Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1058 Meow and the National Teacher! Recognize mother and child 1 more

Not to mention that Jiang Su was dumbfounded, Jiang Yu was also very puzzled, but he had already got up and whispered something to Jiang Su, and then walked down to block the frame of the national teacher.

Princess Yuanjia sees this! Thinking it was a good time, she immediately stood up and followed Jiang Yu, only talking to Jiang Su, regardless of the latter's stop.

"This eldest niece..." Jiang Su looked at Princess Yuanjia who was rushing straight away with a bit of a headache, and felt that this child was too unsteady.

But as soon as Jiang Yu on this side went out, the national teacher who was still dangling in the frame on the other side said, "Stop."

The carriage driven by the two boys stopped in a panic, and almost ran into Jiang Yu, but the two boys who had just entered the National Teacher's Mansion didn't recognize Jiang Yu, so they yelled at him , "What a bastard! How dare the National Teacher's frame block it?"

"Presumptuous!" Princess Yuanjia who followed immediately scolded, and asked the death guards to take down the two boys, as if they were embarrassing the boys of the National Teacher's Mansion, but they were actually helping them by saying, "Father, the kingdom The little boys in the master's residence are a bunch of rude people, you don't want to be as knowledgeable as them."

Hearing this, Jiang Yu glanced at the eldest daughter indifferently before opening her mouth, but the national teacher in the carriage had already pulled up the curtain and said with a smile, "The lord is here too, it was the old minister who bumped into the holy driver, please be gentle, the lord." punishment."

Having said that, the national teacher in gossip plain clothes walked down from the frame at a leisurely pace, with such a cynical and leisurely look, it didn't look like a person pleading guilty.

But Jiang Yu said as usual, "You old man, why are you interested in leaving your temple?"

"The little boy in the mansion is unreasonable, so he handed over the booklet you sent over to the old minister. When the old minister saw that you intended to choose an heir from among the children, he naturally hurried over to serve." Princess Jia said, "Princess's person will be ready a few days later."

Princess Yuanjia, who was a little bit disappointed by being "in the cold" at first, immediately came to her senses and said, "The national teacher needs to be dealt with first, and people are not in a hurry."

And Princess Yuanjia, who had finished answering these words, immediately turned her head and bowed to Jiang Yu, "Father, Yuanjia has something to report to you, but she hasn't been able to see you these few days."

But Jiang Yu knew everything and said, "I won't be free these days. If you talk about Mr. Huailong, you can discuss it with the national teacher. When you wake up, you can bring me to see you."

"Yes, Father! Yuan Jia has written it down." Princess Yuan Jia immediately responded respectfully, but her heart was a little unsteady with excitement. She knew that this meant that her father approved and encouraged her actions to that son. of!

That is to say, she can recruit that son-in-law as a son-in-law, but this son is still pregnant with the golden dragon, so even if Jiang Yu didn't say much, Princess Yuanjia can make up for it by herself.

"Let's go." Jiang Yu did not say anything more and asked Princess Yuanjia to retreat. He said something privately to the national teacher who had come before returning to the arena.

Princess Yuanjia, who hadn't gone far, stepped forward immediately after Jiang Yu left and stopped her! The national teacher who was about to return to the frame, "National teacher, Yuan Jia forgot to ask you just now, what happened to the young master, how many days will it be better?"

"Some memories cannot be completely erased, and more powerful methods are needed, but the old minister is too busy recently, and has no time to do it. If the princess is in a hurry, she can take him away first." The national teacher Shi Shiran responded.

Princess Yuanjia immediately shook her head and said, "No, no, Yuanjia is not in a hurry, the national teacher, take your time, don't be in a hurry, the most important thing is that there are no sequelae, you can't ruin his talent, let alone let him A hint of possibility."

"That's natural, otherwise why would the old minister bother to destroy his sea of ​​consciousness, it would only be a slap in the face." After saying that, the national teacher was about to leave, with a very casual attitude.

But Princess Yuanjia stopped him and said, "Wait a minute, the national teacher, wait a minute..."

"The princess has something to speak out, and the old minister is busy." The national teacher said displeased, but Princess Yuanjia didn't feel slighted at all, she just said hastily, "Can the national teacher take a step to speak?"

"Princess, it's okay to say, those two boys were taken away by your death guards, and there is only a cat in the frame, so I can't say anything." When the national teacher said this, he was obviously a little impatient.

Princess Yuanjia blurted out, "That's it. I think a lot about a child from Wushuang's three counties, but I'm afraid that if the child hasn't participated in such a grand competition, his performance will be unsatisfactory. Can medicine help?"

"What kind of medicine does the princess want?" the national teacher asked.

"It's best to make the child's talent more stable and powerful." Princess Yuanjia immediately explained, and she felt a little nervous. She was afraid that the national teacher would see her intentions, even if she felt that it was fine, but Worry about being rejected.


"Yes." The national teacher took out a porcelain bottle from his sleeve and said, "This is the talent god pill, which can improve the talent of young children, and it can also enhance the talent of the child's divine body within an hour. How much can it be enhanced? , depends on the child's own physique."

Princess Yuanjia was overjoyed and thanked immediately after hearing that, "Thank you! Thank you, Imperial Teacher."

"No, it's an apology from the old minister for wasting the princess's time." After saying that, the national teacher stepped onto the carriage without even looking at Princess Yuanjia again.

Princess Yuanjia ordered the death guard to bring the boy who drove the national teacher quickly, so as not to delay the "footsteps" of the national teacher. After all, the two boy thieves can't drive the car, and they drove for a long time, which was not as good as Yuan Princess Jia walks fast...

When Princess Yuanjia sat back at the table, the frame of the national teacher hadn't arrived yet, and the audience was waiting for him. As the existence of the kingdom of God, the status of the national teacher is even higher than that of Jiang Su. high! Now that he's here, no matter how much he hesitates, everyone will have to wait for him.


Half a quarter of an hour later, the frame of the national teacher came crookedly. Jiang Su wiped his sweat and said, "This old thing can't be used by a skilled driver?! Shame..."

"The national teacher has arrived—"

"The national teacher has arrived--,..."

The yellow-robed guards had already announced their births one after another, and the participating mothers and children from all over the field, who were all present, immediately bowed down along with the guards, mercenaries, and priests to greet them.

"Meet the national teacher—"

"Meet the national teacher——,..."

After a group of people have paid their respects, he is the highest-ranking teacher of the Kingdom of God on the surface! Just now, after the little boy opened the curtain, he appeared in front of the public holding a cage with a kitten imprisoned in it.

for a while...

The magic box exploded, "Damn it! Isn't that that disgusting cat? It was caught and injured, what the hell!? What's the situation, what is the origin of this national teacher, and he can hold it! ?”

Ye Qianli was at a loss when she heard that, she no longer remembered Xiao Bai Miao, but Xiao Rongyi had already climbed onto his mother's shoulder, staring blankly at the national teacher and the imprisoned Xiao Bai Miao.

And the national teacher who got off the frame also looked at it at a glance! Ye Qianli mother and son.

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