Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1140: One stroke to punish the gods! Execute the domain master! 3 more

Dong Dacheng's voice contained super energy, and it dissipated completely at once. The light mist that was about to dissipate woke up Jin Feng and others who were digesting.

Jin Feng frowned suddenly! Staring at the source of the voice, he naturally recognized Dong Dacheng, and knew that although his ranking was only twelfth on the Hongmeng list, he was far inferior to her fourth place.

But Dong Dacheng is already a saint Tianzun at the peak level, and a god master who is proficient in divine patterns, and his combat power is far from comparable to that of Ying Huan'er, because he also has the Cangwang pen, which ranks sixteenth on the Wanyu weapon list. !

As soon as Jin Feng opened his mouth, he put on a big hat and shouted, "Dong Dacheng, do you want to criticize my Feng family?"

But Dong Dacheng said forcefully, "Sister Fenghuang's words are wrong! You know what I, Dong Dacheng wants, and I advise you not to meddle in your own business, otherwise my Dong family will not be afraid of your Feng family."

"It seems that your Dong family has really produced a domain king, and that's why you speak so hard." Long Yingyun smiled from the side, and these words were originally a test.

However, Dong Dacheng said with a smile, "It seems that the West Dragon King and the East Dragon King have a good relationship. Not long after my grandfather advanced to be the domain king, you have heard the news."

As soon as this statement came out...


The scene immediately exploded! Even Ying Gu couldn't help showing shock on her face, she knew very well that she really couldn't intervene in this battle of mastery.

Unexpectedly, the Dong family would have a domain king. No wonder Dong Dacheng dared not bring a strong man above half domain master, and wandered around alone with a group of young people.

It turned out to be backed by the king of the domain! This can really walk sideways in the Hongmeng Cultivation Field.

So Long Yingyun whispered to Jinfeng in a heavy tone, "Don't kill Dong Dacheng and the Dong family, otherwise there will be big trouble."

"I know." Jin Feng's complexion is also very ugly, although she is arrogant! But she also understands that she can't cause trouble for the ethnic group, so she didn't think about killing Dong Dacheng either.

But Dong Dacheng wants to rob Ye Qianli of Cangwang's unique skills! Jinfeng refused to agree and said, "There are domain king-level powerhouses in this world! It's not just you Dong, you want to rob my Jinfeng's sister, so pass me first."

"You look for abuse yourself! No wonder I am." After Dong Dacheng said this, he slapped a fire palm at Jinfeng, and the fire exuded the breath of Ziwei Tianhuo impressively.

Seeing Jinfeng, he sneered and said, "Playing with fire! I have never been afraid of anyone, sister Jinfeng."

"Then let's try!" Dong Dacheng slapped continuous fire palms while speaking, and Jinfeng naturally went forward without any fear, but she just shot out of nowhere!

But Fengling reminded with a loud shout, "Miss, be careful!"

same moment! But Dong Dacheng has already sacrificed insidiously, and the Cangwang brush that has been well prepared, directly said to Jinfeng who was flying up in the air, "Suppress!"


The quaint aura emanating from the Cangwang pen immediately enveloped Jinfeng. The speed of the sneak attack was too fast, and Jinfeng had only experienced a fire source disturbance before, and her vitality had not fully recovered.



When the Cangwang pen poked Jinfeng's undead Jinfeng body, the latter's body was immediately smashed with a clanging sound, a powerful explosive atmosphere! He smashed Jin Fenglu to the ground on the spot.

But everyone thought it was! Jinfeng will be crushed to the ground.


After all, everyone didn't hear the "bang" sound of Jin Feng being blasted to the ground, but only saw a circle of white spiritual mist covering Jin Feng.


The spirit mist dispersed without a sound, and it destroyed the explosive aura produced by the Cangwang brush, giving it a leisurely and powerful feeling.

This made Dong Dacheng, who made the shot, immediately stare down! And after the spiritual mist dissipated, he and everyone could clearly see that Jinfeng was hugged by Ye Qianli who appeared at some unknown time.

And all around her! There was still continuous spiritual energy radiating out, which not only protected Jinfeng, but also crushed all Dong Dacheng's attacks.

That's not even counting...

"Come down!"

At the same time Ye Qianli put down the golden phoenix, she had already sipped at the sky! And what came out following her shout was a divine pattern of the character "Town" that suddenly formed on top of Dong Dacheng's head.

But when Ye Qianli engraved the divine pattern, no one can check! Including Dong Dadong himself, he didn't have any perception.

Therefore, this divine pattern has been suppressed! Dong Dacheng was caught off guard, and was directly thrown from mid-air with a "boom"! It was crushed to the ground.


The powerful smashing aura shook the entire hall, which was the shock wave of force formed by Dong Dacheng at the last moment after he tried his best to resist with the Cangwang brush.

And Dong Dacheng is worthy of being Dong's excellent descendant of the Shenwen master. At the moment when he was at a disadvantage, he quickly activated the Cangwang pen, and quickly wrote a change talisman in adversity-kill!


Dong Dacheng destroyed this divine pattern with full hostility, and took Ye Qianli directly! There is a great deal of killing her directly, because this is the "killing" character divine pattern that he wrote down directly to the level of a half-step domain master after destroying Dong's bloodline.

The scene was filled with a chilling atmosphere! Many practitioners with weaker xinxing were even vomited blood because of this. It can be seen that Dong Dacheng's strength should not be underestimated.



Ye Qianli, who was killed by Dong Dacheng, was in a flick of his sleeve! Then he made a "ghost painting talisman" that no one could understand, as if there were only one or two random strokes.

But it's such a ghost picture! But it destroyed Dong Dacheng's "killing" divine pattern in an instant, and everyone on the scene was stunned.

But the main event has just begun...

"Punish God!"

Ye Qianli shouted out, there are invisible rules of killing! The power of massacre, just under her idea, was concentrated in her palm through the power of the talisman.

Immediately afterwards——


One that can kill the first-level domain masters! The fifth-order "Shen Zhu" divine pattern, under the dumbfounded gaze of everyone, was assembled by Ye Qianli in less than a breath.

And such a divine pattern! The killing aura it exudes made Yinggu feel palpitations. She can be sure that even if she is facing this talisman, she will go all out.

It can be seen from this! Ye Qianli's mastery of Cangwang is really strong! Very strong! Otherwise, it would be impossible for her to suddenly increase her combat power so much in just half a day.

The key is--


Ye Qianli is also decisive! After gathering this god-killing pattern, he rushed towards Dong Dacheng to kill him. The young people who followed Dong Dacheng were so frightened that they all wanted to rush to stop him.


But under the pressure of Ye Qianli's powerful Zhushen Shenwen, no young people can get close, so this Zhushen Shenwen is absolutely powerful! Dong Dacheng was caught quickly and decisively.

Seeing that, Ying Huan'er showed a weird smile! because……


When Ye Qianli's divine pattern killed Dong Dacheng, a super strong breath suddenly overflowed from Dong Dacheng's body, not only destroying Ye Qianli's attack, but also transformed into a powerful figure.

Dong Dacheng's grandfather - Dong Wang! Appeared.

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