Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1015: The Commander-in-Chief! Mo wants to go home 1 more

This is Ye Batian's bold idea! Who the hell wants to be wiped out with the collapse of Hell? ! He, Ye Batian, is about to refine the hell into his body and control his own destiny.

And this is the only way that Rong Mo thinks can make Ye Batian escape from the fate of collapse. Now...


Above the universe! There was a gigantic purple thunder suddenly born from Xu Miao, which had swallowed Ye Batian, and radiated terrifying destructive force.

"Withdraw! Scatter hundreds of millions of miles, township—"

The Dragon Emperor immediately roared! Because this is the Mie Mie Fen Lei derived from Wanyu, the domain master-level heavenly judge, which itself possesses extremely terrifying destructive power.

Then collide with the rioting power of a domain, and once it explodes, it will disperse! Then it is not as simple as affecting three thousand domains, it will probably explode several large domains in a row, and evolve into a large domain explosion.

So the Dragon Emperor said nothing! He shouted to withdraw, and only let the Xumi army occupy the outermost edge of this domain, and controlled the domain explosion within a certain range.

At this moment, the Dragon Emperor can only say that the master's in-laws are not weak, but fortunately the master has transferred a large number of Sumeru troops before, otherwise how could they stand up to such a toss.

And when the Dragon Emperor withdrew and Xumi's army retreated one after another——


The domain master-level sky-cut giant thunder attracted by Ye Batian has also penetrated into Ye Batian! It even runs through a large domain that is collapsing and bursting to the end.

In an instant—


Skyburst-level loud noise! Immediately with Ye Batian as the center, it was like a solar storm blasting and splitting, rushing to all parts of the world, rolling out a mighty tidal wave of energy.


The purple heavenly cut thunder force!


Violent large-scale crushing power!


Crazy time and space tearing force!


They are here at this moment! The symphony raged together, and the group exploded into a wave of frenzied riots that shocked the three thousand domains, which made Ye Qianli and others understand!

What is earth-shattering? lame.

What shattered? Also weak.

What the hell? Still weak.


This blast! It is the real power crit, and it is the real frenzy of the strong, the top-level feast of madness, it makes Ye Qianli understand that the power of the world is cultivated! It can be so powerful that it can destroy the planet! Shock the galaxy, shake the level of the universe.

And she! She can only control a small part of the power. For many people in the heaven and nine realms, she may already be a strong person standing at the top, but for this big world, she has just stood at the starting point.

Practice the world! The praise is endless.


And when Ye Qianli and the others were paralyzed by the field-level explosion, they were greatly impacted! Xiao Rongyi yelled anxiously, "Ah! Ahhh—"

It is different from the shock of adults! What Xiao Rongyi saw was that his meal was "washed" away, and was going away from him, he couldn't catch it!

The little guy was so anxious that the Dragon Emperor hurriedly shouted, "Back! Back! Back!" He meant to let the Dragon Emperor go back, and wait for him to finish his meal before leaving.

Dragon Emperor: "..." This little master is really different from his father, he is much more ferocious and bold, with such a riot, he is so young, he still wants to go back? !

The Dragon Emperor simply didn't know what to say! But it doesn't know that for Xiao Rongyi, it's not easy to have a full meal, "fat meat" can't be let down.

So seeing that the Dragon Emperor didn't listen to his little one, he was so angry that he threw away his mother, beat it on the Dragon Emperor and shouted, "Back! Back——"

"Yi'er..." Ye Qianli sat down with her forehead on her back, trying to persuade Xiao'er.

"Bad! Grandma is bad!" Xiao Rongyi was so anxious that he pointed to the big explosion over there and complained while urging the Dragon Emperor. He knew it was a bad grandpa! Destroy his meal, make him have no food to eat, don't want this grandpa, he will be mad at him.

Ye Qianli: "..." She could understand Xiaoer's complaint, but for this matter, her father is really to blame, isn't it because he broke her son's meal?

But the empress, she stretched out her arms to hug the angry little grandson, and said with a sense of approval, "Yes, your grandpa is bad! Grandma doesn't like it either."

"Yes! Bad!" Xiao Rongyi immediately agreed with the enemy, he is far away from his meal now, and he can't go back by himself, there is danger! Mom, hurry up! He was really anxious to death.

The little guy was so anxious that he thought of his father, so he quickly crawled out of his grandmother's arms, hugged his father's thigh and urged, "Dad! Dad! Go, go! Coo, coo..."

His anxious little appearance also amused Ye Wuji and others who had just been shocked, and Liao Zongming laughed loudly and said, "Yi'er, you are like a little rabbit who just wants to jump over the wall. Oh, hahahaha..." So cute.

"Father! Father!" Xiao Rongyi doesn't care about Liao Zongming and the others, he is hugging his father's long legs now, and only hopes that his father can be reliable and take him to dinner.

"Pfft ha ha ha..." Ye Qianli couldn't help but laugh too, but she also knew that this piece of energy was indeed pure, otherwise the little guy wouldn't be in such a hurry.

"..." The Dragon Emperor laughed silently, only felt that this little master was really solid, even more eccentric than his father! It can only be said that one generation is more bear than one generation.

Even Rong Mo was amused by his anxious son, so he squatted down and hugged a certain little one in his arms.

Xiao Rongyi was so happy that he immediately urged, "Go! Dad! Go..."

"No." Rong Mo replied.


"Ah!" Xiao Rongyi swung his fist to beat his father, his face was red with anger, and he laughed out of breath at the unscrupulous mother Ye Qianli who couldn't bear to see it. Said, "Yi'er, stop making trouble, it's too dangerous, we won't go, hahaha..."

"Ah!" Xiao Rongyi felt that! Both his mother and father are good and bad, and everyone who laughs at him is good and bad, hum! Get mad at him and don't talk to them.

But just when the little guy was about to explode in anger and had already swung his father's fists a few times, Rong Mo coaxed, showing his father's love and conscience, "Don't worry, just wait a little longer."

"Ah?" Xiao Rongyi looked at his father in a daze, after all he understood, it seemed to mean that he would take him to dinner later?

"Yeah." Rong Mo also nodded to confirm the little guy's thoughts, of course he would take his son to "eat dinner" and let the little one grow up a little bit.

Speaking of which, his little leopard is also pitiful, it is almost one year old, and the four teeth have not yet grown, and it is only so small that it is too malnourished.

He had to let the little leopard grow up a bit before going home, otherwise his father would laugh at him, and his mother would feel sorry for the little grandson.

Thinking about it this way, Rong Mo suddenly felt ashamed of returning home.

And at this moment——


The Xumifeng Heaven Formation formed by the Xumi army's joint defense is already at this moment! The towns that came out of the area were in all directions, stabilizing the energy tide of the riots to the universe.


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