Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1868: Queen of Gengjin

This wolf belongs to Lin Beichen's misunderstood creation.

She has always followed Qianqian.

There is also its elder sister, Little San, and the other mutated Frost Wolf, who was originally Qianqian's pet of war, but now follows Xiao Binggan's side.

Qianqian stroked Xiao Si's hair, then turned over and rode on.

"Sister Qianqian."

Xiao Binggan came over to say hello.

The little fat man is still white and chubby, with clear eyebrows and beautiful eyes, but his physique has grown a lot. He is over two meters tall, his shoulders are big and his waist is round, and he looks fat. In fact, he has strong muscles. He wears a white robe and has a little more between his eyebrows. The vicissitudes of life, but also has a majestic atmosphere.

These days, he is also leading an army alone, fighting abroad.

Having experienced the darkness and loneliness of the prehistoric Xinghe, having experienced the wind, frost, snow and rain of the unknown world star, beheading strong enemies, lying on the ice and lying in the snow, the former sidekick boy has grown into an excellent general today, with a little more stability.


Guang Jiang was very clever, and came over to salute Qianqian.

It has a writing pad hanging from its neck.

The chubby paws have the seven characters "Hello, see the general's wife" written on it.

The handwriting is elegant and vigorous.

It seems that it came from the hand of a famous magician.


In the past, the illiterate rat with one and a half typos in the three characters in the past has become a calligrapher.

The only thing that doesn't change is that it's still burning its head.

Since he completely awakened the bloodline of [The Star Swallowing Rat] and refined it to maturity, every hair on Guangjiang's body is comparable to a weapon of magic, and ordinary flames cannot curl its 'hair'.

So much so that every time it burns its head, it has to look for a large star, and then stick its head into the flame of the star, and burn it for a full day and night to form the effect of curly hair.

"Under General Guangjiang, I would like to smoke, drink, and burn my head for the master from generation to generation."

This is a joke Kwang-chan said at the beginning.

But now with Lin Beichen's death in battle, it's taken seriously.

When a rat is alive, he has to remember something.

Guang Jiang was wearing silver armor, and thick silver hair came out from the gap in the armor. It was holding a cigarette, followed by two 'little brothers'.

A blue skin is like a cat, and a yellow skin is like a dog.

One is holding a wine glass, the other is holding a wine bottle.

These two younger brothers are both mature star beasts.

Although it is not as terrifying as the swallowing star, it is also a high-ranking rank among the relics of the prehistoric wasteland. They are all star beasts of the star level. They were beaten by Guangjiang personally and accepted as a younger brother.

Seeing the boss saluting this fresh and fair-skinned human woman, the blue skin and the yellow skin immediately followed suit and bowed in unison to show their respect.

These two star beasts, which have been trained by the light sauce, are exciting and cute. They have long forgotten their glory as a star beast and their dignity as a relic of the wilderness. They have changed from relying on hunting and killing for survival to relying on them now. Play cute to survive.

And they gradually discovered that such a cute life seems to be much better than hunting and begging for food. They can eat and drink easily, which is much more comfortable than before.

Only Xingxing was very melancholy.

This was not his intention.

He originally wanted to stimulate Guangjiang's bloodline and make it the king of the wild heritage species, so that he could be born out of nowhere and support the entire ethnic group of the wild heritage species whose bloodlines are now withered and scarce in number.

Who knew that Guangjiang's bloodline was stimulated, and his strength soared, but he was too deeply poisoned by the human race called Lin Beichen, and he had already gone off the road and never turned back.

But what can he do?

Of course you choose to forgive.

You can only follow Guangjiang's footsteps and stay in the Beichen Army to eat and drink.

Soon, Wang Xinyu, Li Yu, Dai Zichun, Shui Liuguang, Tianlang Wang Fathu, Long Na, Golden Lizard King and others also arrived.

This is the best group of generals in Beichen Corps today.

It is also strange to say.

Han Buwen has been in the Tianyu Galaxy for more than 500 years. He has spared no effort in recruiting talents and cultivating rising stars, but the effect has always been mediocre.

On the contrary, these old classmates, these young people who followed Lin Beichen from the host city Zhenzhou or the remote star road, grew faster than imagined, and gradually became the most shining middle-level star of Beichen Corps.

Under the guidance of the staff of the commander-in-chief's operations department, everyone came to the core area of ​​the war fortress 'North Star'. After receiving the inspection, they came to the commander's operations department.

Huge commander's meeting room.

A total of more than 1,000 core generals and commanders from the Beichen Corps attended the meeting.

The huge conference hall was full.

Everyone's expressions were solemn and excited.

To be able to meet the undefeated general Han Bubu in person is a great honor for many legion commanders - almost all the senior generals of the old Beichen Corps are Han Bubu's ardent fans.

The meeting begins.

Han Bubao slowly walked into the conference room.


Many elderly people immediately showed excitement and stood up subconsciously.

Qianqian, Xiao Binggan and others also got up.

However, what surprised many people was that in the past, this environment should have been when Han Buwan appeared alone, but at this time, there was a strange middle-aged man in a black robe with a tall stature. Walk side by side with him.

Who is this person?

Are you qualified to be side by side with the Supreme Commander?

Countless sparkling question marks appeared in the minds of many legion commanders.

Under the gaze of thousands of people, Han Bu was not surprised to be in the main seat.

But the unfamiliar middle-aged man gently sat on a newly arranged seat behind Han Buqi, silent, like a shadow, blending into the shadow behind him.

But at this moment, everyone clearly felt an overwhelming coercion that descended upon them.

The source of that coercion was this strange middle-aged man.

He is so strong.

Such a thought popped up in everyone's mind.

Chu Hen, Dai Zichun, Wang Xinyu and the others looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.


The silver hair in Guangjiang's neck exploded.

Xiaolan and Xiaohuang were also fried.

Tun Xingji's expression was in shock.

The instincts of alien star beasts make them all feel threatened, which is the energy coercion from higher-level life forms.

"This guy, his strength is at least the new ancestor level."

Tun Xingjian pondered in secret.

He heard that there are ancestors in the Beichen army - this is reasonable, otherwise, it would have been defeated by the imperial army long ago.

In this era, there is no ancestor-level existence, and fighting against the Holy Empire of the human race is courting death.

But I haven't heard that there are new ancestors in the Beichen Army.

From this point of view, the Beichen Corps is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger, and there may be a certain probability of winning this battle.

"This is the [Sword Demon] Dugu Qiuwei from Liuyuan Xinglu."

Han Bubu immediately introduced the identity of the middle-aged to everyone.


There was a discussion in the conference room.

Many people have heard this name.

Because in a battle with Feiyu's arms, this peerless powerhouse known as "Sword Demon" once appeared and helped Mi Ruyan to reverse the battle, showing unparalleled elegance and combat power.

It is said that the Supreme Commander once wanted to recruit this person, but was unable to do so.

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment of the Beichen Army's decisive battle, this person appeared again, made his stand, and became a member of the Beichen Army.

This is good news.

For the Beichen Corps to lend a helping hand like this, it is tantamount to adding wings to a tiger.

[Sword Demon] Dugu Qiufei sat in the shadows, but nodded slightly, as if he was a **** who controls the darkness, exuding a faint coercion.

Many curious eyes focused on him.

According to legends, this person's minimum cultivation base is also a high-level star, and it may even be a new ancestor... If this is the case, it will definitely boost morale.

Just when everyone was secretly excited, Han Bubu spoke again.

"In addition to [Sword Demon] Dugu Qiufeng, there are several new friends. Let me introduce to you..."

Han Buwen stood up and respectfully made a 'please' gesture towards the side door.

A lavender mist emerges.

A purple shadow walked in from the side door of the high platform.

She wears a purple imperial robe and a crown on her head. Even a loose imperial robe cannot hide her graceful body, her flawless face, her eyes as bright as stars, and her dark purple eye shadow and lip color make that perfect melon-seed face. It looks majestic and cold, exuding a rare and indescribable temperament of the superior, like the queen among the gods.

This is a woman who is perfect in both appearance and temperament.

The only shortcoming is that those eyes are too cold and cold, as if her heart has been frozen, and the whole person does not show the slightest emotional waves.


There was a louder discussion in the conference room.

It turned out to be Queen Gengjin.

Many of you here know this beautiful woman.

It is the current descendant of the seventh bloodline of alchemy, the successor of the seventh temple, the owner of the eternal fire, and the controller of the only and largest alchemy dynasty in the prehistoric universe.

Early morning!

She has another identity.

The surviving member of the Lin family.

The former kendo genius, the head of the Sword Immortal army, and the wife of [Sword Immortal] Lin Beichen.

I have to admit that even though it has been more than a year since his fall, Lin Beichen's influence on the prehistoric universe has not weakened in the slightest, but has continued to increase in a different way.

For example, in the early morning when Lin Beichen's wife called herself.

Now, inside and outside the Gengjin Dynasty, is there anyone who doesn't know this iron-blooded alchemy queen?

After the **** wedding, some turmoil also occurred in the country of the Gengjin Dynasty. The ancient people had planned some coups that subverted the pattern, and dozens of assassinations against the early morning, but they were all suppressed by the young queen. .

Since the foundation of the Gengjin Dynasty, going back 10,000 years, the early morning is also the only ruler who has come from blood and fire, and will mercilessly suppress any opponent who dares to disobey.

Now, the entire Gengjin Dynasty has also been run by her into a monolithic piece, and her voice has become the only voice of the Gengjin Dynasty.

The Queen of Gengjin!

These four characters represent absolute will in the Gengjin Dynasty.

Unexpectedly, Queen Gengjin actually came to this battle meeting in person.

The eyes of Xiao Binggan, Wang Xinyu, Chu Hen and others also fell on the morning.

But in the early morning, his face was expressionless, as if it was completely frozen, there was no emotional fluctuation in his eyes, and his unparalleled face exuded a breath of life that should not be approached, just like a perfect work of art carved by mysterious ice for thousands of years Same.

In the early morning, he sat on the left side of Han Bubu.

At this moment, Han Bubu faced the side door and made an inviting gesture again.

Another figure walked in.

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