"Sir, this way please."

The person in charge of the reception is one of the big designers of Tiangong Group. His name is Chen Hua. He is a strong emperor in the line of reformed Dao, and he is a three-generation disciple of the ancestor of the reformed Dao. He has a distinguished status.

Chen Hua is of medium height, on the thin side, wearing a pair of transparent glasses and a linen-colored robe. He looks very aura, even a little shy like a scholar, and he is not very skilled in dealing with people.

In the words of the earth in the previous life, this is a big guy with a technical route, and it is obviously not suitable for commercial reception.

Chen Hua came to receive Lin Beichen and was forcibly appointed by his boss.

There is no way, Li Shaofei, the deputy general director of the Special Law Bureau, is famous for his murderous reputation. When he heard that this murderous maniac was coming to Tiangong Group to 'inspect', the top management of the group were all terrified, all trembling, and no one dared to do so. Come out and meet this great devil.

In the end, the chief executive of the group forcibly appointed a major designer to receive him, and handed over such a 'death' task to this stinky and unwelcome guy.

Chen Hua also heard of Li Shaofei's fierce name.

He bravely came to receive it.

But unlike what he imagined, the legendary murderer looked quite handsome, with a kind smile on his face, and his words and deeds were quite easy-going, not at all condescending and aggressive in his imagination.

While secretly observing Li Shaofei curiously, he led him to the top VIP reception room.

After some programmed greetings.

"To be honest with the great designer, this officer is here to order a batch of prosthetic limbs for the brothers of the Special Law Bureau." Lin Beichen said very politely, "I wonder if Designer Chen can recommend this officer?"

I see.

When Chen Hua heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sir, wait a moment."

Chen Hua immediately arranged for someone to prepare.

Soon after, Tiangong Group's best human prosthetic limbs, a total of 34 varieties, were displayed in front of Lin Beichen one by one.

"Lord, please take a look."

Seeing these prosthetic limbs, Chen Hua's face naturally showed pride and pride, because more than 70% of them were designed by him.

He was very patient and introduced Lin Beichen one by one.

Lin Beichen carefully observed and listened carefully to the introduction. Before he knew it, his eyebrows were quietly wrinkled.

Not right.

It's not what he imagined.

These prosthetics introduced by Chen Hua are indeed rare boutiques, such as the so-called 'Fire Unicorn Series', 'Dragon Ape Series', and 'Xingmeng Series'. Once installed, they are extremely powerful and can basically make The user's combat power has increased dramatically by at least level 5.

This is also the most popular product of the entire Tiangong Group.

According to legend, there are even some able-bodied warriors who cut off some or all of their limbs to install these series of prosthetic limbs to improve their combat effectiveness—even if they self-mutilate their limbs, for the long-term of martial arts practice, It is like drinking poison to quench thirst.

You can see how clever these prosthetics are.

But in Lin Beichen's view, these prosthetic limbs are obviously far inferior to the [Pegasus Meteor Arm] in two respects—

First, the difficulty of building.

[Tianma Meteor Arm] is very easy to build. As long as there are blueprints, even the blacksmith Yang Chenzhou of Yunmeng City can easily build it, but these prosthetic limbs of Tiangong Group are by no means beyond the reach of ordinary craftsmen. It is a senior craftsman within the Tiangong Group, and it requires dozens of cooperation to complete it.

The second is the growth of prosthetic limbs.

After the Tianma Meteor Arm is installed, even if it is made of ordinary iron, it has the same growth as a living thing. For example, Chu Hen's arms are made of ordinary iron. Chu Hen's own strength has also improved. Now that he has come to the Honghuang Universe, its growth rate is even faster. It's like a plug-in tailored for Chu Hen. He has also cultivated an indescribable power... Damn, who is it?

Lin Beichen rubbed his eyebrows.

In comparison, Tiangong Group's prosthetics obviously do not have this property, and the upper limit is fixed.

"Is there such a thing, that kind of..."

Lin Beichen seemed to be a layman. According to the characteristics of the [Pegasus Meteor Arm], he described it, pretending to be casual: "It's like this kind of prosthesis, I don't know if your group has it?"

Chen Hua listened, shook his head again and again, and said, "This is definitely not something my Tiangong Group can create. Maybe only the first-generation masters and uncles, or the majesty of the first ancestors, can create it."


Lin Beichen's eyes became strange.

Tiangong Group is the largest and most advanced prosthetic limb production factory in the prehistoric universe, and they can't even create something similar to the [Pegasus Meteor Arm]?

Then here comes the problem.

How did that waste blueprint that the dog goddess regarded as a corner of the table come from, to allow a mortal blacksmith to create such a heaven-defying thing?

And how did the dog goddess get this blueprint?

According to Chen Hua, this kind of thing can only be designed and built by transforming the ancestors of the Dao, or the first-generation direct disciples of the ancestors, and then thinking that the [Pegasus Meteor Arm] is just a blueprint, but it can easily reach the ancestor level. The effect, it is estimated that it is not the effect that the direct disciple can achieve...

Lin Beichen's mind immediately had a crazy idea.

Could that blueprint be the thing of the ancestor of the reformed Dao?

This is even crazier.

How did the things that transformed the ancestors of Dao get into the hands of the dog goddess?

After all, this guy is a demon.

Even a pure-blooded Void Demon King, it is almost impossible to obtain such a near-true blueprint from the hands of a human ancestor, right?

Lin Beichen suddenly felt that he should think more about the true identity of the dog goddess.

He wanted to show the blueprint of [Tianma Meteor Arm] to Chen Hua, but then he thought about it, what if this blueprint was stolen or robbed by the goddess of transformation from the ancestor of the transformation, and he took it out rashly, wouldn't he? exposed?

So, put away this stupid idea.

After some negotiation, a batch of top-notch prosthetics was decided.

As for the cost?

Of course it is public expense.

It's impossible to pay out of your own pocket.

He also approved the public funds, and the effect of buying people's hearts was great.

Who knew that when he was about to leave, Chen Hua suddenly chased after him and asked, "Sir, does the kind of prosthetic limb you just mentioned really exist in this world? Have you seen it before, that's why you said that? "

Lin Beichen's heart moved, and he said, "It's true that I've heard about it, and it's not a person who transformed the Tao. According to rumors, there is an ordinary craftsman who created this thing."

"There is such a strange thing?"

Chen Hua suddenly showed a look of curiosity, leaned over, and said, "It's incredible, my lord, can we talk more?"

He brought out the stubbornness of a tech nerd to the fullest.

Once he encounters a 'technical topic' that interests him, he immediately turns into a madman who is not afraid of the sky or the earth.

At this time, he had long forgotten the fact that Lin Beichen was a famous murderer in the city. His mind was full of the possibility of creating a new prosthesis, and he couldn't wait to make him a reality.

Lin Beichen laughed in his heart.

He also skillfully described some special effects of [Pegasus Meteor Arm], and vaguely described a few simple blueprint fragments.

This time, Chen Hua has completely fallen.

"That's right, that's it..."

"It's even possible..."

Chen Hua was caught off guard in excitement.

"Sir, please be sure to stay, and we'll talk about it in detail." Chen Hua looked hungrily, his eyes glowing green when he looked at Lin Beichen.

Lin Beichen was secretly happy when he succeeded in fishing.

He ruthlessly refused to leave a detailed discussion on the grounds that he was busy with official business, but added Chen Hua's terminal number and said, "Next time, I will definitely contact you when you have time, and you can discuss it in private."

Chen Hua was overjoyed and thanked him repeatedly.

He suddenly became extremely warm and polite, and sent Lin Beichen and others out in person.

"If this Chen Hua is really a genius-level technician, wouldn't it be wonderful to find an opportunity to kidnap him directly and throw him to Han Bubu, the Beichen Army Corps, to do things?"

"After all, science and technology are the primary productive forces."

"Not only is it necessary to smuggle weapons, medicines, and minerals, but also talents are very important."

Lin Beichen's thoughts were very evil.

And Chen Hua, who didn't know that he had been targeted by the murderer, reluctantly sent Lin Beichen away after getting the contact information.

If it wasn't for Lin Beichen's special status, Chen Hua would probably just kidnap someone.

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