Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1127: The Vicious Little Cheetah! Your Highness love!

There was an extremely powerful sound of spreading wings, and at the same time, it resounded from the ring! The power of Renhuang's unique knowledge that Ye Qianli hit was wiped out.

On the ring! Ying Huan'er, who was supposed to be crushed, was obviously not crushed, but she didn't stand on the ring either, but soared into the air.



The sound of powerful wings sweeping the wind is continuous! From the pair of platinum-gold Yinglong wings behind her, it raged towards the entire arena, crushing Ye Qianli.

"So strong!"

There were several cheers at the scene, among which Ying's family members were the most excited, because Ying Huan'er at this moment! She clearly unleashed a powerful force close to that of the half-step domain master.

The key is the strong winds that swept towards Ye Qianli! They all carried the mighty power of the ancient Yinglong, so tyrannical that it seemed that Ye Qianli could not move.

Seeing that Jin Fengrui narrowed his eyes slightly, he secretly thought that this Ying Huan'er not only had a scheming heart, but also had a really first-class talent! To actually cultivate the real Yinglong's wings, this only shows that Ying Huan'er has awakened the power of Luoshen Ying's bloodline to the peak.

But in Ying's! There is at most one person in each generation, and it is a status symbol to awaken such a tyrannical white-gold Yinglong wings! Just like her body of the immortal golden phoenix, Ying Huan'er will also become the patriarch of the next generation of the Ying clan, even if she is a woman.

Unless there is a man in the Ying family who wakes up! With the same bloodline of the Ying clan as hers, otherwise no one would be able to stop Ying Huan'er from becoming the patriarch of the Ying clan.



Jinfeng was considering whether to let Ye Qianli admit defeat, because based on her understanding of Huaner, Ye Qianli would definitely be viciously retaliated for humiliating Ying Huaner before, and then...

Don't wait for Jinfeng to think about it! Ying Huan'er had already launched her revenge, and she, who had transformed into Yinglong's wings, once again showed Yinglong's knife.

This knife is obviously different because of Ying Huan'er's current aura! Its whole body is overflowing with noble white gold.

At the same moment—

"The first technique of responding to the dragon! The dragon splits the sky." Ying Huan'er has performed the technique of responding to the dragon again, but this time the technique of responding to the dragon is obviously different from before.


There is a lifelike ancient Yinglong that has spread its wings! Under Ying Huan'er's control, she bowed down to Ye Qianli who was on the ring.


The bursting dragon and gangster! The space in the Hongmeng Cultivation Field was so twisted that it was so strong that it could shatter the sky, and it also treated Ye Qianli as "the sky" and was destroying it.

"I'm going to lose..."

Fengling felt it subconsciously! Ye Qianli might not be able to resist this blow, because he felt that it would be difficult for even him to resist this blow, but he was the real half-step domain master.

But Jinfeng didn't think so! She knew very well that as long as Ying Huaner's little girl was not good enough, she would definitely not be Ye Qianli's opponent.

Jinfeng thinks! The phantom of the Emperor will definitely appear behind Ye Qianli again, and she will see clearly what kind of power she was defeated by.


Jinfeng was wrong!

Because this time, Ye Qianli did not use the power of the Emperor, behind her! What appeared was the dark lord of the abyss, and a dark abyss bursting out suddenly.

same moment!

"Abyss! Get up."

Ye Qianli's whole body has been wreaked havoc, which is completely different from the Emperor's awe-inspiring righteous way! She herself is like a cheetah dormant in the grass, completely ignoring the ferocious and savage ways! Those dragons and winds that crushed her body.

Jinfeng's eyes lit up! She had already stood up, and many people outside the ring watched this scene with bated breath, feeling that Ye Qianli was about to make a comeback.


"Get down!"

However, Ying Huan'er shook the knife with her hand and shot out a more powerful attack by Ying Long. With the power that Ye Qianli ravaged, Gu Zhi Ying Long, who was crushed to a halt in speed, immediately turned red in his eyes! He showed his bloodthirsty intentions, and once again killed Ye Qianli.


"Come down!"

Ye Qianli shot up from nothing! But she let everyone see again, what is the strength of power, she was able to grasp the neck of this tyrannical and ancient Yinglong with a pair of bare hands, and then...


Ye Qianli unscrewed the neck of this mighty Ancient Yinglong! He slammed it hard towards the ring, exploding a circle of rippling white-gold light waves.


The powerful Gu Zhiying Long Gangfeng even swept some of those who were still relatively close to the ring into the air without saying a word! It was also held in mid-air by Qiang Neng.

So tyrannical...

But this is not counted!

"You, come down for me too."

After Ye Qianli crushed this tyrannical Yinglong, she still has all her strength left! A violent punch hit Ying Huan'er, and so did the Dark Lord of the Abyss behind her.

"It's up to you? Don't even think about it!" Ying Huaner slammed the scimitar in her hand at the same time! A whirlwind of white gold was urged.

Immediately afterwards——

"Dragon Shatters the Universe!"

Ying Huan'er's eyes twinkled! The platinum light was lit up, and the curve in her hand was also curled into a solid and huge Ancient Yinglong.


There are super hurricane strikes! Directly centering on Ying Huan'er, a white-gold burst of light burst out, rolling towards Ye Qianli and the dark lord of the abyss.

"So strong!"

"As expected of Luoshen Ying's bloodline!"

Many onlookers at the scene sighed again, their hearts were raised in their throats, but they were all excited! Excited, because this battle is so exciting.


Jinfeng paid more attention! Faced with this hurricane wind and tide, Ye Qianli hit a "flat" punch, and because of this blow, she felt a similar subtle aura.

Even though the scene was covered by Ying Huaner's Long Kang's aura, Jinfeng still keenly caught it! This touch of unusual aura.


"Deep, abyss, restraint, domineering."

Following Ye Qianli's voice that sounded like Xu Shikuai, the dark lord of the abyss behind her is the real one! Following Ye Qianli's punch, he punched.

This punch!

Naturally, it was not an ordinary punch.

It's the dark lord of the abyss himself! A punch.


As soon as this punch comes out!

The sky of this nameless city darkened, as if it was covered by dark clouds, but in fact it was not, it was just shrouded by the power of the abyss.


A punch that seemed to thump the entire city was at this very moment! It was on top of Ying Huan'er's hurricane wave of Ying Longshu.


That tide of light! Under everyone's horrified eyes, it was cracked.


It just cracked.

Even if the tide of light is extremely dazzling! It has been like a hurricane soaring into the sky, and it has ravaged most of the palace, but it is still "vulnerable" and shattered.

That's not even counting...


The punch of the dark lord of the abyss that brought out the dark purple energy light wave was at the same time! Passed through Yinglong Dao, and ruthlessly hit Ying Huan'er's head! It hit it.


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