figure in the imperial capital, the number one handsome man with a face of 30,000, was the guest of honored ladies and ladies wherever he went. , the scenery is infinite, but now he has become a lowly fugitive, hiding in this dark underground like a guinea pig, how does it feel?"


After being ridiculed, Li Hengyuan with a face like crown jade was not angry.

As the fourth of the four heroes of the Li family, he is known as the most beautiful man in the imperial capital. He is often considered to be far inferior to the other three brothers, and one of the four heroes.

Even his son Li Chenyuan thought that his father was just a **** who borrowed the light from the Li family, indulging in the wind and moon, without ambition.

But only the true core of the Li family knows that since the old patriarch Li Ying gradually relegated to the second line, this romantic and purple-clothed prodigal son is the real decision-maker of the Li family.

He is the most outstanding of the four heroes of the Li family.

On Li Hengyuan's handsome jade face, a hint of thought appeared, and he asked, "Zhao Xiao, how did you know that we were hiding here?"

They hide here, not just to survive and hide.

But to plant a seed.

In that day's earth-shattering encirclement and suppression war, only a few people knew the truth hidden under the blood.

Among these people, Zhao Xiao, the "Blood Extinguishing Unparalleled Halberd", was not included.

Zhao Xiao sneered, mocking and ridiculing, and said, "There will never be an absolutely airtight wall in this world, and not everyone in the Royal Forest Army will sympathize with your Li family."

When Li Hengyuan heard the words, he instantly understood something.

"Don't talk nonsense."

Another divine general holding a stick, with a flick of his wrist, the stick shadow shattered pieces of the void, and said, "Don't forget your master's instructions, make a quick decision, get rid of the others, and take Li Chenyuan back."


Zhao Xiao waved the halberd in his hand: "Brother Hengyuan, please go on your way."

The terrifying halberd light ripped apart the void, carrying destructive power, and mercilessly slashed at everyone in the Li family.

The other two people around Li Hengyuan shot at the same time to intercept the attack.

The battle begins again.

Everyone in the Li family fought and retreated.

Li Hengyuan, Li Hengyi, and Li Hengzhen are the strongest among the Li family, but they are only high-level star emperors, and they can barely resist Zhao Xiao, who is half-step star-ranked.

And when the Black Stick Xingzun shot, the Li family instantly fell into an extremely dangerous disadvantaged situation.

Although the other 300 people are all elites that the Li family has painstakingly cultivated, preserved, and lurked, it is difficult for them to form a battle formation to compete with a star.

As for Li Chenyuan?

After all, he is only a leader of the younger generation. He has gained a lot in the trip to the Emperor's Temple, but it is far inferior to the star-ranked powerhouse, and it is difficult to even join this level of battle.

In the blink of an eye, the situation in the Li family took a turn for the worse.

"Come on."

Li Hengyuan looked back at his son and said, "Chen Yuan, take everyone away, go to Huiyao City, and find your master."

The voice did not fall.

On his skin, there are light-white lines that flicker densely.

It seems to be an array.

It seems to be a secret technique.

Weird and novel.

This is the ultimate meaning of the Li family——

'Royal Whisper'.

Inherited from the secret arts of the Holy Emperor.

Following Li Hengyuan's decision, there were similar pale white lines on the skin of his eldest brother, second brother Li Hengyi, and Li Hengzhen.

The three of them had the same mind, and they made a decision together.

"Father, uncle, second uncle."

Seeing this scene, Li Chen's heart was twisted like a knife.

He knew that if he really retire, the three fathers would surely die today, but if he did not retire, everything that the Li family had worked so hard to protect would also become dust.

Li Chenyuan deeply hated her incompetence.

This incompetence once drowned him more than once in the process of clearing the Prison of Ten Thousand Races.

Fortunately, at that time, there was a guy whose name he didn't even know until now, who stood up again and again to turn the tide and create miracles.

Even in the most desperate times, that guy can bring you hope and help you solve all problems.

Unfortunately, after leaving the Emperor's Temple, that guy suddenly disappeared.

If he hadn't left, he might have figured out a way to prevent everyone in the tribute group from being so miserable, and wouldn't put the Li family in a desperate situation...

That guy, where did he go?

Li Chenyuan raised his arms and shouted, "Everyone follow me quickly..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly looked stunned and stayed where he was.

"Aren't you going yet?"

Li Hengyuan's urging voice came from the side.

His whole person is like a porcelain full of cracks. At the end of the 'Whisper', the power beyond death and the soul is about to explode.

That will be his final ultimate brilliance.

But Li Chenyuan still seems to have not heard of it.

He looked into the distance.

There is the direction of the corridor.

I don't know when, a familiar figure dressed in white quietly appeared at the exit of the corridor and greeted him with a smile.

A look of disbelief appeared on Li Chenyuan's face.

He wiped his eyes subconsciously, for fear that his eyes were wrong.

Look again.


It's him.

it's him.

"Emperor Prince."

Li Chenyuan cried out in joy.


Hello everyone, I'm finally back. I drove a car for a day today, there is only one watch, and three tomorrow.

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