Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1135: The Legendary Hongmeng List! 1 more

Ye Qianli!

Surname Ye...

Coupled with the strange deeds of the giant half-orc, many people naturally looked at the stunning and unparalleled beautiful little woman in the crowd.

At this moment, Ye Qianli didn't need to say anything, as many people knew it! Why didn't the giant half-orcs dare to attack her anymore, yes! Just dare not, not for any other reason.

After all, the first person on the Hongmeng list! Possessing great luck, anyone who goes against her will be in bad luck, especially "effective" for the creatures in the Hongmeng cultivation field.

And the state of the giant half-orc probably made him see through this in advance, so he didn't dare to attack Ye Qianli, and would rather attack Yinggu, who was more powerful.

But Ying Huaner couldn't accept such a fact! Especially the person who appeared immediately after Ye Qianli was actually the number one genius in Wanyu—Sage Tianqi! ?

Freshman! Known as the youngest domain master Tian Qisheng in Wanyu, his ranking on the Hongmeng list is actually behind Ye Qianli, the elementary saint Tianzun?



The atmosphere in the hall suddenly became more subtle, and the people of Tiandihui were all looking at Ye Qianli more "deeply" with unpredictable eyes.

After all, the honorary president of the Tiandihui is actually Tianqisheng. As Tianzhaobei's uncle, he is only helping him manage the Tiandihui.

Moreover, the Tian family is the largest clan in the Northern Three Thousand Regions, and the current king of the Northern Three Thousand Regions is also Tian Qisheng's father——Tian Zhaoyuan, known as King Yuan.

That's not even counting...

"Shengfan! The third place is Shengfan. The younger generation of the first clan of the first clan in the Western Three Thousand Regions is the first genius. As expected, his strength is not as good as Tianqi Saint, so he can only be ranked third." People from the Western Three Thousand Regions I am a little sad.

The people in the Northern Three Thousand Territories said speechlessly, "Don't talk about strength, if you want to talk about strength, does the number one Ye Qianli have strength?"

"Uh..." The people in the West Three Thousand Regions stopped talking, because for now, if the little woman surnamed Ye they know is Ye Qianli on the list, then they really don't have much strength .

On the other hand, after the Hongmeng ranking reached the third place, there are seven remaining top ten! They were "released" on the list together, and everyone immediately discussed it again.

"The fourth is the golden phoenix of the Phoenix clan from the West Three Thousand Regions! The fifth is the Dragon Xuannv from the East Three Thousand Regions, the sixth is Long Yingyun from the Dragon Clan in the West Three Thousand Regions, and the seventh is the Dragon Clan from the South Three Thousand Regions." Zhu Yunwen, the eighth is Tian Qiyu from the Tian clan from the North Three Thousand Regions, the ninth is Taiyi Feng from the Taiyi Clan, and the tenth is Dong Dadong from the East Three Thousand Regions."

"There are no members of the Qian family and the Ying family in the top ten? Tsk, I thought Ying Huan'er would be in the top ten of the Hongmeng list, but I didn't expect the top ten to be like this."

"The Taiyi clan! The Taiyi clan seems to have really been born! Ye Qianli is obviously related to the Taiyi clan, but why isn't her surname Taiyi?"


The people who were commenting basically didn't pay attention to the "participant". Ying Huan'er was "stepped" by these people's loud comments, which made her look more and more ugly.

The first is Ye Qianli! She can still comfort herself that this Ye Qianli is not the girl surnamed Ye she saw, but it is certain that there is no such thing as her in the top ten, and she can no longer deceive herself.

Moreover, there is no Ying Huan'er in the next top 20 of the Hongmeng list! Even Gan Yuwei from the Gan family can be ranked sixteenth, but Ying Huan'er is not on the list.

It wasn't until the top 30 list was released that Ying Huan'er was ranked 29th! However, Ying Huaner's half-brother Ying Yuanxi was ranked 22nd, higher than Ying Huaner.


"No, isn't everyone saying that Ying Huan'er is more talented than her brother Ying Yuanxi?"

"Are you stupid? Why did you kidnap her before you became an orc? Of course it's dual cultivation. It is said that half-orcs are good at harvesting yin and replenishing yang. She must have been spoiled by talent."

"Damn it! Isn't it? Such unlucky..." The murmurs at the scene continued to step on Ying Huan'er, and quickly lifted Ye Qianli.

"It seems that it is really risky to fight against the first person on the Hongmeng list! You see, Ying Huan'er should have been at least in the top 20 of the Hongmeng list, but now she has reached the 29th."

"No! The Hongmeng list will last for a long time. After all, some Tianjiao have not yet entered the Hongmeng training ground. When all the Tianjiao from the twenty super clans come together, Ying Huan'er's ranking will definitely be lower."

"If you say that! Do you have to curry favor with Ye Qianli?" After being reminded like this, many people have the idea of ​​leaning against a big tree to enjoy the shade.

No. 1 on the Hongmeng list! Even if you can't have some good luck, as long as you don't have bad luck, that's good! Anyway, don't fight her.

However, everyone's thoughts were quickly interrupted by the Hongmeng Bangbang, which had dissipated the purple light, because the dispersal of the purple light and mist indicated that the Hongmeng Bangbang had been derived.

But there are only thirty-six names on the Hongmeng list! ? this……

"It seems that based on the current people in Hongmeng Xiuchang, only thirty-six people are eligible to be on the list, and the rest are not even eligible to be on the list."

"That's right! Why is there no Mr. Rong? There is no one with the surname Rong, am I right?"

"You really haven't. It's really strange. This list is a bit weird. Mr. Rong must be in the top ten anyway. He has such fighting power at such a young age."

Passers-by A, B, C, D expressed their puzzlement that Rong Mo could not be on the list, and some people from Xinbanghui felt that the sons of Rong Mo and Ye Qianli should also be on the list.

Although no one can clearly see the cultivation level of that little guy, but he has such combat strength at such a young age, and he is definitely a man of the future in the Ten Thousand Realms.

However, after the enthusiasm for discussing the Hongmeng list dissipated, many people began to be more interested in this maze where the Hongmeng list appeared!

Especially Ying Gu! So she said calmly, "Everyone knows that the initial list of the Hongmeng Ranking is only for reference, and the future depends on the performance of the people on the list. Right now, our priority is to explore this maze."

Hearing this, Tianzhaobei agreed with reason, "What Yinggu said is absolutely true, everyone knows it! A place where the grand list can be spawned must have hidden treasures. It can be seen that there are extraordinary treasures in this maze of the king of warehouses."

"Then how about we choose some people from each of the three meetings and start exploring?" Gan Yufeng suggested from the side.

"It's doable." Ying Gu naturally had no objection, anyway, it's better not to talk about Hongmeng Bang, she could see that Ying Huan'er was about to take it no longer.

At the same time, the strong Ying family who was originally ordered by Ying Gu to check the situation of the main hall called out, "President, please take a look! There seems to be a map here!?"

Many people at the scene flocked to the side hall following the sound, and they saw an incomparably huge one! A map-like painting rubbed on a wall.

However, many people feel dizzy and dizzy just by looking at it! ? this……

"Here's the map."

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