Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1138: Absolute Learning Enters the Body! Dalifeng! 1 more

The divine talisman, the innate talisman that divine tattoo masters must awaken, is very likely to be the first character created by Cangwang! Contains the way of heaven and earth, the first word of the law of heaven and earth.

Such a sentiment! It shocked Ye Qianli's heart, and made her understand that what she saw was not only the process of Cangwang creating characters, but also the power of Cangwang using characters! The whole process of creating a divine pattern.

Everyone knows that the gods did not use words to communicate at first. It was not until Cang Wang created characters one by one based on the meaning of words, the enlightenment of thoughts, the rules of heaven and earth, and the changes of all things. Then the gods began to communicate with words.

Afterwards, the common characters used by the secular people have removed the symbols of divinity and do not possess the power of gods. Therefore, the characters used by gods with divinity have become today's divine patterns, and only those who have awakened the talent of divine symbols, In order to study it.

Therefore, the magic box couldn't help the barrage and said with emotion, "You two idiots! You are really the lucky one with the divine pattern. You have just stepped into the path of the divine pattern, and you have been favored by the emperor Tianfu. That is the most outstanding divine pattern leader since Cangjie!

It's not too long now that you have stepped into the advanced threshold of Shenwen Yiyi, and you have been favored by Cangwang again. You can follow his steps and watch how he creates characters, so to speak! As long as you live up to his gift, you will be the number one person with divine patterns in the world in the future. "

Back then, Ye Qianli was an awakened talisman talent! When she was projecting on the ancient battlefield, she initially wanted to awaken Ziwei's star talent, but she was cut off by a talisman. Instead, she awakened the talisman talent first.

Although Cangwang's gift is not delivered in a timely manner, it can be regarded as delivered to the "doorstep", so from this point of view, what the magic box said is really correct.

Ye Qianli did not live up to this luck, she was already immersed in it at this moment when she was sinking her heart! From the clear flash of the talisman, it feeds back into the subtlety of her body.


Because of this, Ye Qianli's body also lost a gleam of spirituality, and Jin Feng, who was following behind her, naturally stepped back.

There are only nine members of the Feng Clan following Jin Feng to explore the labyrinth this time, and among these nine people is Feng Ling, the elder of the Feng Clan. , also live a long time.

So he can see it at a glance! Ye Qianli has already realized the mystery of Cangwang characters, but they just came in! and……

Fengling observed the divine talisman flickering beside Ye Qianli, and said in a somewhat incomprehensible way, "After the talents of others have advanced to the realm of saints and gods, they will all be transformed into source power, and virtual phantoms will usually not appear again, especially It's a talisman! Why is she different from others?"

But Jinfeng thought it was normal and said, "Hey, if she is like everyone else, can she be the first person on the Hongmeng list?"

"That's right." Feng Ling felt that what the eldest lady said was reasonable, but why did he feel that this talisman was not right? Feel……

Feng Ling was thinking about it, but Jin Feng said, "I think these ghostly drawn symbols are not easy, so don't just stand still, just observe and observe, maybe you will gain something."

"Yes! Miss." After receiving the order, the people of the Feng clan naturally began to study those "ghost painting symbols" more seriously, and Fengling was no exception.

Long Yingyun also asked the people around him to study carefully, and he walked up to Jinfeng and said, "When I came in, I saw Yinggu and others coming, but they seemed unable to come in."

"It deserves it!" Jin Feng thought it was very good.

"I'm afraid that they will be unbalanced. There will be trouble after we go out. You have to know it." Long Yingyun reminded, and looked at Rong Mo who was still holding a child, which meant that Rong Mo had to be mentally prepared .

"Understood, anyway, you just need to work harder and don't play tricks on me!" Jin Feng understood Long Yingyun's meaning, but also reminded him to remember the promise.

It also made Long Yingyun smile wryly, "Don't worry, even if it's not for your promise to cancel it, I will not do nothing for her to bring our Dragon Clan to benefit."

"Hmph!" Jin Feng sneered and found a pair of ghost painting talismans to sit down, and didn't talk to Long Yingyun anymore, the latter could only comprehend it by himself.

But Long Yingyun was very curious about Rong Mo, he didn't seem interested in these ghostly symbols? But the characters created by King Cang are not only of great benefit to divine tattoo masters, but also to any practitioner.

But Rong Mo really wasn't comprehending, he just browsed through the entire "remains", as if he was visiting places of interest, not cultivating at all.

As for Hua Qianfang, as early as when Ye Qianli was immersed in cultivation, he followed suit. As a descendant of the Emperor Shennong, he was not only particularly sensitive to the medicinal properties of various medicines, but also to the divine patterns. Also very proficient.

Now he is also a novice saint Tianzun, and he is also a divine pharmacist. The improvement of the divine pattern will help him refine higher-level pills.


And when everyone in the light curtain was trying their best to comprehend, Ye Qianli's talisman had already followed Cangwang's creation of characters! One by one became clear.

Rong Mo can see it! This talisman seems to be a "yuan" character, but it is quite different from all the later "yuan" character god patterns and common characters.

And every stroke of it is very spiritual! It seems to be able to change at any time, not sticking to the existing shape at all, and this is the profound meaning of Cangwang's creation of characters.

Everything in the world is not eternal, the characters he created! It is born in accordance with the rules, the characters change when the rules change, and the characters change when the rules change, even——

Characters can be written according to the wishes of the writer! Be changed, as long as this change, the writer can control it! And this is the basis of Cangjie's creation of characters.

Characters are to convey rules, ideas, changes, replacements, etc. Ye Qianli followed the changes of the talismans, as she personally experienced! I realized what Cang Wang was thinking.

Through such a process, the magic box can clearly perceive it! Ye Qianli has merged with the power of the talisman, and the power of the talisman she can use is countless times stronger than before.

That's not even counting...


The divine rune that was already materialized! It seems that because of this, it reveals its thoughtfulness, and it naturally envelopes Ye Qianli, who is feeling it, and gets closer to her.

Xiao Rongyi, who fell asleep after watching it, felt a strange "ah", but it was outside the light curtain! Inside the maze, even outside the maze, many people are not as "calm" as him, it's just a surprise.

Because when Ye Qianli's talisman was clearly "interpreted", the brilliance emitted by the light curtain illuminated the entire maze! And in the sky above the maze, they gradually merged into a looming talisman.

This made many strong men with one divine pattern understand it! In the labyrinth, there is Cangwang's unique skill of making characters, and for a while...


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