Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1041: Swallow the plot! suffocate the princess 2 more

"Wow~" Xiao Rongyi approached the Jiuyuan Stone! It opened its small mouth and "eat" towards Jiuyuan Stone, and then there was nothing else.


The entire Jiuyuan Stone was transformed into a piece! Xiao Rongyi's food went into his little belly, Ye Qianli was dumbfounded seeing it, and the whole audience was even more dumbfounded.

"..." |

People just look at it stupidly! The Jiuyuan Stone, which has disappeared, can't believe the scene he saw just now, he just thinks it's too fake! ?

As a result, the audience fell into a strange atmosphere of silence. There was no exclamation, no screaming, no discussion, and everyone was dumbfounded!

Only the magic box in Ye Qianli's sea of ​​consciousness let out a magical "hahahahaha..." laugh, it knew it! Any conspiracies and schemes that come to the little monster will be wiped out.

Well done! Hahahahahaha...


And this little Rongyi who ate the Jiuyuan stone, he even burped a little, as if he felt very comfortable, Ye Qianli was a little bit dumbfounded, after all, she didn't let the little guy eat this stone! She's still checking out what's wrong with the stone.


She knocked it down and ate the Jiuyuan Stone directly, Emm...


Ye Qianli looked blankly at Princess Yuanjia, at the old man in white robes in Wushuang County, and at the old man Ge in red robes who was still sitting on the seat with his mouth open, looking at a loss.


Xiao Rongyi hiccupped again, and even yawned lazily, then lay down in his mother's arms and fell asleep.

The audience: "..." Dare to ask, what did they see! ?

at the end...

It was the old man in the red robe who reacted first and praised, "Good! As expected of a child with a congenital primordial body, he can even swallow the energy of Jiuyuan Stone."

"Okay!" The old man in white robes from Wushuang County also immediately applauded! Fierce applause and cheers erupted at the scene.

Princess Yuanjia: "..." This scene was completely different from what she had expected, so she wasted so many things, and it was all in vain?

However, when Princess Yuanjia was in an inexplicable mood and the audience kept applauding, some of the mother and son in Shuanghua County shouted, "Then what should we do now? The Jiuyuan stone is gone, how can we measure the body?"

"That's right! How do you measure your body now?" Many mothers of their children came to their senses and asked. You must know that in the three-county finals, one item of the body test scored 40 points! The rest of the games only accounted for 30 points each.

It was only after hearing Princess Yuanjia that she suppressed the dryness in her heart, and said in a deep voice, "Everyone, please be safe and don't be impatient. Because of the special situation, according to my princess, the following competitions will be carried out first, and this princess will report the situation to the master alone. , to be determined by the Lord Father."

"Princess Shengming!"

"Princess Shengming!..." Immediately there was a burst of praise at the scene. After all, Princess Yuanjia is not only the referee, but also the princess of the royal family, so she naturally has the right to make arbitrary decisions.

So if Xiao Rongyi was confirmed to be a devil just now, Princess Yuanjia would naturally have the right to execute Ye Qianli's mother and child, unfortunately...

Xiao Rongyi swallowed up Princess Yuanjia's "strategy" in one gulp, leaving nothing behind, which forced Princess Yuanjia to announce such a decision.

"I'm sorry, princess, I..." Ye Qianli was still apologizing panickedly at this meeting, with a look of bewilderment, as if she was terribly frightened.

Princess Yuanjia didn't want to see her anymore and said, "Mrs. Ye, don't panic, step back first."

"Yes, yes..." Ye Qianli hurriedly trotted back, and directly performed the woman's appearance that had never seen the world to the fullest.

Seeing that Shen Guiru continued to comfort her after she left the field, she said, "Don't panic, it's okay, the princess didn't say anything. After all, this is the Shenbao competition. It's unknown what the child will do."

"That's right, Mrs. Ye, don't panic, Mr. Ge also praised your son for being strong!"

"That's right, how can an ordinary child swallow the Jiuyuan Stone? Your son is really amazing..." Mrs. Wang and the others also came to appease Ye Qianli at this moment.

It also made Princess Yuanjia, who was extremely depressed, feel even more upset, but she knew that she couldn't show it, so she had to regretfully say to Elder Ge, "I wanted to see the vision of a hundred thousand miles of gold all over the sky. Never thought..."

"Princess, why should you be sorry, it's not bad to see a child with a primordial spirit devouring the Jiuyuan stone." Ge Lao stroked his beard and smiled, he really didn't expect that this child was so vigorous that he could swallow the Jiuyuan stone.

The key is! He just felt that the Jiuyuan Stone seemed to be swallowed voluntarily, and he even felt a little impatient? That's great.

But as far as he knows, the innate primordial divine body doesn't seem to have this ability, right? Could it be that there is something else wrong with this kid's physique?

When Ge Lao thought about it, he looked at Xiao Rongyi with profound eyes.

As for Xiao Rongyi this time, he was so sleepy and yawning all the time, but his mother didn't allow him to sleep, and kept telling him, "Yi'er, we still have two games, you can't do it right now." Sleep, or someone will prick you! It hurts."

"Ah?" Xiao Rongyi reluctantly raised his eyelids, protesting displeasedly, wanting to say who is so bad, not to let him sleep! He is so sleepy.

Seeing Ye Qianli, she patted his little face worriedly and said, "Yi'er! Don't sleep, did you hear me?"

"Ah..." Xiao Rongyi was already a little dazed, his big eyes were dimmed, it could be seen that he was really sleepy, Ye Qianli could only pinch his little cheek.

It's a pity that she didn't pinch hard enough, Xiao Rongyi had half closed his eyes, and was about to fall asleep in no time! Seeing that Ye Qianli quickly slapped his little butt.

"Crack!" A crisp sound showed that Ye Qianli was hitting very hard, and Xiao Rongyi woke up from the pain and stared at his mother with wide eyes.

At the same time, the center of the arena has been moved to a transparent "pool", inside which is mixed with ice and water, and the air is so cold that Ye Qianli's eyes darkened slightly.

"Ah!" Xiao Rongyi, who was woken up, opened his mouth and bit his mother lightly. Ye Qianli, who was biting slightly painful, patted his little face and said, "I can't sleep now. After our game is over, Yi How about you sleep again?"

"Hmph!" Xiao Rongyi rubbed her eyes in displeasure, but tried her best to keep her eyes wide open, which could be regarded as cooperating with her mother.

It was announced on the field that the rules for the second final match were endurance competitions. Thirty divine treasures would be thrown into the ice water together at an indeterminate time to see who could last the longest.

Hearing this, the faces of many mothers on the field turned pale, but the green-robed god judge also pointed out, "The ice water in the pool is collected from the ridge of the sacred mountain, and normal people whose cultivation level is below the fifth-order divine platform usually If you can only last half a cup of tea, you will be frozen to death."

"Hiss! What if the child is frostbitten?" Many mothers immediately felt distressed, subconsciously unwilling to let their children suffer like this.

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