Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 933: Become famous in World War I (seeking subscription)

De Ting's Celestial Title is [Wanjian Celestial].

   She cultivated the "Wanhua Demon Shadow Sword", one of the three great towns of the Akabane Demon Mountain tribe.

   It is said that one sword can transform ten thousand swords, and ten thousand swords can transform all bodies.

   This is certainly a bit of a boasting exaggeration.

   But when she turned into a sword light, when she was in the air, a faint light flashed suddenly, turned into sixty-six sword shadows, and fell towards Lunjian Peak.

   Every sword shadow has no flaws, it is solid and very realistic.

   Xiao Binggan's simple and honest chubby face also has a touch of seriousness.

   He relies on the shooter's instinct, 98K raising his hand is just a sniper.


   Shattered the void like an invisible bullet that shattered sword energy.

   Five or six sword shadows instantly turned into debris.

   But no blood fell.

   fake body.

   On the floating pumice of the Red Feather Demon Mountain Clan, there was an unstoppable cheers.


   finally successfully landed on Lunjian Peak.

   finally escaped the shot of the death invitation.

   Next, everything will start to reverse.

   All eyes were staring at Lunjianfeng.

   Some strong people even directly use pupil surgery, for fear of missing any wonderful moment.

  On Jianfeng.

   Xiao Binggan's eyebrows frowned.

   98K can be sent five times after one ‘charge’.

   After five times, it takes at least ten breaths to recharge.

   In this level of duel between the strong, ten breaths are enough to determine victory and defeat, life and death.

   He put away 98K.


   The laughter of De Ting, the elder of the Red Feather Demon Mountain Clan, came from all directions, and the location was uncertain.

Frightened by the terrifying power of the previous [Two-handed Sword Seal], after successfully landing and having displayed the speed advantage, [Wan Jian Tian Ren] De Ting did not attack immediately, but kept wandering at extreme speed, looking for Xiao Binggan The flaws.

   Why are there flaws all over?

   Is it tempting the enemy?

   It must be so.

   cannot be fooled.

   Deting secretly praised his wisdom in his heart.

   She chose to continue walking at high speed.

   Using a series of indistinguishable sword shadows, they kept approaching Xiao Binggan.

   The distance between the two is getting closer.

   De was able to bear the killing intent in his heart and became stronger and stronger.

   Just as she detonated the killing intent in her heart and found the biggest flaw, when she was ready to kill her, Xiao Binggan finally completed the change of weapons.

   He took out another gun-shaped ‘artifact’.

   then aimed at the sword shadow in the void, launching quickly and continuously.

   bang bang bang bang bang!



   six bursts in one breath.

   Oh 嚯嚯嚯嚯.

   In the void, several clusters of blood mist sputtered.


   An unrecognizable eagle-faced female corpse fell from the void.

   was shot in the chest.

   Half of his body was almost beaten into a sieve.

   Yes, this is the power of the shotgun.

   This kind of close-range killing king-like off-hand weapon is another set of killers that Lin Beichen prepared for Xiao Binggan after thinking hard.

After all, whether it is [Snow Eagle] or 98K, it is a single-shot fixed-point shooting weapon. Even with the magic modification bonus of the death phone, it is extremely powerful. After filling the innate profound energy bullet, it is also for the heavens. There is terrible lethality, but the problem is that if you miss it, you will be blind.

   The Celestial-level powerhouse has too many combat skills such as proficient body technique, speed, and illusion.

   Once they dodge the bullets and get close to attack and kill, then Xiao Binggan will fall into danger.

Although the Gatling machine gun can be used to solve this problem with intensive gun fire coverage, it is too prodigal. Every time it fills up the profound stone and innate profound energy required for this thing, Lin Beichen's heart is bleeding, if With unlimited bursts, it only takes one day to make Lin Beichen go bankrupt.

   Therefore, Lin Beichen, who was thinking about going, finally decided to equip Xiao Binggan with a shotgun.

   Although the range and rate of fire of this thing are not as good as the Gatling machine gun, it has a large coverage area.

Especially the shotgun nicknamed "Electric Drill" selected by Lin Beichen for Xiao Binggan. It is fully automatic without support. It is a famous combat shotgun with a magazine capacity of 10 rounds, a good rate of fire, and coverage. The thieves are big, and it is a natural nemesis against the close combat players who like to move.

   De Ting was not far from Xiao Binggan in order to achieve a one-shot kill.

   So faced with this large-area covered shotgun, he was hit in six bursts without any suspense.

  [Electric Drill], which has been upgraded and modified by Reaper’s mobile phone, is amazingly powerful.

   She became the first victim of Xiao Binggan's deputy weapon.

   In this scene, the cheers of the strong Red Feather Demon Mountain tribe on the floating pumice suddenly stopped in an instant.

   A blank eagle face.

   The pupils of the Lord of the Six Mountains shrank like needles, and his expression was frozen.

   What the **** is this sword seal?

   Thousands of large and small floating pumice stones around, countless strong people are dumbfounded.

   They couldn't tell what kind of kendo combat skills Xiao Binggan was using.

   The six sword seals that were sent out in an instant, it looks like six, but in fact, they are thousands of fine sword qi of different sizes and directions, covering attacks indiscriminately...

   What sword seal is this?


   Xu Wan covered her mouth again.

   As a result, she turned her head to see Master Yan Ruyu also covering her mouth in shock this time.

   Obviously, the master almost called out.

   It was Lin Beichen, raising his **** and rubbing his eyebrows, and there was new inspiration in his mind.

  To build Xiao Binggan into a BUG-level Krypton high-tech kendo warrior, only the main and deputy weapons are not enough. Other things are needed, such as...


   This thing is used properly, just like the master of this world.

  Think about it. Before the fight, Xiao Binggan arranged a minefield around him. How desperate was that scene?

No matter how good your posture, no matter how fast you are, no matter how tricky you are to change, no matter how clever you are to hide, as long as you rush into the mine field and one accidentally steps on a landmine... oh oh oh oh, a land mine that has passed the magic change of death mobile , I'm afraid it can send heaven and man to heaven in an instant.

   Xiao Binggan like that is almost invincible.

   is just such a direction, it is too expensive.

   Lin Beichen hesitated again.

   No wonder it is said that modern warfare is about money.

   is indeed a famous saying.

   Just as Lin Beichen was meditating, a roar came from the floating pumice stone of the Red Feather Demon Mountain.

   "I shot it myself."

  The Lord of the Six Mountains finally couldn't bear it, and chose to shoot himself.

   As the strongest member of the Akabane Demon Mountain Clan who led the team to participate in the Sword Conference this time, he has absolute confidence in his own strength.

   The main reason why he had always let his subordinates take action before was mainly to retain his strength and deal with the next round of battle.

   But now, the faces of the Akabane Demon Mountain Clan have been slammed on the ground. Whether they can enter the next round has been drawn a huge question mark. The prospects are not optimistic, and I still have to stay a bit fart.

   The six mountain masters with murderous intent in their hearts burst out with all their power.

The sword intent lingered throughout his body, and the skin outside his arms also gave birth to red-gold feathers, which spread all over the body like armor. Under the illumination of the suspended star lights in the sky, they glowed with dazzling brilliance, as if they were Like a **** of war from the gods.

   "Human pig, I will kill you to avenge my people."

   Out of absolute confidence in his own strength, the Lord of the Six Mountains didn't even use the illusion technique, and jumped directly towards Lunjian Peak.

   He is confident that he will resist Xiao Binggan’s various sword prints.

   And when Xiao Binggan spoke, he knew that his biggest challenge was coming.

   At this time, he can choose to leave Lunjianfeng.

   Because he has defeated three opponents.

   Tactical surrender is completely feasible.

   But when he saw the floating pumice stone in the distance, his brother's murderous gaze immediately dispelled the idea of ​​deserting.

   My brother must be encouraging me in this way, let me accept the challenge and continue to fight.

   So he put away the shotgun the first time.

   took out the Gatling machine gun without hesitation.

   Xiao Binggan's heart is very clear that this is the strongest artifact among the various artifacts that his brother has given him under the crown of the lord of the sword.

"come on."

   Xiao Binggan's plump and graceful face showed a hideous color.

   He raised Gatling's barrel and pointed it at the Lord of the Six Mountains who had flown from him.

   When the six mountain lord saw this, he laughed wildly: "Your various sword seals are basically a joke to the mountain lord named [Flying God Jia Tianren], I..."

   The voice did not fall.

Zizi Zizi Zizi!

   A strange and rhythmic electric current sounded.

   The blue and purple sword energy directly bombarded the body of the six mountain masters in mid-air.

   The Lord of the Six Mountains, with a proud and defiant face, quickly realized that it was not good.

   Because this blue sword aura not only contains power, but it is also endless.

   After he got the first blue-purple sword qi, the powerful bombardment did not penetrate the red gold feather armor, but it caused him to lose control of his body in an instant, and he was shaken and flew upward.

   The loss of control at this moment is fatal.

   Because it means that in the next full cup of tea, the Lord of the Six Mountains never regained his control over his body.

   The continuously connected blue and purple sword energy bombarded his body continuously.

   makes him like a sandbag hanging in the air, constantly falling and flying.

   The continuous huge earthquakes even prevented him from running the innate profound energy smoothly.

   bombardment bombardment bombardment...

Zizi Zizi Zizi!

   He, whose title is [Flying God Jia Tianren], really flies to the sky.

   Fei can't come up and down in the sky.

   Until the blue and purple sword energy finally broke through his red gold feather defense.


   Then a series of blood mist collapsed and exploded in the void.

   After the incident, many witnesses recalled the scene at that time, and their faces couldn't help showing a look of horror and sympathy.

   I'm old and miserable.

   The strongest member of the Akabane Demon Mountain clan team died the worst.

   was broken in the sky.

   is really no bones left behind.

   The blue-violet sword energy that looked like death from hell, directly swallowed it completely, and everything on and under his body was shot into powder.

   A sixth-level pinnacle celestial being, just fell.

   fell into the hands of a little fat man from the Beihai Empire who was originally unknown.

   After this battle, [Crazy Shooting Sword Demon] Xiao Binggan's name began to radiate towards the entire host Zhenzhou.

   The strong from all sides were shocked and aphasia.

   The originally arrogant Red Feather Demon Mountain Clan directly surrendered and left the White Cloud City without staying for a moment, leaving the White Cloud City with a few mutilated bodies.

   Everyone's eyes were focused on Xiao Binggan.

   Everyone realizes that a new young Tianjiao, like the morning sun, is rising.

  His name will soon be spread throughout the empires and become the focus of countless great forces.

The little fat man showed his face fiercely, feeling that he finally did not shame his brother this time, so he flew around Lunjian Peak in a posture that the six relatives did not recognize, and then returned to the suspension of Scent of Scented Sword Mansion. On the pumice.

   But before he could show off, Lin Beichen slapped the little fat man on the back of the head with a frustrated slap.



   Young Master Lin is so angry.

   The bullets of the Gatling Cannon, but he poured them in with tears.

   Expensive makes Lin Da Young beautiful man cry.

   As a result, this dog thing was completely lighted up in order to pretend to be.

   My mentality collapsed. ‘

   Besides, the dog stuff is too big to pretend, so how can I pretend to be the protagonist next.


Oh oh oh, I didn't expect it, there is one more.

Can you give me a monthly pass this time? This chapter is not short.

Commuter, go ahead.

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