Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1095: The Realm of Nothingness! Ambush Dragon Emperor 2 more

Rong Mo also found out that he had already set his sights on the other party, because this person not only has the cultivation base of the domain master level, but also has the aura of nothingness on his body.

And as soon as this person appeared, Jiang Yu immediately ordered, "Let's go."

"You..." The national teacher didn't want to let him go, but just as he spoke, the black-robed man had already grabbed his shoulders and stopped him.

Jiang Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, but saw the man in black robe staring at Rong Mo beside him, his eyes were so dark that no one could see his emotions.

Rong Mo exchanged glances with this person, and then he hugged his two little leopards and said clearly, "Let's go."


Only then did the four great beasts turn into four-color rainbow lights, fall back to Rong Mo's side, and disappeared into this world together with Rong Mo and others.

When they reappeared, they were already thousands of miles away from the Divine Mansion, so Old Master Jiang was able to look at Rong Mo's family head-on.

"I don't know..." Elder Jiang wanted to ask his son, who are the people in this family, especially this young brother, what is his origin.

But Rong Mo had already turned around and left with his two little leopards in his arms. Obviously he didn't intend to be with Jiang's people, which also caught Old Master Jiang a little off guard.

On the contrary, Jiang Yu said as expected, "Master, you should know that if the national teacher has that black-clothed force to help, your wife and children are still in danger. And I, Jiang Yu, pursued your wife before because she is a widow. You... no Do you think I'm a threat to you?"

These words not only let Old Lord Jiang understand something, but also made Rong Mo stop. Of course he didn't think Jiang Yu was a threat to him, but he didn't want to be with these people.


"The power in black?" Rong Mo is really interested in these four words, and this is also the reason for him to stop, he always thinks! The accident at that time was not an accident, it was obvious that someone was going to ambush the Dragon Emperor.

Before that, he only knew that the wind of nothingness was the power that Mount Sumeru could control, but the man just now had the breath of wind of nothingness on his body.

And Jiang Yu also used "power in black" to describe the other party, which means that there are more than one such person, and it is a group of power, and it should be a relatively large group.

This made Jiang Yu, who heard Rong Mo's interest, took the opportunity to invite, "This place is not a good place to talk, how about going to Wushuang County together?"

"Yes." Rong Mo also agreed, and of course Ye Qianli in his arms didn't say anything, because she had already fallen asleep, and she was still in a deep sleep.

"Cool..." Xiao Rongyi let out a little worried voice.

But Rong Mo warned, "Don't disturb your mother, she's tired."

"Okay." Xiao Rongyi agreed in a low voice, and then fell asleep on his father's shoulder, and almost fell to the ground several times because he fell asleep.

But every time there is no danger, this little self can always climb back onto his father's shoulders at the last moment, making Jiang Yu "...". By the way, this young man may be a stepfather, right?


When he arrived at the palace of Wushuang County, Jiang Yu was not busy, because he left all the things to Jiang Su, and the old master Jiang and the other four Jiang clan domain masters accompanied Jiang Yu by his side, and started to talk with Rong Mo. dialogue.

But before getting down to business, Jiang Yu looked at a little leopard who was drooling in sleep, and Ye Qianli who was sleeping, and asked, "Why don't you put them down first?"

"That's all." Rong Mo didn't plan to make other arrangements.

Jiang Yu had no choice but to "endure" and asked, "I don't know what to call the young master?"


Facing Rong Mo who cherishes words like gold, Jiang Yu can only "be patient" and say, "Mr. Rong, the black-clothed forces you are interested in, as far as I know, they are forces that exist in various domains. They have a The name is called the realm of nothingness."

"Nothing Realm?" Rong Mo was also very interested in this name! This feeling is the abbreviation of the world of emptiness and wind, and it still exists in the realms, huh... interesting.

"That's right, these people range from domain master-level powerhouses to altar-level cultivators. But no matter what level they are, people from the void realm are not afraid of the wind of nothingness.

So when they are defeated, they can escape into the world of the Astral Wind of Nothingness, and use the Astral Wind of Nothingness to destroy everything without any means. "Jiang Yu explained to this point, he didn't say any more, just waiting for Rong Mo to ask himself.

And Rong Mo, who was attracted by the interest, did ask, "How many domain master-level powerhouses are there?"

"Unknown, because the Nihility Realm is not a specific sect, anyone who is baptized successfully can become a person of the Nihility Realm, I guess the national teacher is already a person of the Nihility Realm, but he can't control the power of the Nihility Gangfeng yet. "Jiang Yu explained in great detail.

"How long does it usually take to enter the world before you can master the wind of nothingness?"

"It varies from person to person, but the national teacher shouldn't take long. His talent is good."

"I want to enter the realm of nothingness, is there a way?"

"Do you want to be with the National Teacher?" Jiang Yu asked back, and then explained, "Unless you send your wife out, the Nihility Realm will not accept you, who is opposed to the National Teacher, since it has supported the National Teacher .”

"I want to see the world of nothingness." Rong Mo said emphatically, of course he would not associate with the national teacher, and he had never thought about joining the world of nothingness, but he wanted to see this force.

"Unless they are baptized, no one can enter." Jiang Yu broke Rong Mo's thoughts, and he also said, "The void world is the same as the legendary Mount Sumeru. No one can specifically feel their specific location. and……"

After a pause, Jiang Yu looked at Rong Mo and said word by word, "As far as I know, there is a person from Mount Sumeru in the void world. You must be looking for this person."

"..." Rong Mo looked at Jiang Yu silently, and the latter also continued, "When you dealt with the national teacher, the power you used was the power of Sumeru, right?"

That's not even counting...

Jiang Yu also guessed directly to the point, "Or, you initiated the roar of the white tiger that shook our western regions before, right? You are the descendant of the King of Ten Thousand Realms on Mount Sumeru, right?"

Even though the four elephant beasts released by Rong Mo didn't seem to show any extraordinary power, Jiang Yu could vaguely sense that they were still very restrained and did not explode.

This is probably also the reason why the black-robed man in the void world didn't let the national teacher get angry. After all, the four beasts are very strong! Once there is a real fight, it is still unknown who will win and who will lose.

And Rong Mo...


He admitted it, but he didn't say that he was still the son of the King of the Ten Thousand Realms.


Elder Jiang and the other domain masters all took a deep breath! And staring at Rong Mo, they all know the legend of the King of Ten Thousand Realms and Mount Sumeru, but since it is a legend, of course they have never seen it.

But now, they actually met the descendants of the King of Ten Thousand Realms! ? this……

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