Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1153: His Royal Highness Jiao Quietly! 1 more

As soon as they left, Rong Mo sat down cross-legged on the same spot, as if he had spent too much time, but the onlookers looked at his usual expression, and felt that it didn't seem like it.

But regardless of whether Rong Mo was exhausted or not, everyone at the scene understood that after this battle, Ye Qianli's family has become famous! In the future, I'm afraid there won't be some people who don't have good eyesight, who dare to plunder Ye Qianli's knowledge of the Cangwang.

And those members of the Dong family at the scene also took advantage of this opportunity to collect the body of the only half-step domain master of the Dong family, and quickly evacuated the scene.

The onlookers were quite moved, "The Hongmeng Cultivation Field is indeed a gathering place for the geniuses of the twenty super clans. Where can we see such a wonderful battle of Saints and Heavenly Venerables outside the Hongmeng Cultivation Field?"

"This battle at the domain master level should be very exciting, but we can't see it clearly. This couple is really amazing. I don't know how much trouble they will cause in the Hongmeng cultivation field."

Many people present understood that Dong's revenge on Ye Qianli's family would definitely be fully launched in the near future. At that time, Ye Qianli's family would not know if they could bear it.

Amidst the voices of the crowd, Ye Qianli approached Rong Mo worriedly and asked, "Your Highness, how are you?"

It's a pity that Rong Mo didn't answer, but only focused on adjusting his breath, which let Ye Qianli know that his condition must be very bad, otherwise he wouldn't "ignore" her like this, at least he would respond to her first, let her She is more at ease.

Thinking of this, Ye Qianli didn't ask any more questions, and just stayed by Rong Mo's side to adjust her breath. She was also exhausted a lot, and her head was still hurting.

Xiao Yi'er quietly wrung his fingers in his father's arms, and Jin Feng, who was already approaching, couldn't help but want to reach out and poke the cute baby's pink bun face.


But Xiao Yi'er stared at her suspiciously, and covered his little face to prevent Jin Feng from poking him, so Jin Feng changed his way to touch his little head.

Xiao Yi'er was so angry that she patted her hand angrily, which made Jinfeng feel quite painful, so she smiled and looked at this little guy, thinking that this little guy has a really big temper, but he can't be annoying, because He looks so cute! And smart.

Besides, as long as you don't provoke him, he's still pretty good, he won't take the initiative to attack anyone, but he doesn't like to talk to people, he likes to play alone, or with a little white meow, which is very similar to his father when he was a child. picture.

But he looks good, very attractive! What made Jin Feng want to tease him so much was that if it wasn't for the fact that he couldn't quarrel with his parents, he would have been screaming and even fought back.


Jin Feng was about to die from laughing, this little guy knew not to quarrel with his father, no matter how she tricked him, he would never make a big move except to defend himself, so he was very passive, he was going to piss himself off, his little face was so angry It's going to be bright red! so cute.

Jiang Yu couldn't stand it anymore and said, "It's almost enough, don't bully other people's little ones anymore."

"Haha..." Jinfeng stopped smiling, looked at Jiang Yu and said, "My name is Jinfeng, who are you? What's your relationship with Qianli?"

"Jiang Yu." Jiang Yu only answered one question. He didn't want to answer the second question, but it reminded him of many things, especially the scene when he first met Ye Qianli.

At that time, he thought that Zhong Yanxin was negligent in his duty, fell in love with Ye Qianli's beauty, and made an exception for her without integrity, but in fact... he would think that way, because he was the one who fell in love with her.

The sages once said that the color of the heart is to observe the color, the heart to be dirty is to observe the color, the heart is evil to do evil, and the heart is bitter to live. To the effect, it is just saying that what is a person’s subjective thinking is how he treats others, and how he treats the world. like that.

He felt that Zhong Yanxin was lustful because he felt that Ye Qianli was beautiful from the bottom of his heart, which suited his eyes, so he felt that Zhong Yanxin was negligent in picking up girls.


He had already taken a fancy to this little woman at that time, but when he later found out that she was still the Goddess of Taiyi, he felt that he had a reason to act, and when he looked at her again, he was already in love with her, but he still didn't care. I don't know it.

It was not until today that he clearly knew that he really liked this little woman, otherwise, as the lord of a country, the lord of the Jiang family, how could he directly forget the interests of the clan and the country? No……

He didn't forget about it, he chose her directly between the revival of the ethnic group, the development of the kingdom of God, and Ye Qianli, and gave up the responsibilities entrusted to him by the Jiang family and the kingdom of God.

This let Jiang Yu know that he is no longer suitable to be the lord and patriarch of the country. In the past, he never thought that one day, he would be so emotional. He also educated Jiang Su from time to time, letting him inherit the Jiang family's bloodline as his own. Heavy.

But it turns out...

It's just that the time hasn't come yet, it's just that that person hasn't appeared yet, but now that she has appeared, she is a wife, a wife that he can't and can't snatch.



And when Jiang Yu understood her intentions and felt some kind of sour pain, Ye Qianli opened her eyes again after the pain in her head eased slightly.

But Rong Mo hadn't "woke up", which made Ye Qianli a little worried, went up to check his pulse again, but still only found that apart from his cold body temperature and a little exhaustion, there was nothing serious! ?

But she often couldn't figure out his body. For example, he had been vomiting blood before, and she couldn't diagnose other reasons, but that was obviously a big problem.

Fortunately, Rong Mo opened his eyes by himself shortly after Ye Qianli's pulse diagnosis, allowing Ye Qianli to ask, "What's wrong? What's wrong?"

"Ah!" Xiao Rongyi yelled, as if saying "ask the same question", even Xiao Baimiao looked at Rong Mo anxiously, very worried.

Because it is known, Rong Mo often! And it's not very good to use too much hidden power. The person who made him afraid in the past rarely used hidden power, or even didn't use it.

But Xiaobaimiao also knows that Rong Mo's mind is extraordinary, he is not someone who can be easily manipulated by evil, he can usually suppress the negative effects brought about by the power of darkness.

just this time...

Xiaobaimiao yelled "Meow" a few times worriedly, but Xiao Yi'er touched it, as if he could understand what it was calling.

And this time, Rong Mo had put his hands on Ye Qianli's shoulders, and he was about to stand up and said, "It's okay, let's find a place to go out first, there is nothing to look for here."

"Okay." Ye Qianli also felt that it was so good. She took advantage of the situation and put her arms around Rong Mo's back, trying to help him up, but she hadn't used her strength yet. Rong Mo, who had just half stood up, He fell into her arms like his feet were limp!

Ye Qianli's heart skipped a beat, instinctively wanting to hug him horizontally and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong with you?"


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