Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1070 Your Highness is sick and delicate

Ye Qianli was so frightened that she shrank her legs and "went down to the ground", instead she hugged her sick and beautiful prince in her arms, and the Taiyi God Flower had already entangled herself on Rongmo's body.

It also made Rong Mo, who just vomited a mouthful of blood, a little speechless. Didn't he just vomit blood, and it's not like he hasn't vomited before.

Fortunately, Xiao Huahua at this meeting has also sent a voice transmission to Ye Qianli, "Miss husband seems to be fine, I don't know why he suddenly vomits blood."

Hearing this, Ye Qianli could only ask the person concerned, "His Royal Highness, be honest, what's wrong with you, why are you vomiting blood for no reason?"

"Maybe you're mad at me." After calming down, Rong Mo replied jokingly, but Ye Qianli knocked him on the forehead with his forehead.

Rong Mo hugged his little leopard's neck, and said, "Violent leopard."

"I can be more fierce!" Ye Qianli hugged her Highness's neck without avoiding it, then bit his straight nose and said, "Don't change the topic, just be honest."

The bitten Rong Mo's eyes darkened slightly and he replied, "It should be that the real master has escaped."

Ye Qianli: "..." The real national teacher has run away, but he, the fake national teacher, is still so calm. Does he have a big heart, or is the plan complete...

"Don't worry about me. Even if he ran out to confront me, it's okay. You just take care of yourself. How long has it been since you left me is a problem?" When Rong Mo said this, he had already hugged his domineering Leopard, turned his palms back and took the initiative to hug him back in his arms.


"Does it mean that if I show up later, you will completely forget me?" When Rong Mo thought of this, his heart seemed to be hollowed out, and there was a chill in his heart, which was very cold.

"It's all your fault! Why didn't you come to see me sooner." Ye Qianli said rather coquettishly, she couldn't let him keep complaining, besides, she didn't do it on purpose.

"It's my fault." Rong Mo admitted, and hugged the person in his arms even tighter. If it wasn't for his still weak strength, what about the wind of nothingness?

Thinking of leaving, his little leopard not only has to take good care of the child, but also endures the three declines of the Taiyi God Clan, and is facing the plot of Princess Yuanjia, he...

Rong Mo lowered his eyes to look at the person in his arms, his eyes were full of tenderness and pity, like a deep and quiet night sky, with clear dots of stars, with a long and deep meaning, entangled like silk, Straight into Ye Qianli's heart.

Make her breathe slightly stagnant, her heart has already been entangled by him, she will subconsciously cling to him, wanting to entangle him and never separate, "Your Highness..."

Rong Mo was subconsciously called out by her subconsciously sweet and coquettish "Your Highness", and his lips, which were already intimate with her, sucked on those soft and sweet lips.

The pity and affectionate kiss, like a trickle of clear water, moistened Ye Qianli's lips, heart, and spirit, giving her a feeling of being held in the clouds, treated with tenderness, and lingering.

"Your Highness..." Ye Qianli hugged her Highness subconsciously. She didn't want to forget him, didn't want...she didn't want to forget everything between them, didn't want to.

She wants to remember, she wants to remember more...

But Rong Mo, who can sense her emotional fluctuations, has already let go of his lips and raised his hand to cover her forehead, and then said softly, "Don't force it, just forget it, and I will tell you again every day from now on." New, your and my memory."


"No, but, be good." Rong Mo coaxed after kissing Ren'er's eyebrows lightly, "Everything in the past, such as the past, if you don't remember it, you don't remember it. Don't you think that if you forget me, you will never forget me again?" Tempted by me?"

Ye Qianli: "..."

She wanted to say, "Well, if His Highness keeps using, using this face, but, maybe..." Maybe she really won't be tempted.

It's a pity that she didn't dare to finish the rest of the sentence, but Rong Mo fully understood what she meant, so he pinched her face quite vigorously.

The pain made Ye Qianli annoyed, "It's not impossible, what I said is the truth!"

"It's the lust that never changes!" After Rong Mo said this, he held Ren'er's jaw, bit her lip unceremoniously, and then invaded domineeringly.

"Hmm..." Ye Qianli was grabbed instinctively, and her waist was held tightly, rubbing...


As for Xiao Rongyi at this meeting, he happened to pull out the beast pill of Ghost Leech, not to mention! This beast pill is still a bit difficult to find, because the ghost leech is too huge, and there are still universes in the body, and ordinary people's consciousness cannot accurately capture where its beast pill is.

But Xiao Rongyi is obviously not an ordinary person, so even if Xuanwu didn't help him, he still found the beast pill quite quickly, and pulled it out by himself.

"Ah!" The little guy yelled happily, crawled out of Ghost Leech's body covered in blood again, and said to Xuanwu, "Back! Back..."

"Yi'er is awesome." Xuanwu Divine Beast came over to help catch the beast pill that was bigger than the little guy, and then hugged him, but he was not in a hurry to go back.

After all, their little master, Xiao Momo, has grown up, and he is flirting with his little wife. As the master's companion animal, how can he spoil his good deeds? Of course not!

So Xuanwu washed Xiao Rongyi "diligently" all over, and said slowly, "Yi'er is not in a hurry, I will go to my parents after washing for nothing."

"Bai! Okay." Xiao Rongyi loves to be quiet, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with it, but he got impatient after washing Xuanwu for too long, "Back! Back!"

Fortunately, Rong Mo didn't have the idea of ​​doing anything deep at the bottom of the pool, he was already summoning Xuanwu to take the little leopard there, so the little guy didn't lose his temper.

When Rong Mo took Xiao Rongyi in his arms, Xuanwu also handed the ghost leech's beast pill to Ye Qianli, seeing Xiao Rongyi resisted the urge to drool and shouted, "Cold! Eat! Eat! "

Rong Mo also urged, "Go ahead, I will guard you."

"Okay." Ye Qianli took a deep look at her husband and son, and then placed the Ghost Leech Beast Pill on the bottom of the pool, and urged the "Taiyi Divine Art" to quickly absorb it.


A faint purple mist quickly flowed out of Ye Qianli's body, wrapped the ghost leech beast pills in groups, and was absorbed by the magic power, transformed into abundant spiritual energy, which was injected into Ye Qianli's sea of ​​consciousness.


Xiao Rongyi pointed at his mother and praised, Rong Mo also nodded and said, "Your mother is the most beautiful."


Xiao Rongyi immediately agreed without saying anything, and pointed at his father and said, "Dad! Ugly, no..." The little guy wanted to say that the ugly father is not good enough for his beautiful mother, but his vocabulary is obviously not enough. Relatively limited.

But Rong Mo understood, so he licked his son's bald head full of black lines, this little one! He definitely inherited his mother's lust, and he was a flamboyant brat since he was a child.

"Pfft~" Xuanwu and Qinglong who were listening behind were laughing, and even Jiuyuan Divine Beast grinned, thinking that the little master was so cute.

But this brief harmony didn't last long, and Ye Qianli, who had just entered the cultivation state, felt it! There was a sudden violent tremor around her, which made her subconsciously want to get out of the cultivation state.

"Hold on! Leave it alone."

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