Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1108 Invitation from the Lord of the Void! 【Ask for a ticket】

Awaken with the gifted! Just as it is necessary to accept the baptism of talent, the advancement of the saint Tianzun also requires the baptism of the source power of heaven and earth. This is a comprehensive sublimation from spiritual power to physical body.

Therefore, outside the territory of the God and Demon Continent, there is already an invisible cohesive power! From the darkness of the domain, it is constantly condensing towards the domain space above the continent of gods and demons.

This makes it perceptible! The black-robed old man who was recovering from his wounds, as well as the more powerful domain masters of several nearby domains of the Gods and Demons, all paid attention to this gathering of source power.


Ye Qianli's cohesion is too special! Although the normal saint Tianzun will also attract the baptism of the source force, let them completely integrate with the way of force they have realized.

But this kind of phenomenon is generally limited to the domain, and will only cause extraordinary celestial phenomena in the domain, instead of directly triggering the domain phenomenon like Ye Qianli!

Movements of this level can usually only be triggered by the advancement of the domain master, such as the sensational domain image caused by Rong Mo before! Of course, the domain image he aroused was incomparable to normal domain owners.

But now...

Ye Qianli, who is only advancing to the level of the saint Tianzun! She also triggered the image of the domain, as if the fire among the Sumi Ten Thousand Domains! Wood, spirit, light, metal, water, darkness, and the power of thunder are all being drawn.

"Which peak saint is this, who wants to advance to become a domain master? With such a big movement, he has mastered such comprehensive power?" The black-robed old man was a little surprised.

The other powerful domain masters who were observing in secret were also quite surprised by this, only thinking that an extraordinary domain master might be about to appear.

To actually control eight kinds of power, wouldn't it be able to interpret eight kinds of great domains? This is even better than the Chaos Divine Body that has not grown crookedly, and I don't know which domain it is.


The black-robed old man who was thinking about it soon discovered that there was a faint burst of vitality in these forces drawn from the dark!

And this vitality, he is no stranger, because he has just been hurt by this vitality, so does this mean! The previous Enchantment of Life was not derived from some super domain master level powerhouse, but from a person who is not a domain master?


"The successor of the King of Ten Thousand Realms?" The old man in black robe thought about the news of Zhang Tianyuan's reply and Lin Jifeng's speculation, and he was a little shocked!

But this is not right, the successor of the King of Ten Thousand Domains has caused a domain phenomenon earlier, it should have advanced to become a domain master, so what is going on?

The black-robed old man was just puzzled, and the jade slip in his arms vibrated suddenly. When he took it out to check, he saw an important message flashed on the jade slip, "In the eastern part of the Luoshen Mountain Range, there are ten thousand domains. The descendants of the king are going through calamities."


The black-robed old man frowned, unable to judge the specific situation, but at this very moment——


Ye Qianli's nine powers have been condensed into shape! The vivid Nine Heavens Profound Fire, Taiyi God Flower,... Taiyi Origin Spirit is conjured up! That's not even counting...


Ye Qianli's soul body has already left her body at this delicate moment! Stepping outside the domain, the powerful domain masters who were concerned by all parties were shocked.

"Spirit and soul fusion! Palm source symbiosis, who is this! Go and see—" Many super domain masters stepped out of the air one after another, wanting to see Ye Qianli's face clearly! After all, she is a little illusory in her soul body, and she can't see it clearly if you don't look closely.



There is an invisible crutch! Not to mention that it has formed outside the boundless territory, it also locked on the black-robed old man closest to "Ye Qianli" at the same time, and hit him on the head with a bang.


The old man in black robe just realized that he wants to retreat! pity……


The crutches had blown his head off on the spot! The pain was so severe that he, who had not recovered from his injuries, vomited blood on the spot, but this was not counted...




The crutch was still behind the black-robed old man's head! He directly beat up several powerful domain masters who flashed nearby, but he didn't favor one over another.

The domain masters who came from the sky were a little confused! In the void, the little old man, the priest of the Taiyi God Clan, has already appeared in form with a cane.

And as soon as he appeared, his violent cursing, which belonged exclusively to him, roared across the domain, "Where did they come from! I am a goddess of the Taiyi God Clan, how can you wait to watch? Get out of here!" , want to court death, don’t you!”

After hearing this, several domain masters hurriedly felt that the old man was too domineering, and they were all ready to argue with him, but they finally opened their mouths.



One and two domain masters! He had already been knocked on the head by the domineering and tyrannical priest, and he was scolded again, "Did you think that there are so many of you that this priest can't beat you to death!? If you don't go away, this priest will be rude .”



Sounds of gasping in pain came out frequently from the dark space, and they were all from the domain masters who were beaten too painfully by the priest's little old man and couldn't help but gasp.


It really hurts!

It hurts so much that they want to scold their mothers! In other words, they didn't have any malicious intentions, but they just wanted to see who the person who mastered the ancient cultivation secret technique was.


Just don't even look at it! Want to be beaten? ! What kind of overlord principle is this? This is too much, the problem is! The opponent is so excessive, they dare not fight back.

Because this little old man is really strong! Moreover, he has a super forbidden technique that restricts the opponent's strength. As he said, even if there are many of them, if he really wants to kill them, it is not too difficult.

But when did such a strong existence appear in this realm of gods and demons! ? no, wait...

"Senior is the priest of the Taiyi Protoss?" A domain master subconsciously asked, and all the domain masters immediately held their breath and looked at the little old man standing in the dark sky.

The Taiyi Protoss, this is a legend not only in the Kingdom of God! In other domains, there are also powerful protoss with mysterious legends, so the domain owners of all parties want to get a more definite answer.

But at this moment——


Ye Qianli's soul has merged with the power of the nine sources, and her soul body carries the nine sources of power gathered from the domain! "Om" and then fell back to her body.

The little old man, the priest, followed without saying a word! How can he care about the curiosity of these scumbags, he is not a person who has the patience to solve doubts.


"Go down and have a look?"

"Will you be beaten?"

The domain owners of all parties made a total calculation, and decided to go down to have a look, but they touched the blood bag on their heads with some fear, but just as the domain owners stepped on the domain one after another, entering the domain of gods and demons .

In the dark sky! In the vast emptiness, there is a sound that has no source and no waves, and it has passed into the sky above the God and Demon Continent, and it hits the God Mountain Range and said: "The world of nothingness congratulates the Taiyi God Clan, and I would like to invite the Taiyi Goddess, Come to my world of nothingness."

ps: 5 updates are complete! Quickly vote for my excellent high priest, 66666! Aww~

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