Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1144 Taiyi Spicy Storm! 1 more

Kill without pardon!

Like Boulder Mountain Dew!

The shock made everyone's hearts flutter, no one thought that Ye Qianli would kill as soon as he said it, and he was still being warned by Dong Wang! After Dong Dadong threatened, he still killed Dong Dacheng simply and neatly, which was clearly premeditated.

What to say to make Dong Dacheng disperse and gain momentum is just a fool! She had no intention of letting Dong Dacheng go, she had long ago decided to use Dong Dacheng as a benchmark for killing chickens and monkeys! Let everyone understand that she, Ye Qianli, is not easy to mess with.

But Dong Dadong believed it was true, as long as he disperses to gain momentum, as long as he is not aggressive, Ye Qianli will have to forgive others and forgive others, let his brother go first, as for the future! It's not too late for him to settle accounts.

never thought...

Ye Qianli is not a "kind" person at all, she directly kills with iron blood! Tell everyone at the scene that whoever wants to put her to death, she will let him be wiped out! Never forgive.

What Dong Wang?

She doesn't care at all!

What Dong?

She didn't pay attention either.

Who dares to mess with her! Just kill.

"So arrogant! So tough." Many people at the scene were deeply shocked, and even felt that! With Ye Qianli like this, she will probably always occupy the top position of the Hongmeng list.

Even if she is only a junior saint Tianzun, she is far inferior to those two domain master-level Tianjiao! But who would have known that he had acquired Cangwang's unique technique! What kind of character will she develop into in the future, who is a master of Fu Tiandi?

Ye Qianli...

Her future achievements are simply immeasurable!

This is the thought of many people present at this moment.

Even if it was Ying Gu, she had to admit that as long as Ye Qianli didn't die young, she would definitely reach a height that ordinary people could only look up to in the future.


Ye Qianli was doomed to die young.

Yinggu knew very well that although Ye Qianli's move was ruthless and domineering, she chose the wrong "chicken". Dong Dacheng's family background was doomed! He can't be just a "chicken".

People from the Dong clan will never let Ye Qianli out of the Hongmeng cultivation field, even if she escapes by chance, Wanyu will not have a place for her.

Dong Wang and Dong's pursuit! It will make Ye Qianli have nowhere to escape.

A generation of domain kings is not something to be provoked, otherwise she, Yinggu, would not think that she was right not to fight after knowing that someone from the Dong family has become a queen.



Dong Dadong just stared at Ye Qianli, the light of colored glaze appeared on his body, and the unparalleled double hooks of colored glaze in his hands released a murderous intent, as if he was going to take Ye Qianli's life in the next moment !



On Ye Qianli's palm, another divine pattern of "Zhu Shen" has already been condensed, even if it is the basic version of "Zhu Shen"! But it also has the strength of the third-order super god pattern.

In terms of Dong Dadong's currently unprepared divine body, his attack! Under Ye Qianli's "Punishing God" divine pattern, he absolutely could not seek any advantage.

The key is! Everyone can see that even if Ye Qianli can no longer inscribe the fifth-level "Punisher" divine pattern, but she can inscribe any third-level super divine pattern, as easy and simple as drinking cold water.

No need to gain momentum! There is no need to worry about it, as if writing the divine tattoo is a casual thing for her, it makes people feel frightened.

But for Ye Qianli, who has become one with the talisman, this is her current situation. As long as she doesn't write super god patterns that exceed the third level, it is very simple for her.

But the third-order "God Punisher" divine pattern can already defeat anyone in the Saint Heavenly Exalted Realm, and can even resist half-step domain masters, so Dong Dadong is going to fight! It is also difficult to defeat Ye Qianli.

What's more, Ye Qianli not only knows how to write divine patterns, but also possesses the source of chaos! Human Sovereign's unique skill, and it can be displayed at the same time, the speed is even faster!

These cognitions let Dong Dadong know very clearly! Without any momentum, it is impossible for him to defeat Ye Qianli with one blow, and if he is not careful, he may be wiped out.

But this is not what he wants! He just wanted to torture and kill Ye Qianli, he didn't want any changes, and he didn't want to put himself in danger, so...

"call out!"


Just as everyone thought! When Dong Dadong was about to fight Ye Qianli again, he fired a signal bomb into the air with lightning speed.

"..." |

Everyone at the scene was stunned, including Tianzhaobei and Yinggu, and Qian Yufeng who was awakened by the movement and had already asked about the situation. They were all stunned.

Because they all know that Dong Dadong is sending a signal to summon the domain master-level powerhouse in the clan! That is to say, Dong Dadong is not sure of defeating Ye Qianli? !

This, this made Yinggu understand, "It seems that almost no one can defeat Ye Qianli below the domain master level, but she is still only the first-level saint Tianzun, and when she advances to the middle-level saint When she is the Celestial Venerable, she may have the power of the Battlefield Lord!"

But she didn't pay much attention to Ye Qianli and Dong Dadong at this moment, because Taiyifeng had already defeated the half-step domain lord of the Ying family who prevented Ying Huan'er from killing Ying Huaner at this moment.

and! Taiyifeng is not a simple victory, he wants to kill him, so Yinggu immediately shouted, "Stop!"



The one who answered Ying Gu was Tai Yifeng who stabbed the strong man of the Ying family into the heart! With a sound of shattering the latter's vitality, the latter was already screaming in pain, and died at the same time.

Taiyi Feng! He didn't talk to Ying Gu at all, and he just killed if he said it! It is exactly the same as Ye Qianli's sturdy fighting style.

"You..." Ying Gu's face suddenly became so ugly that it couldn't be more ugly. She looked at Taiyifeng who fell beside Ye Qianli, her eyes were murderous!

Even if the half-step domain master of the Ying family is not a direct descendant of the Ying family, he is just a loyal servant! But being able to advance to a half-step domain master in cultivation base shows that this person has good talent, and will be one of the important combat power of the Ying family in the future, and his value is not low.

But such a character, Tai Yifeng killed him as soon as he said it, it seems...

Zhang Hongyu immediately said beside Yinggu, "President! This Taiyifeng and Ye Qianli are in the same group. They don't pay attention to our Ying family and Shuang family at all. This matter can't be good, otherwise the Ying family Where is the face of the Heshuang family?"

"you mean……"

"What I mean is! Help Mrs. Dong, capture and kill Ye Qianli with all her strength, and exterminate the grass! Get rid of that kid surnamed Rong, and their children, and kill them all!" Zhang Hongyu said viciously, he had seen this for a long time. The family is not pleasing to the eye.

Although that child is young, he is very talented, if he is not killed together, it will be another problem in the future, so let's just end it all! It's done.

"Mother! I agree." Ying Huan'er, who was healing her wounds, immediately responded. She didn't see Ye Qianli's suffering, so she couldn't heal her wounds with peace of mind.

Now I heard that Ye Qianli's family is going to be encircled and suppressed! She agreed, anyway, that damned man is also very ignorant, so let him die too.

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