Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1112 Taken to Mount Sumeru, fierce! 4 more

Ye Qianli and his party had landed on the ground with a "boom", and there was a lot of movement in the circle of the radiation, but before landing, Rong Mo had already hugged his big and small leopards in his arms.

However, the place where they landed was obviously a barren hill with no one around, so it didn't attract any special attention.

Naturally, this was done deliberately by the priest, the little old man, and he also ordered those followers of the Taiyi God Clan not to keep an eye on Ye Qianli's family of three all the time, but only to show up at critical moments.

Although the little old priest is very arrogant, he also has a deep understanding of the way of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. He won't show all his cards at the beginning, and just wait for some nonsense nonsense, and then clean it up in one fell swoop.

So this time, the saints of the Taiyi God Clan, the Tianzun Realm powerhouse, and the Domain Master Realm powerhouse, all left one after another. Some of them hid in the dark, and some scattered out to inquire about the news, without Ye Qianli As instructed, they have performed their duties.

Even Jiang Yu, who came along with him by "hiking a ride", dispersed with the people of the Taiyi God Clan. He has his own path of cultivation to go.

"Wow?" Xiao Rongyi still didn't understand, he liked these people, why did they all leave? Don't play with him anymore?

Ye Qianli explained, "Uncles and uncles are busy. Let's play with Little Colorful Snake, or go to the ancient battlefield to play with Pangpang and the others?"

"No!" Xiao Rongyi hugged Ye Qianli tightly and didn't let go. He wanted to see his mother, and he didn't want her to leave. He had to keep watching to be at ease.

This made Rong Mo, who could see what the little guy was thinking, stretched out his hand and said, "Come on, hug me."

"No! Let's go, let's go." Xiao Rongyi rejected his father, and wanted to walk down the field by himself, but his father grabbed him and said, "You walk too slowly, go to the city."

"Bad! Dad!" Unconvinced, Xiao Rongyi knocked his head on his father's chest, but he didn't force him to leave, otherwise with his short legs, he didn't know when he would go. In order to go to the city of Hongmeng Xiuchang.

According to the explanation of the priest, the little old man, the Hongmeng Xiuchang is almost a large independent domain, and there are also cities and forces, but more of them are various treasures of cultivation that the outside world does not have.

But in view of the fact that the Hongmeng Xiuchang often changes randomly, so the latest Hongmeng Xiuchang map guide must be inquired in the big city. It may not be reliable, but the latest map can generally be used as a reference.

And with Rong Mo's divine sense, he could vaguely perceive that there was a large city about a hundred thousand miles away from them, so he took his wife and children and flew straight to the destination.


As soon as he landed outside the city, Xiao Rongyi yelled to get down and walk by himself. He is much more lively now, and he also likes to use his short legs. After all, he has just learned to walk, so it is fresh.

Rong Mo saw that the city was right in front of him, and the road was quite clean, so he put down the little leopard in his arms, let the little one walk in front, and he led his little mother leopard, followed behind to watch .

"Da da da,……"

Xiao Rongyi ran forward excitedly, but he walked very fast, and he was no longer as unstable as before. It can be seen that the fruits given by the priest are also good things.

Seeing Ye Qianli, she shouted, "Yi'er, slow down!"

"No!" Xiao Rongyi refused the request to go slower, because his father thought he walked slowly before, and he wanted to prove that he could run fast.

"This kid..." Ye Qianli shook her head and stared at him, and her pace quickened a bit. After all, there were already many people and creatures around here.

Hongmeng Xiuchang is a sacred place where all races can come to practice. Naturally, there are not only humans and protoss walking on the streets, but there are also many beasts, monsters and demons.

"In six days, the little leopard will be one year old." Looking at a certain little one that was running so fast, Rong Mo couldn't help but think of the little one's appearance when it was just born.

But Ye Qianli's mother asked in a daze, "Really? It seems to be! I didn't remember it, why didn't you say it earlier, if we said it earlier, we would celebrate Yi'er's first birthday with the high priest before entering here .”

"I just remembered." Rong Mo said, if he hadn't seen that the little one was running fast, it seemed that he had really grown up a lot, he would not have thought of it.

This made the four great beasts who were listening "..." for a while, okay! Their little ones are really pitiful. They have neither a hundred-day banquet nor a first-year banquet.

Think so! The four great beasts expressed distressedly that they wanted to come out to play with Xiao Rongyi, but Rong Mo didn't agree with them coming out together, and only let Suzaku out first, and turned it into an inconspicuous little bird.

"Little Bird" jumped on the little guy's shoulder, and entered the city with him! And as soon as this little boy entered the city, he saw people and creatures all over the street.

There are many big beasts with good bloodlines among them! Seeing that Xiao Rongyi was about to drool immediately, he hurriedly "hissed", but his big eyes were fixed on a very fat and fat ancient ferocious beast Fat Yi.

But Ye Qianli didn't see this scene at this meeting, because she heard someone nearby saying, "I heard that there is no! Tian Qisheng of the Tian family is said to have received the inheritance of the king of the ten thousand domains, and is the king of the ten thousand domains." Descendants of the king!"

"Damn it! Isn't it? The previous Wanyu super domain statue was inspired by Tianqisheng? Then he, isn't he the youngest domain master in Wanyu?"

"No, it's amazing! He also came to Hongmeng Training Field recently, and it is said that he wants to obtain the final inheritance of the King of Ten Thousand Realms, and then he will be taken to Mount Sumeru."


When Ye Qianli heard this, she looked at Rong Mo curiously. Now that she remembered everything, she naturally knew that the so-called King of Ten Thousand Realms should be her father-in-law.

Seeing her looking at him, Rong Mo naturally nodded without denying it, and said in her ear, "If there is no accident, the Dragon Emperor will take us back to Mount Sumeru, I don't know the way."

Hearing that, Ye Qianli clasped his palm subconsciously and said, "How is Uncle Dragon Emperor?"

"After absorbing the dragon soul and power of the Dragon Prison, the breath of life is basically stable, but it is still in a deep sleep. It should be recovering on its own. Its existence at this level is basically ineffective against it, and only special The thing of the dragon family can make it recover a little bit."

When Rong Mo said this, he subconsciously touched the imprint of the Dragon Hammer hidden by him, hoping to obtain something that would allow the Dragon Emperor to fully recover in the Hongmeng Training Field.

As for Mount Xumi, although he is also worried about his parents, especially his father, he is too far away now and can only wait for the Dragon Emperor to recover.

In addition, he believes that a black-hearted person like his father will definitely have some arrangements. Even if there are traitors in Mount Sumeru, they should be eliminated eventually.

But Rong Mo thought so far! There was a scream from ahead——

"Aw! Who bit me!" Fatty Feiyi was screaming in agony, and roared furiously! People on the street were so surprised that they all stopped and looked at it.


ps: Also, under repair~

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