Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1036 The king chooses an heir? Recognize Yier 3 more

Shen Guiru has already explained, "His Royal Highness, my sister, my wife, fainted once before coming here, my wife advised her not to come, first look for the god teacher, she said the princess's You can't be negligent in the interview, if you want to come, this is not... dizzy again."

"Go and ask the green-robed divine master who is accompanying the princess to see this little madam." Princess Yuanjia gave the order, and the yellow-robed guard who was supposed to hold Ye Qianli back to work.

Shen Guiru helped Ye Qianli up, her expression was genuine worry and nervousness, the four red-robed blood guards looked away, and decided that Ye Qianli was physically weak, not disrespectful to theocracy.

When the Qingpao God Master came to see Ye Qianli, he also diagnosed Ye Qianli's neurasthenia, and said that it was caused by exhaustion of mental power, so he prescribed a lot of medicines for warming and tonifying mental power.

Ye Qianli thanked her repeatedly, and wanted to get up to pay respects to Princess Xie Yuanjia, but the latter had ordered someone to give Ye Qianli a seat so that she could rest.

At the end, Princess Yuanjia said in a deep voice, "My princess knows that you have worked hard for the last few days of the competition, but you must pay attention to your health. Don't delay your children's way to play for the Kingdom of God."

"The minister's wife (civilian's wife) respectfully obeys the princess' instruction." The mothers worshiped again, and Ye Qianli, who was sitting "paralyzed", had truly seen what the supreme theocracy of the Kingdom of God was.

Afterwards, Princess Yuanjia said a lot of things about the scene, and when the time was almost up, she announced: "This princess, on behalf of the lord, has set up a small celebration banquet for you. Congratulate you for being ranked among the top ten in the county. To win glory for your county, and for the Kingdom of God."

A group of mothers knelt down with their children to thank them again. They had kowtowed ten times before and after, and they still looked excited.

Ye Qianli: "..."

The magic box also complained, "This is the daily life of the Kingdom of God. After you participate in this competition, hurry up and take the exam for the position of a yellow robe god master, otherwise you will have to be like them in the future. Come down in a 'meeting' and kneel down." Ten times and eight times are considered few."

Ye Qianli: "..." It seems that she has to go to research quickly, she can't stand this kind of kneeling, and she has to have a standard posture and be extremely pious.

However, Ye Qianli understood from Princess Yuanjia's lecture that the top ten in the country in this "Treasure of Genius" conference will have generous rewards.

The children will be crowned as red-robed princes, and they will be taught by strict teachers and the best cultivation resources in the Shenfu, and their mothers will also be able to stay by their children's side.

In addition, the king will attend the finals! Confer the title of honorary prince to the nation's number one genius treasure, and wear a golden robe for him.

"Hiss!" The mothers were immediately excited, because this meant that the number one genius treasure would be cultivated at the prince level, this is an existence close to the god level in the kingdom of God!

This is higher than previous rewards! It was much higher. Of course, the mothers were very excited. Even though they all knew that their children should not get the first place, they were still very excited.

sky! Could it be that the king wants to "adopt" the number one divine treasure because he has no heirs? If so, then... that's really breaking news.

But whether it is true or not, only Jiang Guozhu, who issued the decree, knows, and even Princess Yuanjia doesn't know what her master father means.

But no matter what her master's intentions are, Princess Yuanjia thinks! After seeing the five-clawed golden dragon, everything will change, and she is very likely to be named a princess because of this.

Thinking of this, Princess Yuanjia said, "It's all gone." But the kneeling mother and child didn't get up, they were still prostrate on the ground.

As for Princess Yuanjia, who sat behind the screen the whole time, she came out after the screen was pushed away by the red-robed blood guards. Ye Qianli woke up and wanted to stand up from the chair, but Princess Yuanjia said softly , "Little Madam, don't panic, your body is important."

"Thank you, princess, for your compassion." Ye Qianli said so, of course knowing that she couldn't really sit and stood up, at least she gave a respectful gift.

And Xiao Rongyi, who was actually awake the whole time, but didn't make any movement, also leaned obediently in his mother's arms, only showing half of his face.

But when Princess Yuanjia walked past their mother and son, Xiao Rongyi turned to look at her! Because he can "smell", Princess Yuanjia has his father's breath on her body, but it is also very faint.

But even so, Xiao Rongyi still looked at Princess Yuanjia, and when he looked at it like this, Princess Yuanjia was amazed, yes! Just stunning.

Even though Princess Yuanjia was born in the royal family of the Kingdom of God, she has seen many babies with extraordinary spirit and aura, but she has never seen such a child with unparalleled beauty like Xiao Rongyi.

The key is……

"..." Princess Yuanjia took a closer look at the boy, and felt that his eyebrows and eyes were very familiar, as if...

Princess Yuanjia was thinking about it, but Xiao Rongyi yelled "Ah", then turned around and climbed onto his mother's shoulder, hugging his mother's neck.

"What a beautiful little boy, what's his name?" An old man in red robes beside Princess Yuanjia asked, and his old eyes, which were looking at Xiao Rongyi, obviously showed a few gleams.

Princess Yuanjia immediately asked, "What did Elder Ge discover?"

And this man who was honored by Princess Yuanjia as Elder Ge, although he is only a red-robed blood guard, but because his cultivation level has surpassed the level of Heavenly Venerable, and he has stepped into the domain master realm with one foot, he has a relatively high status in the royal family Only then can he be honored as "Old Ge".

And this time he was accompanying Princess Yuanjia, not only had the duty to protect the princess, but also had the right to accompany the judgment of Shenbao, and his eyesight was indeed not bad.

Because he has already judged, "If the old minister's guess is correct, this little boy is a person with a congenital primordial divine body."

"Hiss..." The other mothers who were prostrate on the ground gasped again, and the eyes they looked at Ye Qianli and Xiao Rongyi changed completely, becoming quite hot!

Innate Primordial Divine Physique! This is the best divine body, and in the history of the Kingdom of God, those who possessed this kind of divine body have achieved great military exploits! Cultivated as an extraordinary power.

That's why Princess Yuanjia was quite surprised, looking at Xiao Rongyi's back, "Such a child with a top-notch divine body? No wonder he looks so good."

"That's right." After Ge Lao finished speaking, he looked at Ye Qianli and said, "Little madam, may I let the deity take a closer look at Ling'er?"

Of course Ye Qianli refused in her heart! But she still patted Xiao'er's head and coaxed, "Yi'er, turn around and let the old man take a good look at you, okay?"

Xiao Rongyi made it clear that he also refused, so he hugged his mother's neck tightly, and refused to turn around at all, but Mr. Ge didn't force it, so he walked behind Ye Qianli and confronted Xiao Rongyi squinted.

Princess Yuanjia also took the initiative to walk over, and this time! When she looked at the boy again, she thought of the boy who was "saved" by her with the five-clawed golden dragon.

same moment! Ye Qianli, who was looking sideways, could clearly see——

ps: The rewards for the brain hole questions have been issued. Xiao Xiang’s cutie can be viewed in the member background, and the babies in the book city have to join the group leader~ [the book city background does not directly reward readers, is it~]

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