Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1110 Taiyi Protoss Worship Goddess! 2 more

This lets those who have followed! The old man in black robe couldn't help but said, "High Priest Taiyi, you are too ignorant of flattery, and you are too ungrateful for me."

"Indeed." Many domain masters outside the domain subconsciously nodded in agreement, feeling that the high priest of Taiyi was too unreasonable, ignorant of flattery, and very domineering! Outrageous, like a savage.



Just as the black-robed old man finished speaking, he was knocked off the head by the air! It was also knocked unconscious on the spot with a "bang" and then smashed into the land of God and Demon Continent.

That's not even counting...

The leader of the Nihility Realm was scolded by the nozzle on the spot, "Why should I, the Taiyi God Clan, give the Nihility Realm an interface? What the hell is the Nihility Realm! When my Taiyi God Clan existed, the Nihility Realm wasn't even a fart, so don't get out! Believe it or not, this priest broke your void realm."



Domain owners outside the domain! Immediately stunned by this remark.

After all, the world of nothingness was born so far! It's really been a long time, hundreds of thousands of years at least, and I've never heard that someone can break their void realm.

Could it be that this little-known high priest of the Taiyi tribe really has such extraordinary abilities? Why haven't I heard of it before.

wrong! etc……

It seems that it is because they have been "living in seclusion" before, and this is just born! For the first time in front of the public, he released his abilities.


Could it be that this little old man with white eyebrows, white beard and white hair, who is only half a person tall, really has such amazing skills! Holy crap, does he accept disciples?

"..." The thinking of the domain owners is a bit crooked!

But the leader of the void realm was very calm, and Xu Sheng responded with a very good temper, "It seems that it is not the time for me in the void realm to meet Goddess Taiyi. Then I will wait until the time comes. I will come again and say goodbye."

Having said that, before the little old priest can speak, the world master of the void world has disappeared without a trace, so fast! Probably out of fear of being scolded again.

However, as soon as the World Lord of the Void Realm left, he took away the black-robed old man who was knocked out, as well as the national teacher and Zhang Tianyuan in the imperial court of the Shenfu, and his methods were unpredictable.

"Hmph! What a bastard, you still want to meet the Goddess of my Taiyi God Clan? You deserve it too!?" The very unhappy priest still wanted to scold him, he was very unhappy today.

"Let's go! Let's go—" This made the domain masters of all parties faintly feel that they immediately "get out" of the domain of gods and demons, so as not to be angered.

With this little old man's irascible temper, he will definitely hit someone in anger! Before, they just wanted to take a look at him, and he was beaten by the demeanor of the goddess of the Taiyi God Clan.

If you continue to watch the excitement now, you will definitely be charged with other "crimes" and continue to be beaten! It's better to slip away and inquire about this person later.

So he didn't see a little old priest who was in the way, so he reprimanded in a slightly slower tone, "You guys are smart! A bunch of scum, if you don't practice hard, you will know how to wander around every day."

Swear even if you run quite a distance! The domain owners who could still hear these words ran away in shame. After all, they were really bored. Why are they just watching?

Such a gossip at such an age! Deserves to be beaten.


And when the little old priest dealt with the master of the void realm, Ye Qianli in Shanglin territory had already opened his eyes, and his cultivation had stabilized at the first-level saint Tianzun realm.

This made the little old priest, who returned to Shanglin Realm after cleaning up the trash, angry again! He even stomped his feet in remorse in anger, "It's all the scumbags' fault that I didn't witness the goddess' advancement! I'm so angry, I should beat them all up."

Mad! Mad! Now he really wants to go out and chase down that group of scum, especially the ghost world master who hides his head and hides his face, he is the most annoying.

He is just so nice! Thinking about it this way, the old priest decided to be more aggressive in the future.

But just as he was thinking about it, Ye Qianli looked up at him, and the anger that filled his stomach immediately dissipated. Not to mention, she also smiled kindly, "Goddess."

After the cry, the little old priest fell to the ground! The people who led the Taiyi God Clan kneeled respectfully and said, "Taiyi God Clan, pay homage to the Goddess."

At this moment, even if there are tens of thousands of people in the entire Taiyi God Clan, there are old and young, but even those children who are just learning how to speak, can keep in tune with the clansmen.

So much so that the greeting from the Taiyi God Clan seemed to be sent by one person! Such unanimity is the Taiyi God Clan, a legendary group.

"Get up." Ye Qianli hugged Xiao Rongyi, who was in her arms when she woke up, and greeted these tribesmen together.

"Thank Goddess." The Taiyi God Clan stood up and looked at Ye Qianli eagerly, showing curiosity, nostalgia, emotion, and relief.

They seem to be looking at a wanderer returning home, the young ones are curious about her experiences abroad, the old ones are nostalgic for her days at home, the strong ones feel that she has been away for so long, and they are all gratified that she has achieved something.

Seeing Ye Qianli's eye sockets immediately became moist, she could feel it! Under the eyes of these tribesmen, there is a common gentleness, which warms her from the outside to the inside like a hot spring.

Even though we met for the first time, it feels like a big family! This feeling is very strange and very real, as if she was born in this big family and only left later.

But she's not, she's not...

Ye Qianli would have found it hard to believe it if she hadn't faced it for real! The bloodline of the Taiyi God Clan is so delicate, it is more heart-to-heart than any bloodline of close relatives.

So even Xiao Yi'er, who has always been "high and cold", leaned over to the little old priest in front of him, stretched out his small hands and shouted, "Master! Hug~"

To know! Except for the closest relatives, this little guy is not allowed to be hugged. This is the first time he has taken the initiative! Give strangers a hug.

Of course, this is also due to the "pleasing" image of the priest's little old man, with white beard, white eyebrows and white hair! His complexion is extremely rosy, he looks like a little father-in-law of a birthday star, and he is somewhat "similar" to Ye Wuji, all in vain.

Xiao Rongyi subconsciously had a crush on him! In addition, he also has the blood of the Taiyi God Clan in his body, so he just wants this little grandpa to hug him.


Immediately, the little old priest, who was laughing so hard that his teeth could not be seen, immediately dropped his crutches, caught Xiao Rongyi, hugged him and asked kindly, "Oh, what's your name, little boy? Why are you so good? The son of our Goddess, he is good-looking and well-behaved."

Xiao Rongyi smiled reservedly after boasting, but still responded seriously, "Yi! Call, call Yi."

"Okay, ok, darling, ouch! Why is he so good-looking, Goddess, what did he eat to grow up, and how did he look so cute?" The little old man in the priest felt that the little darling in his arms! It's so good-looking and well-behaved, he likes it so much.


He just asked.


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