Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1149 Dong Dadong's Doomsday! 3 ask for a ticket

And when his words came out, the domain owners on the scene were awakened, and Chao Rongmo, who made them use their housekeeping skills, attacked one after another! At this moment, no one dared to underestimate Rong Mo.

Because they are all domain masters, they know very well that although Dong Yunxiang just underestimated the enemy, he also broke out at least 80% of his combat power, but died! ?

This means that this young domain master's fighting power is extremely strong! They must go all out, otherwise they may capsize in the gutter and fall here like Dong Yunxiang.

"Whoosh!" As for Rong Mo who was under siege, he had already dodged into the distance, in case the battle wave at the domain master level hurt his little leopard.

The explosive battle started immediately, and the people on the scene were so dazzled that they couldn't see clearly how it came and went.

Because the battle speed of the domain master class is too fast, and the energy storm emitted by the battle is too strong, and others are too late to defend, so how dare they get closer to see clearly?

But everyone has seen the truth clearly, that is Ye Qianli's husband! That young Rong Langjun, he can fight fiercely against the seven domain masters by himself, otherwise there would not be this dazzling scene, only the scene where Brother Rong was beaten to the ground.

Such a fact made some members of the Xinbanghui who were not directly under the Ying family and the Shuang family have very wonderful ideas. They subconsciously felt that——

Since this domain master-level Rong Langjun is so strong! Ye Qianli of the Saint Heavenly Exalted Realm is also a first-class bull, so what kind of new bang will they join! It's better to "go it alone" with the couple.

"It seems feasible!" Chen Junjie, a person with a bright mind, started to think about it, and then he went to talk to Luo Qing first.

At the same time, the battle circle on Ye Qianli's side fell into a strange embarrassment. Dong Dadong and the others, who originally held their heads up high and didn't take Ye Li and others seriously, all looked more exciting at the moment.

Especially Dong Dadong! The way he stared at Ye Qianli was absolutely gloomy and hateful to the extreme, and his shining divine body also showed that he had begun to gain momentum.

Seeing Jinfeng, he said solemnly, "Qianli, we can't wait any longer, we must attack."

"Yes." Ye Qianli didn't underestimate Dong Dadong, she also knew that those Dong Dadong's strong men guarding Dong Dadong were protecting Dong Dadong so that the latter could unleash a shocking blow.

But Ye Qianli added, "You help me protect the law. If they don't move, we won't move either."

"What?" Jinfeng was a little confused.

But Ye Qianli sat down cross-legged, as if she was about to start gaining momentum?

However, the old man Fengling soon discovered that Ye Qianli was not gaining momentum! She was practicing in front of the battle, this, this knowledge made Fengling want to support the wall, otherwise he might not be able to stand firmly.

Long Yingyun: "..." If he wants to get away, is that okay?

Weihua Qianfang had already stood in front of Ye Qianli, staring coldly at Dong Dadong and his party, he knew it! Ye Qianli was "grinding her guns" as before.

Hua Qianfang, who has worked with her, knows her very well, so he knows that she has a "talent". Before many major operations, and even in front of the dying, she often "lost mind", but she is not really absent minded, she just Thinking about something.

When she "wakes up", it usually brings shocking new skills! He has been amazed by her many times, and he is terrified by her. He has...

Hua Qianfang suppressed the throbbing in her heart that shouldn't have been there, and emphasized to herself that it was all appreciation and sympathy, and she was his relative.

loved ones! That's all.

This kind of thought made Hua Qianfang calm down quickly, and also made him look at his opponent more calmly, and when he was calculating for a while, what should he do! Only in this way can these people not hurt Ye Qianli in a short time.

And such a calm Hua Qianfang made Jinfeng calm down a little from the madness in her heart, so she could only wait "obediently" and protect the law.

"Ye Qianli, it's the first time that I, Jinfeng, have drawn my sword to help someone like this, I hope you don't die here." After Jinfeng murmured softly, all the members of the Feng Clan joined in! Formed the Feng Yuxiang air array with her.

But her defensive formation hasn't been fully formed yet! Dong Dadong has already moved, he walked out from behind Dong's strong man, and Dong's strong man, as well as Tian's and Qian's people also retreated automatically.

"Not good!" Jin Feng's face changed, she could see it! Dong Dadong probably has a blow that can destroy the domain master stored in his body, otherwise his exquisite divine body would not glow red with blood.

"Miss, you back away first." Feng Ling also saw it, so he let Jin Feng back first, his duty was to protect Jin Feng.

However, Jin Feng had already signaled Feng Ling not to speak, and she was trying her best to stimulate the blood of Jin Feng in her body, and her whole body was lit up with strong armor of phoenix feathers.


Under the leadership of Jin Feng, the members of the Feng clan have surrounded Ye Qianli! A phoenix flying formation was formed, like a golden phoenix about to spread its wings and fly high, sheltering above Ye Qianli.

"Young master, this..." Long Qing also wanted to say something, but Long Yingyun had already ordered, "Drop the dragon and the phoenix in an auspicious formation, cooperate with the golden phoenix to defend against Dong Dadong."

"I'll buy you time." Taiyifeng immediately pulled out his spear and let out a mysterious Taiyi aura around him.

His own cultivation! Even in the blink of an eye, he had risen to the level of a half-step domain master. It can be seen that he had been holding back before, and now he is going to show his real skills.



Dong Dadong, who punched out with one punch, unleashed a huge blow like an aurora! He blasted directly at Taiyifeng, crushing the Taiyi aura around Taiyifeng on the spot.

But at this moment! Hua Qianfang had injected a benevolent and righteous energy into Tai Yifeng's body, "Please Shennong! Prosper all living beings, shelter and live in peace, and prosper."

For a moment, there was an endless awakening power, which fully awakened the Taiyi spirit blood in Taiyifeng's bloodline on the spot.

"Taiyi! Explode." Taiyifeng was fired at the same time as releasing mysterious and powerful energy! It stabbed at the aurora circle shot by Dong Dadong.


At the moment when the two powerful blows collided, Tai Yifeng even shot in with a long spear! In the aurora circle that Dong Dadong exploded, a purple wave was set off.


The tyrannical Dong Dadong exploded the double hooks of Liuli, pierced them into the aurora circle, and attacked Taiyifeng, sweeping the latter to the ground on the spot.


Terrible aurora crit! Rendered by the blasting energy of the glazed double hooks, it became even crazier! Horror, Dong Dadong yelled confidently at this moment, "Go to hell! Let me fuck you all to death! Die! Die!"

So far! Dong Dadong didn't care if the other party had people from the Feng Clan or the Dragon Clan, he only wanted everyone to die with all his strength, for his brother! To be buried with his uncle.

However, when Dong Dadong crazily poured out this blow, he sensed a fatal crisis, and suddenly attacked him directly from behind.

"Golden Crow! Go."

Jiang Yu, he is here, he arrived in time at the moment when Ye Qianli and others were in the most danger, and once he came, he did not hesitate! A fatal blow was shot to Dong Dadong.

Even if he knew, from now on! He will be expelled from the Hongmeng Cultivation Field, and the Jiang family will be harmed by him so that no one can enter the Hongmeng Cultivation Field, but he still shot this arrow.

ps: wow! Baby Peanut and Fallen Leaves sprinkled a lot of Queen's Crowns on this seat today, happy ~ ouch, thank you boss ~ it's a waste of money. Thank you also to all the little cuties who sold tickets, let us crazy doctors stay on the top of the monthly ticket for one more day, 23333~ I love you, so da da da da~

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