Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1147 High Priest of Taiyi! 1 more

But as soon as he finished speaking, the scene was completely silent, including several strong Dong family members who rushed over, they all settled in mid-air and did not launch any attacks.

Because behind Yinggu and in front of Ye Qianli, there has been a projection of the divine sense of a long-famous Fang Outer Region King—— Snow King.

But in fact, the Chaos Yuanlei was still controlled by Ye Qianli, it was shaken away by the powerful spirit breath of the Snow King, and the Chaos Yuanlei was so dissatisfied that it was about to explode! But she was calmed down by Ye Qianli, but she herself had no intention of retreating.

She just looked at the Snow King who appeared out of nowhere, and the Snow King who was dressed in a white dress like snow, his black hair was still as black as ink, his face had never faded, and he was still beautiful and dignified, but from her divine sense, The aura of the eternal silence of the glacier can tell that she is very old.


Ye Qianli, who took a closer look at Xuewang for a while, found that Xuewang and Yinggu were two or three points similar in birth? This made her frown, and Ying Gu herself knelt down in front of the Snow King and said, "Ying'er pays respects to Auntie."


"..." |

The scene was stunned for a while, because before that, no one knew that Ying Gu and Xue Wang had such a relationship, and Ying Gu herself never mentioned it.

But when everyone was stunned, the Snow King said indifferently, "Since you willingly degraded yourself and hooked up with Ying Yunian, this king has said, don't call this king's aunt again, and let this king hear it." Once, this king will kill you with his own hands."

some words...

The scolding made Yinggu's face pale, but she didn't dare to say anything, she chose the path herself, and she didn't regret it! She loved Ying Yunian deeply, and she loved her daughter born with Ying Yunian even more deeply. She couldn't just watch her daughter die in front of her eyes, so she fought hard.

Yinggu knew that the Snow King's divine sense on her body was the last connection between her and Snow King. Once touched, Snow King would only help her this last time, and it would be irrelevant from now on.

Seeing Yinggu's silent Snow King, she looked at Ye Qianli, looked at the Chaos Origin Thunder in the latter's hand, and knew that her divine sense would be triggered because Yinggu was hit by the Chaos Origin Thunder. attack, dying.

It's just that Ye Qianli's cultivation base also surprised Xue Wang. Although she had seen many young people who were astonishingly talented, she rarely saw a monster like Ye Qianli, which reminded her of her His beloved disciple - Xue Yin.

Speaking of which, that child is still in this primordial cultivation field. Their master and apprentice have not seen each other for more than ten years. He is an idiot, and this one in front of him...

"You are the goddess of the generation of the Taiyi clan." Xue Wang recognized Ye Qianli's identity at a glance, which surprised Ye Qianli, but she didn't show any emotion on her face.

However, King Xue went on to say, "I shouldn't have interfered in this matter, but my sister entrusted her daughter to this king when she was dying. This king has not raised her properly. Although I can give up, I can't let her die. This should be the last time. , thinking about the brotherhood between me and my sister, help her."

After saying this, the Snow King disappeared, and Ying Gu and Ying Huan'er also disappeared with her, which made everyone stunned for a while.

After a long while, gossip started to spread from the scene, "I didn't expect Yinggu's mother to be Snow King's sister. Didn't you say that Yinggu is an illegitimate daughter?"

"No, I just remembered an old incident. It seems that Yinggu was recognized by the Shuang family after she grew up. I heard that her mother has always refused to join the Shuang clan. This may be another romantic secret."

"Leaving aside these things, why do I feel that Snow King seems to be afraid of Taiyi family? She said so much, is she explaining to this junior Ye Qianli?"


But the truth is, the Snow King is indeed afraid of the Taiyi Clan! In other words, she didn't want to be an enemy of the Taiyi tribe, because the high priest of Taiyi was already famous in the Western Three Thousand Regions, and even in the nearby South and North Three Thousand Regions.

Outside of the Hongmeng cultivation field at this moment, all the domain kings and domain masters in the Western Three Thousand Regions have fully experienced the mighty abilities of the High Priest of Taiyi.

One can be in a fit of rage! Just destroying one hundred and eight places in the void world, the deeply rooted little old man has used his strength and publicity to announce the return of the Taiyi tribe domineeringly.

Anyone in the West Three Thousand Regions, as long as they are not fools! He would not provoke this irritable and violent Taiyi priest, but the people from all regions in the Hongmeng Cultivation Field still don't understand this truth.

Snow King, she is also considered to be the most benevolent, after taking Yinggu out of the maze, she said in a deep voice, "This king will only say your last sentence, that little girl, you can't afford it."

Hearing this, Yinggu's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly explained, "Auntie, Snow King, Ying'er didn't want to do this either, if she hadn't been aggressive before, causing Huan'er to be taken captive by the orcs and suffered..., Yinger How can I have an enmity with such a proud girl of heaven?"

This made Xue Wang look at Ying Huan'er, because her eldest sister was humiliated by Ying Gu's father under duress! Only then will the daughter of the Shuang clan be born, and now...

After the Snow King sighed deeply, he said: "You can find this king's beloved disciple Xue Yin in the Hongmeng Training Ground, and ask him to give Huan'er a Shepo Pill, and then you can go to the half-orcs to collect yin and replenish yang." trauma."

Yinggu was overjoyed and thanked, "Thank you, Snow King!"

"Thank you, Snow King!" Ying Huan'er also hurriedly thanked him, and wanted to try to curry favor with this powerful elder, but unfortunately she didn't speak again, and the Snow King had lost his divine sense and disappeared.

Ying Huan'er only felt a little regretful after seeing it, but she felt! Since this is her old aunt, they are closely related by blood, so it is impossible to really break up and break up their relationship.

Therefore, Ying Huan'er said without regret, "Mother, shall we go to that Xue Yin now?" She also knew that after being beaten by a half-orc, her body was damaged, and she was unable to do what she wanted in battle. The breath was a little weird.

Even though she had swallowed the best Guiyuan Pill from the Ying family, the situation didn't improve much, it's all because of that Ye Qianli! kill her...

Thinking of what happened after being kidnapped by the orcs, Ying Huan'er's face became very gloomy! He immediately forgot Xue Wang's instructions, and completely forgot about being almost killed by Ye Qianli.

But Yinggu kept it in her heart and said, "That's right, I went to find my junior brother Xue Yin. I didn't expect that he was also in the Hongmeng training ground, so why is he not on the Hongmeng list? It seems that he hasn't done anything yet, and he hasn't vented yet." Exhaust machine."

"Then how do I find it?" Ying Huan'er was puzzled, but Ying Gu sensed it! In the far north, where the labyrinth is located, the battle of the nine domain masters has erupted.

This made Yinggu understand that after their mother and daughter left, Mrs. Dong, Mrs. Tian and Mrs. Qian have joined forces to deal with Ye Qianli's family.

That is to say! Rong Mo is being besieged by the eight domain masters, and Ye Qianli...

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