Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1098 The opportunity of human decline, the meeting ceremony of the priest! Ask for a ticket

"Wait." Rong Mo didn't intend to go over right away, he had already hugged the little one, sat down beside Ye Qianli, and then put the little one down.

"Cool!" Xiao Rongyi immediately threw himself into his mother's arms, but he was careful not to use too much force, he knew that his mother was not feeling well.

Ye Qianli caught him and kissed him a few times before asking, "What's wrong with Yi'er? Why does he smell like medicine all over his body?"

"Boil, boil the medicine."

"Yo! You're so powerful, you'll even make medicine for your mother, who will help you?" Ye Qianli sat up halfway, leaning on Rong Mo's chest while she was being embraced by Rong Mo.

"Meow!" Little White Miao jumped onto the bed, expressing that it was helpful, Suzaku and the others smiled and looked at the family on the bed, feeling very peaceful and beautiful.

Xiao Rongyi also pointed at Suzaku and the others and said, "Aunt Zhuzhuque, Qilong, Uncle Long, Baihu, Uncle, Uncle Wu!" The little guy felt very tired and flustered after talking about this series of addresses. Take a breath.

"..." |

Suzaku and the others had black lines all over their heads and wanted to reject these titles. Dare to ask what the hell is a pig bird? Returning the seven dragons, for nothing? It is also the normal point of Xuanwu.

Ye Qianli couldn't help laughing in her heart, but she had to hold back her laughter and thank Suzaku and the others first, but after she finished thanking, Rong Mo let her drink the medicine.

And Ye Qianli, who could smell the source of the medicine, also knew that this was a bowl of nourishing medicine soup that was quite good for her now, but it tasted very bitter.

This made Rong Mo, who could see that she was afraid of suffering, asked in a clear voice, "May I feed you?"

"Hey!" Xiao Rongyi made a gesture to get a small spoon, how could he know that his father didn't want to use a spoon to feed him, he was already going to take a sip of medicine.

Seeing that Ye Qianli immediately grabbed the medicine bowl and drank the medicine in a "gulu gulu" manner, with so many "people" watching, she was ashamed to be fed medicine like that!

this person...

Has it always been like this? Don't be ashamed.

But Ye Qianli had just finished drinking the medicine, and there was another movement outside the courtyard, and this time, Jiang Yu, who came in person, was asking, "Master Rong, is it convenient for you to come in?"

And Rong Mo, who had already fed sugar to Ye Qianli, responded without letting anyone go, "Please come in."

When Jiang Yu entered the room, she could still smell the smell of medicine, but Ye Qianli was already awake, and was being led out of the back room by Rong Mo, who was holding the baby.

Just one look! Jiang Yu was startled by the strands of white in Ye Qianli's hair. He knew that Ye Qianli was already in the process of dying, but he didn't expect that she would decline so quickly! ?


Jiang Yu glanced at Rong Mo calmly, and saw that he looked very calm, so he suppressed his shock and greeted, "Everything is okay."

"It's okay, what happened?" Rong Mo asked straight to the point.

Only then did Jiang Yu say, "Jiang Su got news from Governor Shen that the Huameng mercenary group found a suspected entrance to the Shanglin Realm in the Luoshen Mountain Range.

And the Shanglin Realm is the place where our Kingdom of God used to raise three-legged golden crows, candle dragons, ancient crocodiles and other ancient beasts. According to the records, there are countless exotic flowers and plants, rare and heavenly treasures in it, but they were abandoned for unknown reasons, and I have been unable to find them before. I want to find out in person. "

"When are we going?" Rong Mo asked.

"Depart immediately. The Luoshen Mountains are the boundary line between the Demon Kingdom and the Divine Kingdom, and there may be changes." Jiang Yu was afraid that the people from the Demon Kingdom would interfere.

After hearing that, Rong Mo asked Ye Qianli, "How do you feel?"

"Go." Ye Qianli instinctively wanted to go, and she really had to be fast, she knew that her physical condition was not very good, and she might be even more lethargic if she was late.

So Jiang Yu asked in amazement, "Are you still going?" It's so bad, go again! ? He must have misheard.

But Ye Qianli nodded affirmatively and said, "Yeah." After all, bed rest is of no use to her at all, and she can't practice now, and she doesn't even have a clue about how to survive the decline, so she can only go out and see more , maybe there will be a turning point.

And Rong Mo obviously thought so too, so he also replied to Jiang Yu, "Then leave immediately, do you need to make other preparations?"

"It's not necessary, but she..." Jiang Yu hesitated to say, the situation in Shanglin is unknown, if there is really a powerful person from the Demon Kingdom intervening, it may not be appropriate for the family to lead the mouth.

But before he could say his worried words, Ye Qianli could see it clearly and said, "Master Jiang, don't worry, if there is any trouble, I can protect myself."

Jiang Yu naturally didn't believe this, but he responded without saying anything, "Okay, let's go."


And when Ye Qianli and his party went to the Luoshen Mountains in the west of Wushuang County, the person in charge of the Void Realm stronghold closest to the Kingdom of God had already received a report.

"Zhang Tianyuan sent a message saying that he met a young man in his twenties in the Shenfu, the capital of the Kingdom of God. This young man is suspected to be able to use the power of Sumeru."

"Sumi's power!?"

"That's right, Zhang Tianyuan invites you to go and make a final identification. After all, he has never been in contact with the power of Sumeru, so he doesn't dare to make a judgment."

"Okay, I'll go to the Kingdom of God and make a conclusion. You will be fully responsible for this matter." After Lin Jifeng gave his orders, he walked out of the stronghold.

But if someone is nearby at this moment, they will definitely not be able to see clearly, where did this middle-aged man who suddenly walked out of the darkness come from?

It was as if he walked out of the dark space, and there was no spatial fluctuation or energy change in the surrounding area.

This is also the mystery that all domain masters have been unable to solve after so many years of development in the void world. It is not that there are no domain masters or strong people from other realms, but they just want to mix into the void world to inquire about news.

But anyone who enters the void world will eventually be loyal to the void world, even if they die! Nor will there be any news about the void world.

The realm of nothingness has existed for tens of thousands of years! Not a single traitor has ever appeared, and this is also an unsolvable mystery. No one knows how the Nihility Realm does this.

However, Lin Jifeng has only just stepped into the domain of God and Demon Continent, so he can vaguely sense it! In this world, there is really a trace of Xumi's power remaining! ?


Don't wait for Lin Jifeng to check it out!


The High Priest of the Taiyi God Clan who was trying to figure out where their Goddess was in the imperial court of the Shenfu, he opened a pair of bright old eyes in response.

Because Lin Jifeng wants to track down the end of Sumi's power! It is in the area of ​​the imperial court of the Shenfu, which naturally affects the high priest, and now...


An invisible crutch! He appeared directly in front of Lin Jifeng, not to mention, and knocked on Lin Jifeng's head.

All of a sudden!


In the sky above the Gods and Demons Continent! Unsurprisingly, there was a sharp knock on the forehead, and it was also for Lin Jifeng, who was beaten just after stepping into this area, so that he was beaten in a daze?

But that's not counting...

ps: 5 updates are complete, woohoo~

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