Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1034: Little Detective Yi! Daddy hurts 1 more

Ye Qianli immediately turned her head to look over, but saw the old man in white robes, Ye Qianli suddenly "...", where is the promised beautiful prince?

As for the old man in white robes, he is obviously very confused! Shen Guiru looked at Ye Qianli and Xiao Rongyi as if she had seen a ghost.

After all, the old man in white robe is a little too old, and although he is a priest, his status is not bad, but he is only a priest of the white robe level, which is very different from Shen Guiru's imagination of Ye Qianli's identity! but……



According to the regulations, the priests of the Treasure Assembly must have no blood or relative relationship with the contestants. This is a rigid rule! So this...isn't right! ?

"Father! Father!" Xiao Rongyi continued to call, pointing at the god-cut old man, and urged Ye Qianli to hurry over, which also made Ye Qianli a little confused, but she soon discovered that what Xiao Rongyi was referring to was not actually God judges the old man, but the direction in which the latter is located.

That is to say...

Ye Qianli thought of it! The child's father might be in that direction, so she hugged her son a little excitedly, and rushed directly to the old man.

The old man who was judged by God: "..." He wanted to ask, what is going on! ?

"..." |

The two Heavenly Venerates in the dark were also stunned. If they didn't know the rules of the competition, they would have suspected that the old man who was a god-cutter really had such an illegitimate child.


Ye Qianli rushed past the god-judged old man with her son in her arms, and ran towards the center of the arena. It took the whole audience to react! The old man who made the cut immediately stopped the mother and son, "What are you doing? That's the arena in three days, you can't go in now."

Ye Qianli, who was stopped, didn't really want to go in, because neither she nor the magic box saw or felt the existence of Rong Mo.

"Father! Daddy!..." Xiao Rongyi pointed at the center of the arena and called out, because Rong Mo had fallen inside, and he had come back again, there was his breath left here, the little guy could "smell".

But he didn't see anyone, so he was in a hurry! He wanted to go to the ground to look for it himself, why didn't he "see" dad? Where is dad?

Seeing him like this, Ye Qianli could only coax him and say, "Yi Er, don't be in a hurry, please don't be in a hurry, dad will come to see us, can you not be in a hurry?"

"Ah?" Xiao Rongyi didn't quite understand, but he felt that his father would definitely come to see him and his mother, so he shouldn't be in a hurry, thinking about it, he nodded and lay in his mother's arms , Don't make a fuss and go down.

Only then did Ye Qianli explain to the god-cut old man, "Sorry, my lord, my son misses his father."

The old man looked at the mother and son. Although he felt a little strange and thought there might be something inside, he didn't ask any more questions and said, "Since you have nothing to do, hurry up, don't delay seeing the princess."

"Yes, thank you, my lord." Ye Qianli said thankfully, and then went to ask Shen Guiru, who was in a daze, to go with her. The latter was still in a daze the whole time.

After arriving at the resting place of the participating mothers and children, Shen Guiru asked in a daze, "You really scared me just now, you made me think, think..."

"Master Shen Cai is really my son's father?" Ye Qianli laughed, "How is that possible? Maybe my son saw someone in the arena and thought it was his father."

Only then did Shen Guiru take it seriously and said, "I think so, then let's go back to the house first, and we'll walk together later."

"Okay." After Ye Qianli nodded and entered the room, she let the magic box shield those consciousnesses, then picked up the child in her arms and smashed it, looking into his eyes and asking, "Have you sensed your father's breath?"

"Wow!" Xiao Rongyi nodded immediately, although it was very light, so light that he couldn't find his father, but it must be father, it is father.

"That should be where your father fell, but he's not there now." Ye Qianli thought that might be the case, but Xiao Rongyi immediately became anxious when he heard it, "Dad! Ah wow..."

Ye Qianli stroked his bald head and comforted him, "Yi'er, don't worry, your father should feel pain in his body, he is going to take medicine now, and he will come to us when he recovers, let's ask him quietly , see if we can find dad first, okay?"

"Pain?" Xiao Rongyi touched his small body, thinking that his father seemed to have been "beaten", he drooped his little head and said sadly, "Father..."

Ye Qianli hugged the little guy tightly and coaxed, "Yi'er, don't be sad, your father is so powerful, he will be fine and get better soon, right?"

"Ah..." Xiao Rongyi nodded emphatically, but then said "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."Xiaorongyi said that he wants to find daddy and help him not feel bad."

Although Ye Qianli couldn't understand, she could "see" clearly. After all, this little one was gesticulating while speaking, and could burst out a few words from time to time.

"Well, we are also trying our best to find daddy. If Yi'er is good and listens to mother, we can ask someone to help us find him. Then we can find daddy faster, okay?"

"Aw!" Xiao Rongyi nodded affirmatively.

Ye Qianli said quietly to the little one, "We're going to see a lot of people in a while, Yi'er don't lose his temper, it's okay not to laugh, just lie in mother's arms and don't move around, okay?"

"Hoo~" Xiao Rongyi pretended to be snoring and said that he would sleep well, and Ye Qianli kissed him on the face when he saw it, "Yes! Yi'er is the smartest."

"Hee..." Xiao Rongyi turned over with a slight smile, and Ye Qianli coaxed him to sleep, thinking that his son had eaten up all the food on her body, how would he earn his son's ration next time?

After Ye Qianli put a certain little one to sleep, the voices of other mothers came from outside one after another, basically asking each other, "How about my clothes? Don't be rude." "What about mine?..."

Even if it was Shen Guiru, she came to ask Ye Qianli's opinion with her daughter in her arms after freshening up, but saw that Ye Qianli's clothes hadn't changed, it was still the original brocade dress.

Shen Guiru, who saw the splendid attire, asked in surprise, "Sister, why don't you change into a more grand palace attire?"

"You are seeing the princess and not the lord or the mother of the country, why are you dressed in 'fancy' clothes?" Ye Qianli asked back, and asked Shen Guiru to change into plain clothes, as long as they are decent and decent.

Hearing this, Shen Guiru immediately reacted and said, "You're right, Princess Yuanjia is young, it's really hard for us women to dress up too 'voluptuously', you should be clear-headed! I'll change it right away, help me Look at my daughter."

After Shen Guiru finished changing, it was almost time. A mercenary had already come to urge her, so Ye Qianli went out with Shen Guiru with her sleeping son in her arms.

It was only when she stood up that there was darkness in front of her eyes! She was so dizzy that she fell back onto the chair and almost dropped her hand on the baby in her arms. She was so startled that Shen Guiru quickly asked, "Sister, what's wrong with you?"

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