Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1115: King of the Four Regions! Obediently come in your arms 2 more

Ye Qianli's Human Emperor Sword has already been released! It nailed him directly to the hard ground of the street, and sprayed out a violent mist of blood.

Seeing that many passers-by were sighing, Ye Qianli walked up to the old man and asked, "Why does the new map only have a detailed map of this city?"

"Husband, Madam didn't you say that only this city is fine?" The old man who was severely injured asked weakly, only thinking that today he met the King of Hades!

But he and the five-headed snake originally thought that this little lady's cultivation base is not high, and the domain master can't do anything to them, so they dared to be so violent, never thought... I was wrong, huh...

And Ye Qianli at this meeting has already replied, "You also said, that was before, you let me waste so much effort, you are too embarrassed to just give me the map of the city? Do you want your life?"

The old man was so frightened that he said quickly, "I want it! Madam, please spare me! There are people behind us in Hongmengfang, it's not good if you kill me, I... I really don't have any other maps, please don't kill me, please You..."

"You don't have a map, and you still want to die?" Ye Qianli raised her voice, and was about to use her sword to finish off the old man, but just as she was about to do it, someone from the crowd blocked her, "Wait a minute, madam."

Then, an unremarkable young man walked out of the crowd and said, "Madam, please go around him, he really doesn't have an updated map."

"Oh?" Ye Qianli raised her eyebrows, but put away the Renhuang sword, only looked at the young man in front of her, and asked, "Are you the person behind Hongmengfang?"

"That's not true. It's a pleasure to meet Mrs. Chen Junjie, the director of the Xiaxinbanghui." After the young man announced his family name, he signaled the old man in Hongmeng Square to leave quickly.

The old man quickly slipped away, but Ye Qianli didn't stop anyone, she just asked, "Then Director Chen has a new map?"

"That's not true. Madam doesn't know. Hongmeng Xiuchang just changed the map, and now no one has the latest map. It will have to wait a few more days for a more reliable map to appear." Chen Junjie explained.

"Oh?" Ye Qianli didn't really believe it, but she looked at the city map in her hand, didn't say much, and planned to leave with her son in her arms.

But Chen Junjie hurriedly said, "Ma'am, don't rush to leave. As soon as the new map appears, our Xinbanghui will get it immediately. If Madam wants a map, just join our Xinbanghui."

"What about the rules?" Ye Qianli asked.

"Madam, don't worry, there are no complicated rules in our Xinbanghui, as long as we attend the meeting regularly and actively participate in the activities of the Xinbanghui."

"Why don't you participate?"

"Yes, it's okay, as long as you don't fight against our Xinbanghui."

"What if it happens?"

Chen Junjie: "..." He couldn't answer these words anymore.

However, Chen Junjie was still unwilling to give up and said, "Ma'am, you can get to know our Xinbanghui first, and then decide whether to join or not, let's talk..."

Speaking of Chen Junjie here, he lowered his voice and said, "If Madam really wants to confront the Xinbanghui one day, then you can announce in advance that you will leave the Xinbanghui."

Hearing this, Ye Qianli raised her eyebrows and asked, "Is there any other trouble?"

"Of course not! That's what some people do." When Chen Junjie said this, he "coughed" twice, and said in a normal voice, "Then it's settled, Madam and your son If there is your husband, right, all of you will join our Xinbanghui."

Ye Qianli glanced at Rong Mo, and seeing him nodding, she asked without saying anything, "Then do you have the map from before?"

"Madam doesn't know that the Grandmist Cultivation Field has changed a lot this time. For example, the city we are in has never appeared before, so the previous map is no longer a piece of paper."

"Is that so..." Ye Qianli asked with some regret, "How long will I have to wait for the new map?"

"We, the bosses of the New Congregation, have already gone out to survey and draw a new map, up to three days! The new map will definitely come out, maybe there will be news at the conference in half an hour."

"Is there a meeting soon?"

"Yes! I'll take you there right now. I don't know what you call it? But you're from the Three Thousand Regions of the West?" Chen Junjie inquired and asked, and explained, "Don't mind, I'm going to collect information about your family. Fill out a form."

But Ye Qianli didn't quite understand and asked, "What Western Three Thousand Regions?"

"This..." Chen Junjie was also a little confused when asked, "You can't be a newly born descendant of the ancient clan, right? That's not right, Wanyu was divided into three thousand domains in the east, west, north and south, respectively. The Kings of the South and North Regions are in charge."

"Oh! Since I was a child, except for cultivation, my father never told me anything, and I don't know anything." Ye Qianli said sincerely.

"Then your husband doesn't know?"

"He's just like me."

Chen Junjie: "..."

This made the magic box laugh to death and said, "Second idiot! You are so good at it, you are so ignorant."

"Then you didn't tell me." Ye Qianli replied angrily, and the magic box smiled and said, "I may not be sure what I know, since you have already indicated that you are a fool, just look at the little brother How can I get back to you?"

Hearing this, Ye Qianli silently handed the magic box to Rong Mo and asked him to feed it to Xiaobaimiao. This box is really getting more and more cheap!

"Two idiots! Don't—" The magic box was about to cry from joy to sorrow, but Ye Qianli ignored it, and she was already listening to Chen Junjie spreading the news of Wanyu to her.

"Let's put it this way, the Ten Thousand Domains we're talking about is just a general term. In fact, no one knows how many domains the King of Ten Thousand Domains has created. Only the nine thousand domains at the core are directly controlled."

"Will the king of ten thousand domains come out to inspect his country?" Ye Qianli asked.

"Of course not. It is said that the King of Ten Thousand Domains has been staying in Mount Sumeru and has never come out! Because he doesn't bother to come out, but you don't need to understand these things. You just need to know which domain you are from. I will count you as coming from the West." Three thousand domains."

"Okay." Ye Qianli didn't know where she came from.

"Then what's your last name?


"Where's your husband?""


"Good surname! It is said that the king of Wanyu is also surnamed Rong." After Chen Junjie said, he rolled up the form and said, "Okay, come with me, I will take you to the meeting."

"That's all right?" Ye Qianli looked at it, and each form filled in the last name and where it came from. It was still a very general Western Three Thousand Regions. Is it so casual?

"Yes! There are no rules in our Xinbanghui. You will know after the meeting, and our Xinbanghui is not developed by all members. If it weren't for your strength, I wouldn't pull you to join."

Hearing that Ye Qianli was about to take the opportunity to get some more news, Rong Mo pulled her into his arms! Immediately afterwards——

"Red Law—"

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