Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1088: Demon Moon Flower Flower! Master of the country! 1 more

When Ye Qianli spit out the word "Demon Moon" word by word, there was a round of blood-colored full moon, which replaced the bright sun in the middle sky and hung above the Shenfu.

The sky suddenly turned gray.

The ground suddenly filled with ancient air.

The unique aura of the ancient battlefield enveloped the Shenfu at the moment when Yaoyue hung in the sky, among which the area around the banquet hall was the strongest, followed by the rest of the imperial court.

This makes many strong people outside the imperial court feel that the imperial court seems to be "separated" and leave, and this is naturally the unique spatial separation of Yaoyue's power.

Right now--

This moment!

The imperial court has been "sealed", and the area around the banquet hall has been completely "separated"! It is true, it has been enveloped by the "projected" atmosphere of the ancient battlefield.



The national teacher had stopped moving forward and stood where he was, because he knew very well that Ye Qianli had taken the initiative, and now she could control the life and death of him and everyone in the banquet hall.

Because they are already "surrounded"! In Ye Qianli's territory, she is the king in this circle of power.

But he is the only one who understands like the national teacher.

So stupid people like Princess Yuanjia, she was still ordering, "Old Ge, hurry up and send someone to the Blood Guard Shu to slaughter these wild beasts!"

Elder Ge, who got the order, was obviously not high enough to understand the situation, and he had to listen to Princess Yu Yuanjia's answer of "yes".

But he was about to walk out of the banquet hall! He felt that there was a fatal danger attacking from behind, which made him burst out the strongest defense, but——


An ancient ferocious beast, its sharp claws had already broken through Elder Ge's defense, and cut a large piece of flesh from his back on the spot! And an arm was torn off bloody, and it was devoured and eaten.

That's not even counting...


Seeing that something was wrong, they broke out one after another! The dozen or so red-robed blood guards guarding the banquet hall were also torn to pieces and devoured by the brutal beasts.

Only one face to face!



A series of screams erupted from the mouths of the blood guards, scaring the yellow-robed guards so much that they didn't dare to move, they just found out! Even if there are only hundreds of these beasts! Not as many people as the blood guards of the imperial court.

But the combat power of these beasts! They are all above the Saint Heavenly Venerable Realm, and they are even stronger than the red-robed blood guards! In addition, people outside the banquet hall also found that they could not get out of the courtyard of the banquet hall hall.


"Master, what's going on?" Ji Yunxue realized something was wrong! Asked the motionless national teacher.

As for the national teacher who was stared at by Nian Beast, he responded in a low voice, "Although she has no domain master level of cultivation, she has the power of domain master level. We are all covered by her domain. Controlling life and death."



No one in the audience including Princess Yuanjia could believe that what they heard was true! Ye Qianli, a ninth-level talent, has the power of a domain master?


"National teacher, are you joking?" Princess Yuanjia couldn't help asking back, she thought it was impossible, but she didn't dare to move.

But the national teacher didn't answer her stupid question, he just looked at Ye Qianli and said, "You have an ancient domain in your body."

Such speculation is obviously very close to the truth, but of course Ye Qianli did not answer, even if she knew! The national teacher has been able to confirm the cards she has.

But at this moment, she also had to release it! Her last hole card is still a hole card that she has just controlled, and she can't continue to control it.

After all such a calling! It took a lot of mental effort, if she hadn't experienced neurasthenia, she had a reserve of mental power unimaginable by ordinary people, she wouldn't be able to use this hole card at all.

And this, the national teacher could clearly see it, so he didn't rush to do it, but he asked a little puzzled, "Since you can't continue to control this defensive power, why don't you just do it and capture and kill me?" Wait, what are you waiting for?"

However, Ye Qianli still didn't speak, but Ji Yunxue said, "I'm afraid she is waiting for the king. After all, the king likes her so much, or she is not sure that she can win you, the national teacher."

"It's also possible that you are waiting for her man, that young master! Unfortunately, you are doomed not to be able to wait for anyone." Princess Yuanjia added, with a sinister tone.

Hearing Ye Qianli's eyes moved slightly, the little Rong Yi in her arms glared at Princess Yuan Jia angrily, if his mother didn't let him move around, he would definitely beat this bad guy.


"No matter what you are waiting for, my national teacher doesn't want you to wait any longer." The national teacher who couldn't get rid of his doubts had already stretched out his hand, and sacrificed a ray of strange light!

But this ray of strange light just came out, and the Nian beast was about to explode! Ye Qianli said first, "National teacher, I advise you not to be impulsive. I am the most afraid of being provoked, and I tend to be more impulsive."

Say that! Her right pupil was even redder, and the aura of the ancient battlefield permeating in the banquet hall became more intense, and there was a tendency to be saturated to the point of bursting and exploding.

In such a situation, even the ordinary female relatives could sense it! Naturally, the national teacher can understand Ye Qianli's intentions more clearly. He knows that she is showing that if he dares to break the domain, then she dares to die with him without any hesitation.

Such determination! It also made the national teacher's eyes darken, he was really a little jealous, after all, he didn't want to die, so he withdrew the strange light in his hand, and stared at Ye Qianli with interest.


As for Ye Qianli at this moment, she was sweating profusely, obviously a little exhausted, which indicated that she couldn't last long, but even so!

The national teacher found that her eyes were still firm, without a trace of fear or timidity, as if she still had a trump card! ? This made the national teacher look at the young woman in front of him with more interest.

Time was at a stalemate, Xu passed a quarter of an hour! Ye Qianli's complexion continued to turn pale within a quarter of an hour, and she seemed to be unable to hold on.

Seeing that the national teacher's eyes were becoming a little subtle, Ye Qianli said, "Yi'er, let Jiuyuan come out."

"Okay!" Xiao Rongyi replied loudly, and the Jiuyuan Divine Beast came out! It knew exactly what to do and radiated Jiuyuan divine power to help Ye Qianli stabilize the breath of the ancient battlefield.

This made the national teacher understand that Ye Qianli really couldn't hold on anymore, and he once again gathered an unpredictable strange light on his fingertips, ready to make a move.

But Ye Qianli didn't say anything, she even closed her eyes, no longer trying to release the power of the ancient battlefield, but because of the stagnant effect of Jiuyuan's divine power, the aura of the ancient battlefield has not dissipated, it is still possible Under the control of Ye Qianli's will, it exploded instantly!


The national teacher stared at Ye Qianli silently, he was expecting the latter to show a new hole card! But at the same time, he will not have any delay when it is time to make a shot.

As far as he is concerned, curiosity never affects his decisiveness in killing! It will even make him more bloodthirsty and brutal, just like he is studying Xiaobaimiao.



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